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  • Secrets Of Spiritual Hypnosis & Past Life Regressions For Psychic Entertainers by Jonathan Royle

Secrets Of Spiritual Hypnosis & Past Life Regressions For Psychic Entertainers by Jonathan Royle

  • Product Code: C#11064
  • Reward Points: 180
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $39.98
  • $36.99

  • Price in reward points: 3699

Filmed on a Television broadcast quality camera at Royle's Live Training seminar on Saturday 13th October 2018 in Chesterfield, England at Future House Therapy Centre, you will become a fly on the wall during approximately five hours of truly explosive and eye-opening video footage.

By way of the video footage, together with the audio files of the event which are also accompanied by a copy of Royle's Book, "Seance Secrets, Ghost Hunting Tricks & Paranormal Investigation Techniques," you will witness the demonstration of and also learn the Secrets behind...

The Magic of Crystals

Royle reveals an important seeming ritualistic process using a Crystal or Gem Stone designed so the audience feels protected from any Spirits that may be manifested during the experiments that follow. In truth, this is really designed to massively amplify everyone's level of suggestibility and thus heighten their reactions and experience of all that follows.

Past Life Regressions Made Easy

An easy-to-learn, use and master technique for giving entertaining demonstrations of PLR = Past Life Regression. You are shown how you can conduct an entire evening's entertainment using this approach alone.

Future Life Progressions & Proof they Work

Not only will you be able to give demonstrations of FLP = Future Life Progression, but also you will also be able to provide undeniable proof to the participants and the audience that FLP is real and has genuinely worked.

Astral Projection

Help an audience member take their mind on a trip out of the room and all the way into the house of an audience member who confirms that the onstage volunteer is indeed correctly describing details they could not have known about the inside of their home!

Enhancing People's Psychic Powers

Using the techniques of Creative Visualisation taught within this package, you can apparently rapidly enhance people's Psychic Ability to the point where they are able to make connections with audience members and reveal things to them they could not possibly have known. 

Out of Body Experiences

Using just an ordinary, everyday hand mirror, this technique will enable you will to give people the genuine feeling that they have managed to make their Soul, Spirit and/or Mind leave their body. They then really have the experience of watching themselves as a "3rd Party" from a distance, and see themselves staring into a mirror as well as seeing the reflection stare back. 

Physical Contact From The Spirit World

You are taught two ways of enabling a volunteer to feel physical contact from a deceased relative in the Spirit World. One of these methods of so called "Psychokinetic Touches" style routines does not involve you ever secretly touching them. No special chairs or electronic devices of any kind are ever used and, yet, they will swear blind they have been touched (or kissed if you desire) as they will genuinely have felt this, despite your never having been near them.

Automatic Writing Made Easy

Royle's Proven method for giving an audience member a large pad and a pen with which they conduct an experiment in automatic writing. It concludes with them having written the name of a deceased relative of either themselves or another audience member with whom they have connected. This can easily be presented as them channeling a spirit.

Is There Any-Body There?

You will learn techniques of how and why Pendulums, Ouija Boards and other Spirit Phenomenon such as Table Lifting and Moving actually work and how to manifest such enigmas in your performances.

Searching for Evidence

Group Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigation nights can be a hugely profitable endeavor. Royle reveals tricks of the trade he has used to ensure that people have truly memorable, spooky experiences at such events he has presented over the years.

Secrets of Spiritual Hypnosis

Many other Secrets of Spiritual Hypnosis & New Age Style NLP are revealed and insights given into how easily people's Habits, Addictions, Fears and Phobias in life can easily be overcome using such knowledge and techniques. 

The Deeper You Go, The Better You Feel

You will also learn Several Suggestibility Tests, along with a couple of extremely effective and hugely reliable rapid Hypnotic Induction techniques for which you will be taught numerous uses. These include enabling audience members to make contact with their Native American Spiritual Power Animal, their Spirit Guide, an Angel, a Deceased Loved One, or indeed with a Monster or even the Devil if that is their (and your) desire.

How Mediums Speak With The Dead

During the course of the training video, Royle at times gets "messages" and communications from the Spirit World that are confirmed by audience members that these make sense to them. He then, as events unfold, explains the tricks of the trade used to make such apparently accurate things occur.

Seance Secrets, Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigations

Within the accompanying PDF eBook, you will also find links to a further Eight hours of video training to help make your education complete.

Topics discussed, taught and/or explained in depth within this manual include:

EVP= Electronic Voice Projection, Spirit Photography, Ectoplasm, Ghostly Manifestations, Table Lifting & Moving, The Ouija Board, Automatic Writing, The Spirit Glass, Pendulums, Psychic Metal Bending, Ghost Hunting, The Dark Seance, Past Life Regressions, Human Levitation & Much, Much More.

There is also a truly comprehensive section teaching the Power of Suggestion and Hypnotic Techniques within the Seance, Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigation Arena.

Royle also reveals what Ghost Hunting tools and gadgets you may need and how to manipulate some of them for guaranteed "Phenomena" to occur!

Several real-world, audience-tested routines are also included. These enable you to allow volunteers to Safely experience themselves being briefly possessed by Spirit Energies in manners that are both highly visual and amazing to all those watching, as well as to the person participating.

Royle has worked extensively in the Paranormal & Psychic Entertainment Arena over the past 30+ years, and within the pages of this manual are all of his, until now, most jealously guarded Secrets of "Ghostly" Success.

He also discusses what he learnt from working with and alongside Paul Voodini, and how this ultimately, positively changed the way he ran his own future events.

A most comprehensive list of further informative books to read and useful resources for the Paranormal & Seance Entertainer are also included at the end of this eye-opening manual.

Are You Serious About the Psychic Business?

Whilst this package is worth its weight in gold to the real world worker, if you are truly serious about success in the Psychic World you may wish to check out our other package entitled "King of the Cold Readers Royle Reveals Paranormal, Supernatural, Ghost Hunting & Bizarre Magick Psychic Entertainment Secrets" also available on this website. This will also help make you a Master Fortune Teller and Psychic Exponent in many other areas, all at one extremely affordable bargain price.

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