Magic Ebooks
Magic books are often better than learning magic through videos. Most of you will know that. When you have to read the text and imagine what is happening, it makes you more focused, more creative, and more impressed.
We offer a large number of cheap or even free magic books (most are pdfs.) to help you improve your magic skills.
Positively! by Reddevil
RedDevil - Positively! PDF Do you want to perform the classic "Positive/Negative" in a new and exc..
$4.99 $7.89
The Audacious Mentalism Of Marc Salem by Richard Mark
Richard Mark - The Audacious Mentalism of Marc Salem PDF 25 Pages..
$2.99 $5.89
Private Mediums Secret Guide by Robert Nelson
Robert Nelson - Private Medium's Secret Guide PDF Nelson covers the art of the psychological readi..
$1.99 $3.98
Roni On Reading by Roni Shachnaey
Roni Shachnaey - Roni on Reading PDF The systems incorporated within this booklet are aimed at giv..
$2.99 $5.89
O.A.P by Stephen Eric Young
Stephen E Young - O.A.P PDF Imagine doing your regular o** ah**d routinebut you write your..
$3.99 $6.89
Impossible by Stephen Tucker
Stephen Tucker - Impossible PDF You table a coin, a folded up Lotto ticket and a key-ring, then tu..
$5.99 $8.98
Icon by Stuart Palm
Stuart Palm - ICON PDF Icon is an extremely versatile effect and tool for creating the experience ..
$7.99 $13.98
The S.E.C.R.E.T. School - Mind Reading Lesson 12 by Kenton Knepper
Kenton Knepper - The S.E.C.R.E.T. School - Mind Reading Lesson 12 PDF "You will find more about my..
$1.99 $8.08
Tick Tarot by Kenton Knepper
Kenton Knepper - Tick Tarot PDF Named as one of the TOP TEN BEST MENTALISM PRODUCTS OF 2011 It too..
$1.99 $4.48
Phantasm by Larry Becker
Larry Becker - Phantasm PDF Effect: The performer selects a spectator to participate in an experim..
$5.99 $10.98
Chair Of Choice by Lee Alex
Lee Alex - Chair Of Choice PDF Demo:
$2.99 $9.98
First Impressions by Lee Earle
Lee Earle - First Impressions PDF Binary Star, 1989 New paperback 25pp. Ringbound. A book of idea..
$4.99 $8.89
On Second Thought by Lee Earle
Lee Earle - On Second Thought PDF Earle, Lee: On Second Thought ?1989 Binary Star Publications Pap..
$3.99 $7.98
I Create As I Speak by Lewis Leval
Lewis LeVal - I Create As I Speak PDF Demo: Do you want to take your m..
$2.99 $13.98
Colour Sense by Luke Jermay
Luke Jermay - Colour Sense PDF One of Luke Jermay's highlight effects is finally available in its ..
$7.99 $14.98
The Story Deck by Luke Jermay
The story deck is a classic demonstration in card magic. It has stood the test of time. In thin shor..
$2.99 $10.89
Hypnosis The Gist by Magic Leo
Magic Leo - Hypnosis the Gist PDF Imagine that you are on a big stage with 20 participants ready t..
$3.99 $10.89
2007 Lecture Notes by Marc Oberon
Marc Oberon - 2007 Lecture Notes PDF These are Marc's 2007 lecture notes which have been sold like..
$3.99 $6.98
Direct Mind-Reading & Mind-Control Effects by Marc Paul
Marc Paul - Direct Mind-Reading & Mind-Control Effects PDF This is Marc Paul’s lecture n..
$2.99 $5.28
Prothoplastus Of Plures by Marc Spelmann
Marc Spelmann - Prothoplastus of Plures PDF 22 Pages..
$3.99 $6.98
Brushing Roulette by Matt Mello
Brushing Roulette by Matt Mello PDF The performer shows four toothbrushes: red, blue, green, and y..
$2.99 $5.98
Match Heads by Matt Mello
Matt Mello - Match Heads PDF The performer holds a fist out in front of himself, telling the spect..
$2.99 $5.89
Playing Psychic by Matt Mello
Matt Mello - Playing Psychic PDF This book will be dedicated to some of my effects approaching the..
$7.99 $12.89
Psycho Logical by Matt Mello
Matt Mello - Psycho Logical PDF Psycho Logical is a 24 page PDF, featuring three, brand new effect..
$1.99 $8.89
Rhine's Dice by Matt Mello
Matt Mello - Rhine's Dice PDF While the performer faces away, the spectator rolls a die, or simply..
$3.99 $6.98
Esp Opener by Matthew Shepherd
Matthew Shepherd - ESP Opener PDF The performer introduces the idea of predicting the future and o..
$2.99 $5.99
I.A.C.A.A.N by Matthew Shepherd
Matthew Shepherd - I.A.C.A.A.N PDF From a borrowed and shuffled deck, a spectator selects a card w..
$2.99 $5.99
M3Ntal Magic Trix by Maurice Janssen
Maurice Janssen - M3ntal Magic Trix PDF A collection of some of the finest ESP, Prediction, mind r..
$12.99 $17.89
The Professional's Choice Iii by Jerome Finley
Jerome Finley - The Professional's Choice III PDF Welcome to the third..
$7.99 $12.98