Unswami by Unknown Mentalist
- Product Code: B1#755
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- $9.68
- Price in reward points: 499
From the introduction by Marc Salem
When I read the very first release manuscript (Karma Deck) by the Unknown Mentalist, I was entranced. His knowledge, insight, effects and their methodology were first rate. Beginners luck, I thought. And then I read more of his subsequent releases, it was terrific. Can one man really be putting out this much quality material? I was almost shaken.And now the swami gimmick, my bread and butter......I hope the Unknown Mentalist asks me to collaborate on a swami effect or two. I respect his one of a kind thinking.
Just try to imagine this. Although this may very well be beyond imagination. Tony Corinda, David Berglas, Max Maven and Kenton Knepper have gathered around a table (what ?). These "Mind Giants" are discussing magic and mentalism (what else?). And huddled up in a corner on the floor is a young kid who is intently watching them, observing them, listening to them, learning from them, absorbing their ideas and digesting their concepts. Further, presume that, after many many years, that kid who has now grown into an absolutely unknown mentalist, puts together some mentalism routines and sends them to Marc Salem, as a mark of his enormous respect and admiration for him. And the great Marc Salem says "WOW". Can you believe this? Well, the last part is literally true and the first part is figuratively true.
This is advanced mentalism and may not yet be for rank beginners.
The Unswami is a much overlooked and neglected version of the Swami gimmick which can in fact be much more powerful and far more flexible in application. This ebook gives a complete overview of The Unswami gimmick, other key components, process, psychology, subtleties, etc. This is no longer a mere gimmick but an entire system - The Unswami Principle.
Some indicative images are provided for easier understanding.
"The Unswami is a very good book. As my friend Marc Salem points out in his Preface, this is not a new idea, but one that is hardly ever used and is explored here in a dynamic and contemporary fashion. It certainly works and works well. The effects accomplished are done so in a very direct way and look completely incredible and baffling. Please note, this is not to imply the Unswami is somehow better than the traditional swami, but rather is a different method. We should all have a well rounded repertoire with the ability to do things in different ways. This keeps you fresh and vibrant as well as totally confusing any audience because of the many methods involved. You will find some very mysterious effects in this book followed by pages of ideas that can also be used with the Unswami. It is certainly worth your attention!" - Richard Osterlind"In this pdf you will find a very nice touch on a classic tool and ideas that will inspire your presentation. Well done!" - Luca Volpe
1st edition 2016, 76 pages.
word count: 14256 which is equivalent to 57 standard pages of text
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