Magic Ebooks
Magic books are often better than learning magic through videos. Most of you will know that. When you have to read the text and imagine what is happening, it makes you more focused, more creative, and more impressed.
We offer a large number of cheap or even free magic books (most are pdfs.) to help you improve your magic skills.
Bent On Strange by Bob Cassidy
Bob Cassidy - Bent On StrangePDFThe Ultimate Key Bending Routineby Bob CassidyIn the early 1970's, a..
$1.99 $4.99
Bottle Of Truth by Bob Cassidy
You will learn how to prepare and gimmick two different kinds of bottles which allow wonderful lie d..
$2.99 $6.78
Extremely Remote by Bob Cassidy
Bob Cassidy - Extremely Remote PDF One of the most convincing remote viewing routines yet de..
$1.99 $4.99
Intuitively Yours by Bob Cassidy
This is a complete presentation for corporate and professional groups - performance rights included...
$5.99 $11.86
Master Card Memory by Bob Cassidy
The BlurbBob Cassidy, renowned master mindreader and decidedly the most influential mentalist of the..
$6.99 $13.48
Mentalism And Magick by Bob Cassidy
Bob Cassidy - Mentalism and MagickPDFTable of ContentsTelepathy in the Third DimensionThe Bullwhip A..
$1.99 $4.99
Mind Burners by Bob Cassidy
Mind Burners- Illustrated with color photographs and videos of each critical move, features two comp..
$5.99 $11.89
Psychic Secrets by Bob Cassidy
You will learn the following effects:The Zener EffectThe Black Book of Light \\ & Dr. Crow's Pos..
$2.99 $11.89
Resurrection Of Doctor Crow by Bob Cassidy
THE BLURB:THE RESURRECTION OF DR. CROW marks the return of thelegendary Crossroads Hoodoo Man.In thi..
$5.99 $11.89
Side Effects by Bob Cassidy
One of the inherent difficulties in presenting effective mentalism is that it generally lacks the el..
$3.99 $7.68
Strange (1-2) by Bob Cassidy
Bob Cassidy - Strange (1-2)PDFTable of Contents? The Enigma of # 23? Epilogue to 23? Interlude - The..
$1.99 $4.99
Swami Tech by Bob Cassidy
The "Swami Gimmick ", aka "Nail Writer ", "Thumb Writer ", "Ghost Writer ", " Medium's Secret Device..
$5.99 $11.89
Test Conditions by Bob Cassidy
The art of presenting mental miracles under apparently foolproof test conditions.Four completely scr..
$5.99 $11.89
The Artful Mentalism Of Bob Cassidy Volume 2 by Bob Cassidy
The first volume of THE ARTFUL MENTALISM OF BOB CASSIDY hasalready been acclaimed as one of the best..
$9.99 $22.68
The Book Of The Golden Tortoise by Bob Cassidy
A complete divination routine based on a unique combination of Eastern and Western methods of geoman..
$5.99 $11.57
The Exclusive Routines by Bob Cassidy
Bob Cassidy - The ExclusivePDFRoutines(The material contained herein originally appeared, in slightl..
$1.99 $4.99
The Hidden Mysteries Of Doctor Crow by Bob Cassidy
You will learn five things:The Circle of SynchronicityThe VisionThe Third MethodDoctor Crow's Deck S..
$4.99 $10.88
The Messing Effect by Bob Cassidy
Wolf Messing (1899 -1974) is often said to have been the most talented mind reader in the world. A n..
$11.99 $20.68
The Real Work Of Stage Hypnosis by Bob Cassidy
Bob Cassidy - The Real Work of Stage HypnosisPDF..
$2.99 $6.68
The Return Of The White Dwarf by Bob Cassidy
Almost thirty years ago, the "The Two Envelope Test " madeits debut in "The Art of Mentalism. " Popu..
$6.99 $14.68
Half A Dozen Hummers by Bob Hummer
Bob Hummer - Half a Dozen Hummers PDF $4.95 Six mind boggling, original card tricks from one of ma..
$1.69 $3.99
The Breather - The Ultimate Crimp (1-2) by Bob King
In the past few years, Bob has probably done more to popularize the 'Breather' crimp than anyone els..
$5.99 $13.48
Borrowed And Memorized Deck by Bob Miller
You can do something that almost NO ONE else can with the help of this book: Memorize a Borrowed Dec..
$5.99 $11.89
Still More Miracles by Bob Nelson
Imagine for a moment ribbon spreading a deck of cards face up on the table. All of the cards are dif..
$2.99 $6.78
Mind Reader's Digest by Bob Somerfeld
Ten one man, no preparation mental effects. IncludesRipping!Nickle for Your ThoughtsDivineCentearImp..
$2.99 $6.78
Allan Pease by Body Language
Body Language - Allan PeasePDF" Body Language " ENGLISHSummary: eye observation , insight heart. " B..
$1.99 $4.99
Any Card At Any Birthday by Boris Wild
Birthday Edition Bagh Las Boris Wild - Any Card At Any BirthdayFrench PDFACAABANY CARD AT ANY BIRTHD..
$1.99 $6.68
Transparency by Boris Wild
Everything you ever wanted to know about the marked deck but were afraid to ask! Just think of the p..
$3.99 $15.88