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  • Unzipped by Teo Chun Chieh

Unzipped by Teo Chun Chieh

  • Product Code: C#230
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $4.99
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

Teo Chun Chieh - Unzipped

"The first time I ever showed Unzipped to anyone was via a photo through a chat group. When they saw the photo of Unzipped, they were very intrigued at how it could have been done. I then sent a video showing the whole move, and they went absolutely wild. Jaspas was so impressed with it that he used it in one of his WKC videos.

The Unzipped project contains a selection of original material from my repertoire that are vastly different from one another, both visually and technically.

The moves cover a wide range of difficulties, and are all incredibly fun to perform and practice.

No matter your skill level, you will have something to gain from the Unzipped project. I hope that you are inspired by what's within the Unzipped project and make these flourishes your own! "

-Teo Chun Chieh

With a runtime of 27 minutes, this download not only contains tutorials for Chun Chieh's 4 most popular moves, but also includes bonus material - join Chun Chieh as he embarks on a mission to find the best card stores in Singapore!

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