Cartes - Scenes by Laurent Beretta
- Product Code: C#5910
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- $4.99
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Laurent Beretta - Cartes & Scenes
French teaching
Http:// v=lUQDdSRrjLA?
"When I grow up I will be prod'man." vous vous the ? tes d the reserved J is the fait cette r the reserved flexion? Have you ever done this reflection? Pour vous, rien n'est plus beau qu'un the reserved ventail de cartes. The part peut- the ? tre un the reserved ventail qui dispara the & reg; t pour mieux r the reserved appara the & reg; tre? For you, nothing is more beautiful in a wide range of cards, except maybe a range disappears reappear better? Alors "cartes... & SC is the" ne! "So"... Cards & scene! "EST faite pour vous. is for you.
Cassette commence par une La courte D Monstration de manipulation par of Laurent BERETTA himself, histoire de se Mettre en condition. The tape begins with a short demonstration of manipulation by Laurent BERETTA himself, history get into shape. Le ton EST donn The tone was set... Les cartes apparaissent Au bout des Doigts, sont n gligemment jet of ES d'autres prennent, leur place, Se multiplient. The cards appear at Your Fingertips, are carelessly discarded, others take their place, are multiplying. La s quence EST bien rythm e, c'est beau. The sequence is well marked, it is beautiful. Moi aussi JE vais pouvoir faire pareil Me? Too I can do the same Non, parce que? L'encha nement n'est PAS expliqu. C'est que, pour le Plaisir des Yeux, et pour the, a, on EST servi. no, because the web is not explained is that for the pleasure of the eyes, and for that, it is served.
Cards & By... Scene! Laurent BERETTA S'ensuit une Petite intervention de Yves DOUMERGUE de Magic Boutique, qui nous PR sente Le contenu de. La cassette: UN num ro de manipulation Exclusif. Servira de support l'ensemble des techniques R V L es par Laurent BERETTA There. Followed a short speech by Yves DOUMERGUE Magic Shop, which presents the contents of the tape: A number of manipulation exclusive serve as a support for all the techniques revealed by Laurent BERETTA. Accessible, et dit-il, R alisable m me en close-up (MAIS Bon a je n'y Crois,, PAS, trop) il s'agit d'un Encha nement complet de manipulations de cartes, R ALIS ID. Alement sur SC Accessible and "ne., he says, achievable even clo Se (but good, that I do not believe it too this is a routine manipulation), of cards, ideally performed on stage.
Le num of RO EST PR sent dans la s quence suivante et L,, on en prend plein Les Yeux Dans UN D: cor sobre, une tenture grise, UN Laurent BERETTA en tee-shirt Manches courtes multiplie les. Ventails, productions, disparitions. Re- of ventails, reproductions, re-disparitions, JE FAIS Trois loopings arri "res sur mon canap. JE sens, l'impossible port e de Doigts, quelques tours de bobine suppl mentaires et JE Serai. En mesure de faire pareil (C'est PAS MOI C'est Yves DOUMERGUE qui l'a DIT UN PEU plus t t dans son intervention). The number is... Presented in the following sequence, and there takes full eyes: In a sober decor, a gray curtain, a Laurent BERETTA in short-sleeved shirt multiplies the Fans and productions. Disappearances, re - the reserved ventails, reproductions, re-disparitions, I make three loops back on my sofa, I feel the impossible at your fingers and a few rounds of extra coil and I will be able to do the same (it is not me Yves DOUMERGUE who said earlier in his speech...).
UN seul regret, la musique, qui fait UN PEU jeu vid is the reserved o des ANN is the reserved es 80 ("double dragon" pour the ? tre PR is the reserved CIS), Mais Bon, Si JE L is the reserved Cris C'est uniquement pour trouver UN point n is the reserved gatif the La cassette. one regret, music, which is a little video game 80s ("double dragon" to be precise), but hey, if I write only to find a negative point in the tape.
APR is the "s La Partie d the reserved Monstration La Partie explications to: y tout passe. And the demonstration et dans l'Ordre de leur utilisation dans la routine. after, the explanations: everything passes there, and in the order of their use in the routine.
Soit: Consider:
1-Production Hip-Hop. 1-Production Hip.
2-L'accord on. 2 - The accordion.
3-Le S. 3-S.
4-Eventail d'une main. 4-Fan with one hand.
5-Production et disparition d'une carte + changement en the reserved ventail. 5-Production and cddd of a change in card + range.
6-Production d'ventails en s rie. 6-Generation fans in series..
7-Production Au pied. 7-Production at the foot.
8-Etalement sur le bras et rattrapage. 8-Spread on the arm and catching up.
9-Vol l'ventail. 9-Flight to the range..
10-Disparition l'ventail. 10-Loss in the range..
On avec empalmage Tenka 11-Accord of 11-Accordion with empalmage Tenka. ''.
12-Production Tenka en boomerang. 12-Production Tenka 'in boomerang.'
13-Disparition Du jeu. 13-Removal of the game
14-Reprise de tout l'encha nement (comment of 14-Resumed any). Sequence (commented).
Les explications to sont Claires et PR is the reserved cises, appuy the reserved es par de nombreux Gros plans, et Laurent BERETTA explique avec la m the ? me application Les techniques Les plus simples et les plus complexes and comment faire un the reserved ventail et comment produire des cartes Au Tenka is the '. The explanations are clear and precise, supported by many close-ups, and Laurent BERETTA explains with the techniques applied to the simplest and most complex, how and how a range produce maps Tenka is the'. Efficace et divertissant, que demande Le peuple? Efficient and entertaining, that the people demand?
Total Kheops Conclusion: Conclusion:
* "Carte..." ne & Sc "EST surtout Destin e aux D butants, Ceux qui font leurs premiers ventails pour ceux-l,, foncez Mais, JE suis s, R que Les plus avanc s pourront passer rapidement sur of Les explications de l'ventail. D'une main Ou de l'accord on ET y trouver galement leur compte. *" & Map Scene... "Is mainly for beginners, those who make their first fans, for those quick, but I am sure that the most advanced will move quickly on the explanation of the range of a hand or the accordion and also find their accounts. Il y a MATI" re travailler, et Du travail IL en faudra pour pouvoir R aliser l'encha nement de mani "re fluide (je ne D sesp" re PAS There is scope). To work, and work is nee Ded to achieve the sequence in a fluid (I have not given up hope).
* L'encha the & reg; nement and TR is the "s Joli, EST en the reserved the ? tre relativement facile, Mais tout EST dans le relativement, IL ne faut PAS se leurrer. IL s'agit de manipulation erythroblastopenia, et il y a de sacr the reserved s angles, vous vous en seriez a dout the reserved.? * the routine, very pretty, is supposed to be relatively easy, but everything is in the" relatively ". We should not delude ourselves, this is pure manipulation, and there are their angles, as you would doubted?
* Laurent BERETTA Quant is the Lui, parvient tout Au long de la cassette is the communicate SA passion et son plaisir de travailler avec des cartes, c'est TR is the "s motivant pour avancer, et fait TR is the" s bien passer La pilule "technique, La notion de plaisir revient d'ailleurs plusieurs La Fois dans la cassette. * Laurent BERETTA for its part, that throughout the cassette to communicate his passion and his pleasure of working with maps, it's very motivating to advance, and done very well pass the pill" technical "and the notion of pleasure moreover returned several times in the tape.
* Est-ce que l'on VA Parler bient is the humorous t de la BERETTA POUR LES cartes sur SC is the "ne, comme on parle des Bilis Ou des stone POUR LES Pi is the" CES? * is it will soon speak for the BERETTA cards on the stage, as we speak of Bilis or stone for parts? C'est possible et C'est tout le mal que JE souhaite the "carte... & SC is the" ne ". It is possible, and that's all the evil that I want to" map & scene.... "
2 impatiently. * JE suis TR is the "s content de mon achat et j'attends La BERETTA 2 avec impatience. * I am very happy with my purchase and I expect the BERETTA
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