Why Magic? Why Me? F.U.N. Presentation Series by Ken Muller
- Product Code: F00007
- Availability: In Stock
This is a collection of experience thoughts about performance magic. What is magic? What role does it play in our culture? What does impossible mean today? The theme is being "more than able" in live as well as pretending at the impossible on stage. Each section and page is meant to inspire reflective musing on one's abilities and limitations. Together they provide a mirror in which each magician can view self and chosen magical effects in a different light or perspective. They are not a formula for self-improvement.
Part of this is the notion that performance magic (and you) can have an impact on the lives of your audience beyond the "just entertain me" diversion from boredom. While a performer should not have a hidden agenda or desire to manipulate others, awareness that everything you do can have an affect is important in crafting a presentation.
What are the expectations of your audience of the moment? How prepared are you to learn of these and offer more?
I offer many eBook on the "how to do" theme. Here you can explore the "why" and "when" aspects of our art. No sure answers - just seeds of growth and creativity. We are all "less than able" relative to the perceptions and needs of other people. Magic is about recognizing limitations and overcoming them. Real or pretend? You decide.
I use physical disability references and allow each reader to replace with their own real or imagined limitations. By pretending we can find truth. It is magic!
Some of this material was developed decades ago in connection with Ricky Boone's Vanishing Wheelchair Project where performance magic helps folks with physical disabilities. It was found that the families of these students liked the information as much as the 'kids'.
It is a human foible to notice the status of others and project limitations of their potential while being blind to one's own "less than able" issues. Magic can make a difference.
I have tossed a lot of quotes from other sources as validation, and a couple of stories for fun. This can be an adventure. There is no charge or fee. Yet, there is always a price. You must be willing to invest some time and be open to new ideas. I can no longer perform in public. You can. Make the most of it!
Reviews (0)
Swapping Places by Nicolás Basbous Merlo
A card is selected by the spectator and is placed in the middle of the deck perpendicularly. Then, t..
$3.99 $12.00
Countries & Numbers by Dibya Guha
A few cards bearing names of different countries are handed over to a spectator. He is instructed to..
$3.99 $12.00
Coin Production Project by Obie Magic
Hi, I am Obie Magic from Jakarta, Indonesia. I would like to introduce a coin production project. A ..
$3.99 $14.00
Naik by Ade Rahmat
Remove the gum from the box in a unique way. The chewing gum suddenly appeared on top of the box. Th..
$2.99 $9.00
Project M by Samer Mora
Hello Guys,This project contain 14 effects1-Flash Change2-flash transpo3-two prediction4-Box Transpo..
$2.99 $9.00
Boat Peek by Doan
A very clean method to secretly know a spectator's selected card.Detailed explanation with English s..
$2.99 $9.00
Dissection by Alfonso Solis
Impossibly zigzag a solid card. You show a solid card front and back place the card in a card frame ..
$1.99 $8.00
Nightcrawler by Mario Tarasini
Mario Tarasini did it again. A new Flap system has been developed.This is not a single trick. It’s a..
$4.99 $16.99
Hey, Mr. Rabbit by Dibya Guha
A fun effect with cards bearing pictures of top hats & rabbits, wherein pictures of rabbits asse..
$1.99 $7.00
Noteout by Bilal Abidi
THE DEMO VIDEO IS NOT A CAMERA TRICK! The magician makes a drawing of a folded-up bank note, and sim..
$3.99 $12.00
Error 404 by Rus Andrews
Imagine showing the spectator a deck of cards with a major problem? the problem being none of the fa..
$3.99 $12.00
Revolutionary Close-Up Magic by Darin Martineau
Learn Amazing New Card Magic, Impromptu Magic, Magic with borrowed dollar bills, New ring magic and ..
$2.99 $9.00
Box Escape by Sachin.K.M
A random card is chosen. It is signed and put back into the deck. Shuffled and cut. Then put into th..
$2.99 $11.99
Oxy Gone by Agustin
Take a single playing card, put it on top of the deck. Wave the deck and the card is vanish piece by..
$3.99 $12.00
Angels & Demons Transposition by Darin Martineau
This is an advanced New Close-Up Card Magic ebook. Very Amazing and Super-Visual Close-Up Magic! Dia..
$1.99 $7.00
The Extreme Transposition by Darin Martineau
$1.99 $6.00