Encyclopedia Of Impromptu Card Forces by Lewis Jones
- Product Code: I2235B
- Reward Points: 25
- Availability: In Stock
- $12.99
- Price in reward points: 599
H & R Magic Books is proud to present Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces. There has never been a book quite like this before. It is the first-ever encyclopedic collection of card forces.
These forces don't make use of gimmicked cards of any kind. Many of them are well off the beaten track, and many have never appeared in print before.
The previous British edition was limited to just 300 copies and sold out quickly. This American edition makes this work available to wider audience at a most reasonable price. It contains over 500 forces, and these are illustrated with more than a hundred photographed illustrations.
Steve Beam, funny man and card expert extraordinaire, gave us the following quotes:
"Forcing is about give and take - you give and they take. If your audiences wanted to select cards, they wouldn't have to be forced. For these occasions, Lewis has created the one-stop force source."
"If you are looking for the best ways to force yourself and your cards on future audiences, this is the book for you."
"There are more forces here than Obi Wan could shake a light saber at. May the Source be with you."
"Lewis Jones has marshaled his forces and published them in a giant volume. For those who believe that free choice is over-rated, this book was built for you. May the Source be with you."
"Lewis Jones has added new meaning to the term "force book." Any sissy can do 202 forces - real magicians will want 500 of them. The Encyclopedia of Card Forces is the mother lode."
Steve Bryant in reviewing the British printing, said "Lewis Jones's hardbound Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (subtitle: 500 Forces with a Borrowed Deck), weighing in at a whopping 294 oversized pages, is all its title and subtitle claim it to be. And to repeat that number, it's five hundred practical forces. For this second edition Lewis Jones has rewritten, reshuffled, and expanded his prior compilation of practical card forces into the following categories: Blind forces, Combination forces, Comedy forces, Count forces, Cut forces, Equivocation forces, Forcing formulas, The glide, The hold out, Locators, Multiple forces, Probability forces, Spelling forces, Stop forces, and Switches. The list includes old favorites as well as those that will be new to you. ... This is a grand resource..."
Pages: 294
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