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2020 Magic Tricks - magic trick of the year 2020

Ultra Coke by Syouma

Ultra Coke by Syouma

The crushed cola can returns to the original in an instant!Practical and perfect revival/appearance ..

$1.99 $11.99

Power Cube by Takamiz Usui

Power Cube by Takamiz Usui

Surement la meilleure routine au monde de rubik's cube magique... C'est le tour le plus fou que..

$1.99 $4.99

Presence Ghost CAAN by Joseph B

Presence Ghost CAAN by Joseph B

Presence is a very powerful effect! The spectator freely chooses a number and a card and the ending ..

$1.99 $4.99

Celebrity Scorch by Mathew Knight And Stephen Macrow

Celebrity Scorch by Mathew Knight And Stephen Macrow

With a flash of FIRE you reveal the spooky scorched image of a celebrity face that your audience is ..

$1.99 $7.99

Checkmates by Max Maven

Checkmates by Max Maven

Here’s what happens:The spectator provides the materials, simple enough that they can be found aroun..

$1.99 $4.99

Coin-Tine: Jumbo Coin Lecture by Rian Lehman

Coin-Tine: Jumbo Coin Lecture by Rian Lehman

Learn some insight and secrets from Rian Lehamn's personal jumbo coin repetoire, most of which was u..

$1.99 $4.99

False Anchors 2020 by Ryan Schlutz

False Anchors 2020 by Ryan Schlutz

Ryan Schlutz has become a master of creating incredibly deceptive effects that require almost no sle..

$3.99 $18.99

Novus by Teguh & Ellusionist

Novus by Teguh & Ellusionist


$1.99 $5.99

Any Card At Any Value by Joseph B

Any Card At Any Value by Joseph B

This effect has such a subtle and ingenious method that you will not regret buying it!It is definite..

$2.99 $5.99

Warper by Laurent Villiger

Warper by Laurent Villiger

WARPER is a revolutionary gimmick that lets you do an extremely visual card change.Imagine a Joker t..

$1.99 $4.99

Wipe by Luke Oseland

Wipe by Luke Oseland

Luke Oseland’s name has been floating on the underground for quite sometime. We are so excited to de..

$1.99 $4.99

Mythology Codex by Phill Smith

Mythology Codex by Phill Smith

Scanning Version!Mythology Codex is the remarkable new work from UK mentalist, author and artist Phi..

$3.99 $22.99

wHole by Robert Lupu

wHole by Robert Lupu

Take a playing card and make the middle of it vanish into thin air, but only for a second as you the..

$1.99 $4.99

In One Link by Asmadi

In One Link by Asmadi

With a magic touch, the holes in the two cards can be linked. This is a different method with any ef..

$2.99 $5.99

Executive Suite by David Minton

Executive Suite by David Minton

Executive Suite by David Minton is a pack small, play big mentalism effect with a great theme.A pred..

$1.99 $5.99

Ferran Rizo Online Lecture 2020

Ferran Rizo Online Lecture 2020

Ferran Rizo Online Lecture 2020..

$2.99 $5.99

Dream Levitation by George Rudd

Dream Levitation by George Rudd

The Dream Levitation is the perfect levitation trick for your next social media video!! Magicians ha..

$1.99 $6.99

No Clue by Joseph B

No Clue by Joseph B

No clue is a super effect! When I was working in the magic shop I always used this effect to destroy..

$2.99 $5.99

Truffle Shuffle 2.0 by Karl Hein

Truffle Shuffle 2.0 by Karl Hein

The 'Truffle Shuffle 2.0 is Karl Hein's development of Derek Delgaudio's sensational Truffle Shuffle..

$1.99 $4.99

3 Ways To Fool A Magician by Luca J Bellomo

3 Ways To Fool A Magician by Luca J Bellomo

Luca J. bellomo worked in a magic shop, so he knows how to fool magicians.These are three of his num..

$1.99 $4.99

Manhattan Transfer by Max Maven

Manhattan Transfer by Max Maven

Here’s what happens:It’s always more intriguing when it’s done with the person’s own deck of cards. ..

$1.99 $4.99

Remote Revenge by Tango

Remote Revenge by Tango

The perfect virtual magic trick. Remotely pin-point a freely chosen card in a spectator’s deck.The m..

$1.99 $5.99

Teleport by Andrew Frost

Teleport by Andrew Frost

Four effects taken from my performing repertoire in which a single card teleports from one location ..

$3.99 $6.99

The Shift Vol 3 by Benjamin Earl

The Shift Vol 3 by Benjamin Earl

Ben Earl and Studio52 return with one of the most highly-anticipated books of the year. Taking this ..

$3.99 $13.99

Visibly Or Invisibly by Emerson Rodrigues

Visibly Or Invisibly by Emerson Rodrigues

A pen transposition with a surprise ending!This effect uses only two pens, it's almost impromptu and..

$1.99 $4.99

Jeremiah Zuo Penguin Live Online Lecture

Jeremiah Zuo Penguin Live Online Lecture

What will he teach?Get ready for lots of clinking metal and lots of fun. Jeremiah is bringing an all..

$2.99 $5.99

Joseph Location by Joseph B

Joseph Location by Joseph B

Bonus: Joseph Blow Revelation!If you want to have an effect to amaze laymans and fellow magicians, J..

$2.99 $5.99

Connected by Karl Hein

Connected by Karl Hein

You will learn:Homing Pocket Transpo - This is a masterclass in how to take a quick, visual "live" c..

$2.99 $6.99

Matrix Rubik 2.0 by Patricio Teran

Matrix Rubik 2.0 by Patricio Teran

Matrix with Cubes!New system and build makes it easy to do!This download video includes 3 full routi..

$2.99 $5.99

Virtual Stage Management For Virtual Performance by Paul Draper

Virtual Stage Management For Virtual Performance by Paul Draper

Magician and Mentalist Paul Draper and Stage Manager Scix Maddix have presented 100s of virtual onli..

$1.99 $6.99

Showing 271 to 300 of 845 (29 Pages)
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