Magic Ebooks
Magic books are often better than learning magic through videos. Most of you will know that. When you have to read the text and imagine what is happening, it makes you more focused, more creative, and more impressed.
We offer a large number of cheap or even free magic books (most are pdfs.) to help you improve your magic skills.
Inside Out (Video+Pdf) by Benjamin Earl
Ben Earl's Inside Out is a deeply personal book filled with radical new approaches for cre..
$5.99 $22.99
Harry Anderson's Games You Can't Lose by Harry Anderson And Turk Pipkin
Games You Can't LoseA Guide for Suckersby Harry Anderson and Turk PipkinHere in this ..
$4.99 $36.00
Saymon - VIRUS 2.0
VIRUS 2.0 by SaymonIf you've always wanted to read people's minds using something that everyone alre..
$10.99 $35.00
Spellbinders For Teachers And Entertainers (1 Weeks) by Pre-Sale: Jim Scott
Spellbindersfor Teachers and EntertainersSpellbinders introduces NEW CONCEPTS that are baffling, ent..
$2.99 $26.00
Marlo The Final Cut (3Rd Book Of The Marlo Trilogy) (November-December) - Third Volume of the Marlo Card Series by Ed Marlo
MARLO The Final CutMARLO The Final Cut is the broadest and most ambitious compilation of Ed Mar..
$11.99 $62.00
Biagio Fasano - EMUNSOC (B. Magic)
Promo price valid until February 29th, 2024: $12.99 instead of $24.90Easy Miracles Using a New Stack..
$2.99 $25.00
John Carney - The Atlantiad
In a time when the Gods of Olympus walk among mortals and Achilles sails the seas in search of fame ..
$3.99 $15.00
D. Angelo Ferri - The Cigarette Magic of Slydini
With the exception of his Torn & Restored Lit Cigarette Routine, all of Slydini’s Cigarette Magi..
$4.99 $20.00
Patrick Page - The Jokers' Handbook
Do you know what a joke is? Of course you do. It’s something that makes you laugh, isn’t it? Wh..
$1.99 $10.00
Norm Barnhart - Dazzling Card Tricks
Dazzle your friends with these amazing card tricks! With some practice, you’ll soon be leaving audie..
$2.99 $30.00
Joshua Quinn - Word to your Mother Booktest
“Word To Your Mother may well have set a new standard to which future book tests will be compared. I..
$5.99 $40.00
Satori - Making Contact
Satori: Making Contact. The Real Secrets of Contact Mindreading. Pictorial wrappers, illustrated, 68..
$3.99 $25.00
Super Prediction Card (2020) by Tenyo
Place the cards face up on the table one by one. As you do so, ask someone in the audience to select..
$1.99 $4.99
Note-A-Bill (2020) by Tenyo
Your drawing turns into real currency! Like a dream come true, you can now pluck a drawing of a ban..
$1.99 $4.99
Mystery Blade (2020) by Tenyo
A super illusion performed in the palm of your hand! This baffling illusion is accomplished w..
$1.99 $4.99
Miracle Fishing (2020) by Tenyo
Fish out the chosen card! This masterpiece of card magic is fun and unique - you can perform ..
$1.99 $4.99
4D Cross (2020) by Tenyo
An impossible penetration! Two solid and identical sticks penetrate each other inside a snugl..
$1.99 $4.99
Spellbound: a spell from India by Ulysses Frederick Grant
PDFThis is an extremely rare manuscript by U.F. Grant. The effects explained are very strong and ori..
$1.99 $5.99
Pickpocket Stunts by Ulysses Frederick Grant
PDFThe Master himself U.F. Grant teach us new, unusual and highly effective methods of performing ap..
$1.99 $11.00
Tricks and Treats by Dr. Ben B. Braude
PDFInteresting collection of Dr. Braude's favorite contributions to various magic magazines through ..
$2.99 $14.99
Seance by Bob Cassidy
"After 2 Years Of Work Bob Cassidy Reveals His Long Awaited Secrets To The Mysteries Of The Séance....
$2.99 $8.99
Card Trail by Cameron Francis
"Five terrific routines and a great full deck false cut plus video demos of them all... what more co..
$2.99 $5.99
Percy Abbott - Comedy Magic
A collection of over 50 short comedy tricks and bits of business. CONTENTS INCLUDE:• Preface: What I..
$1.99 $10.00
Terri Rogers - Word of Mind
A spectator is handed a theatrical review sheet and is asked to choose one of the hundreds of words ..
$2.99 $10.00
Improved Assistants Revenge Illusion Plans
Improved Assistants Revenge Illusion PlansYour assistant is fed up with being ordered to jump into b..
$1.99 $12.00
Richard Webster - Mind Reading Quick and Easy
It sounds incredible, but you actually read people's minds all the time-you justdon't realize it. Jo..
$1.99 $10.00
Dr. Franz Polgar - The Story of a Hypnotist
The Story Of A Hypnotist is a book written by Franz J. Polgar. The book is a memoir that chronicles ..
$1.99 $20.00