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  • Visual Madness - Vol 2 by Creative Artists

Visual Madness - Vol 2 by Creative Artists

  • Product Code: C#8866
  • Reward Points: 20
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $13.68
  • $4.99

  • Price in reward points: 499

Creative Artists - Visual Madness - Vol 2

Visual Madness 2. This is a collection of tricks and routines devised over the years. Some of them are easy to do, some are quite difficult. In this download, there are not only new routines, new moves, and new concepts; it also shows you the creator's vision of what a card trick should be.

Ace Problem: Four Aces are on the table and a selected card is under the spectator's hand. Four face down Aces will twist one by one until there's only one Ace. This time the last Ace and the selected card under spectator's hand have changed positions. Subsequently 3 remaining Aces transform to a four of a kind like the spectator's selected card.

Double ACAAN: A powerful effect with both magician and audience. Two spectators each select a card, and two different numbers. The freely chosen numbers match the location of the card they freely chose. Next the deck will be shuffled by both members of the audience. Lastly, the total of the two audience's freely chosen numbers matches the location of the first card. Best of all, the spectators can shuffle the deck, and count by themselves. The magician never knows the numbers chosen Until the trick is finished.

Gen Transpo: A card is selected, shown, and placed face down into the middle of the deck, protruding half way out. The top card is then shown and placed face down on the top of the deck. After a magical gesture the top card instantly turns face up, and is now the card from the middle of the deck, and the card in the middle of the deck is shown to be the card from the top of the deck. Gen Transpo is a visually smooth and clean two-card transpo and is ideal for demonstrating strong, powerful card magic right in front of your spectators. The video download also features a kicker ending where the whole deck reverses itself, as well as a bonus card production.

Homing Card: Homing card is a combination between Cannibal card and Homing card routines. Three cards are chosen by the spectator. The 3 selections are one by one put in the 4 kings, then magically disappear, returning to its own place on the table. In the last phase, all the 3 selections are sandwiched in the 4 kings and vanish at once, then finally appear suddenly on the table again.

Travel K: Four Kings are on the table. One selection is out-jogged in the middle of the deck. Just in one second, one King vanishes and the selection became the lost King. But it's an illusion because magically, in the middle of the deck it is still the selection, and on the table there are still 4 Kings. At the end, the selection and 4 Kings switch positions at light speed. Ends clean.

Triumph Collector: A combination between 2 classic routines: Triumph and Collector. Three chosen cards are lost in the middle of the deck. The deck is then shuffled face up into face down. The magician does a magical move, and after that, all the cards turn face down, leaving only 4 Aces sandwiching 3 cards face up in the middle. The 3 sandwiched cards turn out to be the selections.

Extra from Visual Madness I:

TAssembly: This is hands-down an awesome Ace Assembly. As with the rest of the routines, this uses NO gimmicks, duplicates or sticky stuff. The method is something to behold - it's well thought out, smooth, brilliant, and the kicker ending will leave your audience reeling. Bonus: This is a "sleightly" watered-down version of "TAssembly," while retaining the same magical moments and the kicker ending.

Follow the Rabbit: A card is selected, and four Aces are shown. The selection is placed on the table. Each Ace turns into the selection, through a series of magical color changes. The selection is then shown to have never left the table, and the Aces turn back into themselves. This routine is inspired by "Follow the White Rabbit" of Yoann F in his book "Put Your Hand Up."

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