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  • Instant Hypnosis Inductions Tom Silver by Secrets Of Shock

Instant Hypnosis Inductions Tom Silver by Secrets Of Shock

  • Product Code: C#4951
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $4.98
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

Secrets of Shock & Instant Hypnosis Inductions Tom Silver

About the Actor

more advanced, more accurate and more scientific methods of hypnotism. He has a private hypnotherapy practice in Westlake Village, California, where he helps clients to change their lives. For many years Tom has successfully trained and helped thousands of students of hypnotism and other therapists, and is currently teaching advanced courses in Scientific Hypnotherapy in America and in England. Tom is considered to be one of the leading experts in group-hypnosis, physical & shock hypnosis induction methods, fears & phobia removal, Emotion Replacement Therapy (ERT), and EEG Scientific Hypnotism. Tom Silver has toured the world conducting seminars, lectures, and live demonstrations on hypnosis, and was one of the first hypnotists in the world to create a procedure for mass-hypnotizing subjects in a foreign language -. through an interpreter Interlingual Hypnotic Trance Induction Together with Dr. Ormond McGill, the Dean of American Hypnotists, Tom has co-authored two books, The How -To Book of Hypnotism and Hypnotism - A Hypnosis Training & Techniques Manual -. The Real Questions & Answers Scientific Hypnotherapist As a Scientific Hypnotherapist, Tom Silver is constantly perfecting methods to achieve more accurate and deeper levels of hypnosis by creating a variety of physical and rapid induction techniques that produce theta and delta states of brain wave activity. And Tom can teach you Scientific Hypnotism. Tom Silver has appeared on many national television programs in the United States and in Taiwan, including his very own one hour CBS Television Special called Hypnotized , The Montel Williams Show, The Ricki Lake Show, The Sally Jesse Rafael Show, The Man Show, Beyond with James Van Praagh, The Other Half on NBC with Dick Clark, and Fox Television Special Powers of The Paranormal to name a few. I can help you gain a better understanding of hypnosis as well as increase your confidence. By teaching you methods that really work that will develop and expand your tool box of hypnosis techniques, you will be equipped to choose, depending on your subject's background and problem, whichever induction technique, deepening method and treatment that most suits the situation. My hypnosis training lectures and seminars will elevate your knowledge to become a scientific hypnotherapist. Tom Silver Scientific & Clinical Hypnotherapist 1 888 MIND PWR (1 818-889-4663) or 805 -384-1040 Email: [email protected]

Product Description

Learn the secrets of Instant Deep Trance Inductions today! Learn very effective hypnosis induction methods for both live demonstrations and hypnotherapy. My highly informative seminar will teach you valuable tools to help make your hypnotherapy practice more successful, as well as increase your confidence in producing deeper , more effective levels of hypnosis. For practicing hypnotherapists and students of hypnosis who want to become experts in hypnotizing a person within seconds. This video training course will teach you how to hypnotize people!

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