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  • Seance Magazine by Scott Davis

Seance Magazine by Scott Davis

  • Product Code: I0077B
  • Reward Points: 20
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.99
  • $4.99

  • Price in reward points: 499

Scott Davis - Seance Magazine

Collection of 12 magazines. The spirit of research ideas magic class materials .


The bookSEANCEIt is the re-printed complete collection of all twelveSEANCEquarterly magazines devoted to spirit magic.

Here is an excerpt from the book's introduction, written by Eugene Burger:

Seancefirst appeared in 1988. As each new issue arrived, I was surprised at the amount of good material that was being contributed. Single effects, entire routines, plot ideas, old methodologies revisited (I loved the piece on the Nelson Enterprises' "Ghost Gun "), thoughts on theory and practice, and much more. The pages ofSeancemagazine are a gold mine filled with thought-provoking ideas for anyone interested in a magical engagement with ghosts and spirits.

... Since 1991, barely a month has gone by without some magician asking aboutSeancemagazine -. and where copies might be found They are extremelyhardto find, and a complete file now sells for $ 200 and up! It was a great source of pleasure to me, therefore, when I learned that Richard Kaufman had acquired the rights toSeancemagazine for republication. It is a wonderful journal filled with some magical treasures and I am happy that it will again see the light of day.

SEANCE, The book, has been re-printed and is now exclusively distributed by Murphy's Magic Supplies.

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