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  • Visual Matri (Rose Act) by Will Tsai And Sansminds

Visual Matri (Rose Act) by Will Tsai And Sansminds

  • Product Code: I2797
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.99
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

There are moments in magic that everyone remembers. Visual Matrix (The Rose Act) on AGT was one of those moments. So elegant. So visual. So...magical. It almost broke the internet when it hit YouTube. Now, it's had over 300 million views. That's more than every magic act over the last twelve years of America's Got Talent. Combined.

Now, finally, you can own this miracle.

With anything like this, you know there are going to be horrible pirated versions where people guessed the methodology and sold trash. People paid thousands of dollars for these counterfeits and couldn't even get them to work. And that's because Will Tsai never released the true workings. Sure, we all knew there was some black art, there was some kind of very clever surface. But the details were unknown. Until now.

Frustrated by seeing so many of his supporters and fans being taken for a ride by these pirates, Will has finally decided to share the inner workings, the details, the everything with you. And he is doing it at cost price. You won't be paying thousands of bucks for this. And you will get the real deal.

Sans Minds are bringing this to market, but there is no arts and crafts and nothing at all to make. It comes fully assembled and ready to go.

It is a very limited release and will not be made available forever. If you're interested you need to act now. There are not enough being made for everyone. And, to be honest, this isn't a release for everyone.

This is not just another trick. It's a full act. Every nuance, detail and wrinkle already worked out.

This one piece earned forty million views in just forty hours. And you can now perform it.

One important thing to note is this is a purely mechanical device. And it comes fully assembled. There are no foot switches, and no electricity is needed. It's a self-contained piece.


There is some chatter online about the performance rights you are assigned when you purchase this item. Here's the detail. You cannot upload a video of the rose petal section of the act. The coin stuff? You're good. Live performance? You're good. Live performance with a projector? You're good. You just cannot upload any videos of you doing the rose petal transformations online, anywhere. However, if you wanted to swop out the rose petals for something of a similar size, then you're good.

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