Metal by Dee Christopher
Dee Christopher - Metal Bend metal objects have effect from beginner to professional teaching ideas ..
$1.99 $4.99
The Platt Pad (1-2) by Brian Platt
Brian Platt - The Platt Pad (1-2) PLATT PAD - An original concept from Brian and Mike Platt. ..
$1.99 $5.48
Psychokinetic Paperclip by Brian Thomas Moore
Brian Thomas Moore - Psychokinetic Paperclip The mind bent pins, no props! Imagine making an..
$1.69 $3.78
Docc Hilford – Trystic
This is one of the highest quality billet routines on the market today.Here’s how they remember this..
$14.99 $65.00
The Catch Up Vol 1 – Analogue Mentalism By Peter Turner and Lewis Le Val
Step into an exclusive conversation between Peter Turner and Lewis Le Val as they explore the depths..
$11.99 $54.00
Kenton Knepper – Playing Card Readings Intensive 1
FROM A LIVE SESSION ON ZOOM!Unlock the Secrets of Symbolic Card Readings with Kenton KnepperQUICK OV..
$6.99 $34.00
Kenton Knepper – Playing Card Readings Intensive 2
FROM A SESSION VIA ZOOM. Take Your Playing Card Readings to the Next Level!You learned the secr..
$6.99 $45.00
Techni Metal Torsions by Serge Arkhane
Serge Arkhane - Techni Metal Torsions Related presentations :
$1.99 $4.98
Secrets Of Psychics Revealed
Mind thoughts Magic Secret Secrets of Psychics Revealed Mind Magic Secret magic idea . Including the..
$1.69 $4.48
Purmental (1-2) by Serge Arkhan
Purmental by Serge Arkhan (1-2) Serge Arkhan a s??lectionn?? pour vous 8 effets de? Mentalisme pur..
$1.99 $4.99
Instant Hypnosis Inductions Tom Silver by Secrets Of Shock
Secrets of Shock & Instant Hypnosis Inductions Tom Silver About the Actor more advanced, more ..
$1.99 $4.98
Mental Pen by Joao Miranda
Mental Pen by Joao Miranda Want to blow away your spectators with diabolical mentalism? Welcome ..
$3.99 $7.48
Coalesce by Abhinav Bothra
COALESCE is a scripted 30 minute act of PREDICTION, PSEUDO-HYPNOSIS, MIND READING (both by Performer..
$2.99 $6.98
Gerald Kein – Advanced Self-Hypnosis
Teaching your clients the powerful advanced techniques taught in this program will give them new fan..
$4.99 $25.00
Gerald Kein – Correcting Non-Organic Male Impotence
In this seminar, Jerry Cain explains how to use hypnotherapy to treat psychosomatic impotence.Discov..
$4.99 $25.00
Gerald Kein – How To Conduct Group Hypnosis Sessions
talks about conducting group work in hypnotherapy...
$4.99 $25.00
Gerald Kein – How To Do The Dave Elman Induction
talks about how to induce a trance using the Elman induction. Dave Elman’s method can rightfully be ..
$4.99 $25.00
Gerald Kein – Instant and Rapid Inductions in a Professional Practice
Instant and fast trance induction techniques in professional practiceMany hypnotists spend too much ..
$4.99 $24.00
Jawbreaker by Rasmus Magic
For the first time in magic, you get the ability to detect 3 different colored, heavy plastic balls ..
$2.99 $6.99
Validate by Val Le Val And Jb Magic
Val Le Val and JB Magic - Validate No diary , no poker , no Force, fully Self - Working! Demonstrat..
$1.99 $4.99
Test Conditions by Paul Carnazzo
Test Conditions is a perfect tool for the mentalist!It appears to be an authentic "Telepathy Te..
$1.99 $5.99
Affinity: Cold Reading's 3Rd Way
Affinity: Cold Reading's 3rd WayAffinity is a new way of looking at readings that takes the positive..
$3.99 $13.82
The Royal Road to Mentalism by Peter Turner Vol.11
"There isn't a magician alive that wasn't fooled by this effect when Pete performed it to ..
$2.99 $4.99
Gypsy Switch by Brick Tilley
A shortened, up-to-date version of the 11 Dollar Bill Short Change routine. As a finish, the bills a..
$8.99 $11.99
The Grail by Peter Turner
The definitive collection of Prop-less and impromptu mentalism – with contributions from some of the..
$40.88 $146.00
One by George Campbell
From a shuffled deck, the cards are dealt into two piles. One pile is taken away and the process is ..
$1.99 $3.99
Box Ninety-Eight by Hand Crafted Miracles
Box Ninety-Eight by Hand Crafted Miracles1) Hand the spectator a small locked box to examine and hid..
$2.99 $6.75
The Mati Envelope by Felix Schellenberg
"This is an extremely clever envelope. Indeed, it is a peek envelope, but so very different from wha..
$2.99 $5.99
Parapad Paralabs by Franco Pascali
Instantly divine a name, number, word, or drawing. Hand the spectator a notepad and ask them to writ..
$1.99 $4.99
Mind Juggling by Francesco Tesei
Francesco Tesei great dvd Mind Juggling an amazing jurney to the misteries of the mind from the top ..
$3.99 $6.99