Coinpedia (1-4) by Yunilsu, Kim, Kyung Wook
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- $11.87
- Price in reward points: 499
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DVD Volume 1.
Part.1 (입문자들을 위한 기본 기술과 이론)
-동전소개, 동전고르기
-포지션 & 콘실먼트; 팜
-베니싱 & 프로덕션
Part.2 (로드,스틸,체인지,플러리쉬)
-로드 & 스틸
-코인 체인지
-코인 플러리쉬 & Bonus (코인롤, 머슬패스)
DVD Volume 2.
Part 1
One Coin Routine (원 코인 루틴)
-Invisible Coin Production (인비지블 코인 프로덕션)
-Retention of Vision Vanish (리텐션 베니쉬)
-R.O.P.S(Retention Open Palm Steal)
-Wiped Clean (와이프 클린; 핸드워시)
Tenkai Pennies (텐카이 페니즈)
-Single Click Pass (싱글 클릭 패스)
-Tenkai Pitch (텐카이 피치)
-Double Click Pass (더블 클릭 패스)
Bonus Session
-Ramsey Subtlety (람세이 써틀티)
-Tips & Idea of Click Pass (클릭패스 응용,변형법)
-Kaps/Malini Subtlety (캅스/말리니 써틀티)
-Coin Flurry (코인 플러리)
-Wand Subtlety (완드 써틀티)
-Jumbo Coin Changeover (점보 코인 체인지오버)
Part 2
Winged Silver (윙드 실버)
-Shuttle Pass (셔틀 패스)
-Classic Palm One Coin from a Group (클래식 팜 원 코인 프롬 어 그룹)
-Utility Switch (유틸리티 스위치)
-Open Utility Switch (오픈 유틸리티 스위치)
Shadow Coins(Chink a Chink) (쉐도우 코인;칭크 어 칭크)
-Assembly (어셈블리)
-Back Fire (백 파이어)
-Flash Back (플래시 백)
Bonus Session (보너스 세션)
-The Lapping Technique (랩핑 테크닉)
-Tip & Idea of Shuttle pass (셔틀 패스 응용 & 변형)
-Onstage shuttle pass (온스테이지 셔틀패스)
-Flying Shuttle pass (플라잉 셔틀패스)
-Four Coin Across & Tips (포 코인 어크로스 & 팁)
Part 3
E.Z Hanging Coins (이지 행잉 코인)
-Paul Morris's Click Pass (폴 모리스 클릭 패스)
-Mike Gallo's Vanishing a Coin from a Group (마이크 갈로 베니싱 코인 프롬 어 그룹)
-Shoot Ogawa's Two Coin Display (슛 오가와 투 코인 디스플레이)
-Loading a Stack of Coins Silently (코인 스택 로드)
E.Z Wild Coin (이지 와일드 코인)
-Bobo Switch (보보 스위치)
-David Roth's Spellbound Change Sequence (데이비드 로스 스펠바운드 체인지 시퀀스)
-One Handed Coin Change (원 핸드 코인 체인지)
Bonus Session
-Pen Flourish (펜 플러리쉬)
-Tips & Idea of Wild coin (와일드 코인 응용 & 변형)
-Clean up after Wild coin (와일드 코인 클린업)
-Tips & Idea Transfer Load (트랜스퍼로드 응용 & 변형)
-Control Multiple Coins in Classic Palm (컨트롤 멀티플 코인 인 클래식 팜)
-Standard Four Coin Production (스탠다드 포 코인 프로덕션)
-E.Z Four Coin Production (이지 포 코인 프로덕션)
-Third coin production(with misdirection) (미스디렉션을 이용한 써드 코인 프로덕션)
DVD Volume 3.
Part 1 - 익스펜디드 쉘 , 카퍼/실버 편 (Expanded Shell, Copper/Silver)
Expanded Shell(익스펜디드 쉘)편
Shell Coins Across (쉘 코인 어크로스)
-Benzais Friction Pass With Expended Shell (쉘을 이용한 벤자이스 프릭션 패스)
-데이비드 로스(David Roth)식 분리법
-지오프 라타(Geoff Latta)식 분리법
-Double Fake (쉘을 이용한 더블 페이크)
-관객의 손 안으로 동전이 이동
-False Count(쉘을 이용한 펄스 카운트)
-관객의 손 안으로 동전이 이동 (양 손 버전)
-카퍼/실버 소개
Spellbound Change (카퍼/실버를 이용한 스펠바운드 체인지)
-One-Handed Coin Change (원 핸드 코인 체인지)
-셔틀 패스를 이용한 확인 방법
Copper/Silver Transposition (카퍼/실버 트랜스 포지션)
-카퍼/실버 코인을 안전하게 테이블에서 집어드는 법
-Palm Switch (팜 스위치)
-Palm to Palm Switch (팜 투 팜 스위치)
-Kw's Double Face Subtlety (김경욱 식 더블 페이스 서틀티)
-Bobo Switch (보보 스위치)
-Transposition (관객의 손에서 일어나는 트랜스 포지션)
-카퍼/실버 기믹의 깔끔한 뒤처리 방법
보너스 세션(Bonus Session)
코인으로 하는 오픈 트레블러(Open Travelers With Coin)
-Purse Palm (펄스 팜)
-테이블에서의 쉘 결합법
-Michael Rubinstein Click Pass (마이클 루벤스타인 식 클릭 패스)
Shadow Coins With Expanded Shell (쉘을 이용한 쉐도우 코인)
-동전의 배열을 이용한 쉘 분리법
-Assembly (어셈블리)
-중간 양 손 확인 동작
-Back Fire (백 파이어)
-Flash Back (플래시 백)
-동전의 재배열을 이용한 쉘 결합법
Triple Spellbound (트리플 스펠바운드)
-어깨를 이용한 엑스트라 코인 세팅
-One Coin Routine (카퍼/실버 코인으로 하는 원 코인 루틴)
-어깨를 이용한 엑스트라 코인 스틸
-Triple Spellbound Change (트리플 스펠바운드 체인지)
Part.2 - Okito Coin Box, Boston Coin Box(오키토 박스, 보스톤 박스)편
Out with Four (아웃 위드 포)
-10 O'Clock Position (텐 어 클락 포지션)
-Finger Palm One Coin from a Stack (핑거 팜 원 코인 프롬 어 스택)
-The Click Pass with Okito Coin Box (오키토 박스를 이용한 클릭 패스)
-Out in Out (아웃 인 아웃 - 나온 동전을 박스에 다시 하나씩 넣기)
-Table Turnover (테이블 턴 오버)
-Steal Coin Stack from Okito Coin Box (스틸 코인 스택 프롬 오키토 박스)
-False Count (쉘을 이용한 펄스 카운트)
-Final Turnover (파이널 턴 오버)
보스톤 박스(Boston Coin Box)편
Boston Massacre (보스톤 메서커)
-Lid Load (리드 로드)
-Lid and Box Subtlety (박스의 뚜껑을 이용한 서틀티)
-Bernard Bill Vanish 1 (버나드 빌 베니쉬 1)
-Bernard Bill Vanish 2 (버나드 빌 베니쉬 2)
-Bilis Vanish Variation Jean Pierre Vallarino ver (빌 베니쉬 바리에이션)
-Three-Coin Click Pass with Boston Coin Box (보스톤 박스를 이용한 쓰리 코인 클릭 패스)
보너스 세션(Bonus Session)
-Coin Thru Glass with Okito Coin Box (코인 쓰루 글래스 위드 오키토 박스)
-Paul Daniels 버전
-손수건을 이용한 윤일수 마술사의 바리에이션
Another Handling of Boston Massacre (보스톤 메서커 어나더 핸들링)
-김경욱 마술사의 바리에이션
Part.3 - Silver/Copper/Brass Transposition (실버 카퍼 브래스 트랜스 포지션)편
Stand-up C.S.B Seqeunce (스탠드 업 C.S.B 시퀀스)
-Three-Coin Production (쓰리 코인 프로덕션)
-Three-Coin Across (쓰리 코인 어크로스)
-Silver to Copper (실버 투 카퍼)
-Silver to Brass (실버 투 브래스)
-Visual Transposition (비주얼 트랜스 포지션)
-Back to Silver (백 투 실버)
-Olram Subtlety Coin Ver (올램 서틀티 코인 버전)
스탠드 업 C.S.B 시퀀스 Expanded Shell을 추가 활용한 버젼
Hopping Half Dollar (호핑 하프 달러)편
Three Copper Opener (쓰리 카퍼 오프너)
-Shoot Ogawa's Coin Production (슛 오가와식 프로덕션)
-Two Coin Across (투 코인 어크로스)
-Fingertip D'Shell Production (핑거 팁 디 쉘 프로덕션)
Bermuda Sands Matrix (버뮤다 샌즈 매트릭스)
-Assembly (어셈블리)
-Impossible Backfire (임파서블 백 파이어)
Hopping Half with Card Box (호핑 하프 위드 카드박스)
-Silver/Copper Transposition (실버/카퍼 트랜스 포지션)
-Complete Vanish (컴플리트 배니쉬)
-Card Change & Revelation (카드 체인지 & 리빌레이션)
DVD Volume 4.
Part.1 Hard Hanging Coin by 윤일수
-Edge Grip (엣지 그립) & Curl Palm (컬 팜)
-Edge Grip (엣지 그립)
-Curl Palm (컬 팜)
-Retention Vanish (리텐션 베니쉬)
-Retention Vanish to Edge Grip (리텐션 베니쉬에서 엣지 그립으로)
-Front Clip (프론트 클립)
-Edge Grip Display (엣지 그립 디스플레이)
-Downs Palm (다운스 팜)
-Angle Palm a.k.a Mutobe Palm (앵글 팜=무토베 팜)
-French Drop (프렌치 드롭)
-Ramsey Subtlety (람세이 서틀티)
-Harada Hold (하라다 홀드)
-Thumb Grip (썸 그립)
-Back Thumb Palm (백 썸 팜)
Part.2 SG FLY by 김경욱
-Friction Palm with Shelled Coin (쉘 코인 프릭션 팜)
-Shoot Ogawa's Fingertip Subtlety (슛 오가와식 핑거팁 서틀티)
-Finger Palm to Fingertip Rest Position (핑거 팜에서 핑거팁 레스트 포지션으로)
-Coin Roll (코인 롤)
-Fingertip D-Shell (핑거팁 디 쉘)
-Middle Finger Deep Back Clip (미들 핑거 딥 백 클립)
-Retention Vanish (리텐션 베니쉬)
-Spider Grip Vanish (스파이더 그립 베니쉬)
-Off-Beat in 3-Fly (오프-비트의 개념 및 활용)
-테이블을 이용한 버전
- Coin Production from Middle Finger Deep Back Clip(미들 핑거 딥 백 클립에서 동전 만들어내기)
Part.3 Soin by 서병찬
-서병찬's One Coin Routine Opener (서병찬식 원 코인 루틴 오프너)
-스트레칭 모션에서 하라다 홀드 잡기
-Coin Production from Harada Hold (하라다 홀드에서의 코인 프로덕션)
-Liwag Subtlety (호머 리왕의 서틀티)
-서병찬's French Drop Variation (서병찬식 프렌치 드롭 바리에이션)
-J.W Grip (Jimmy Wilson Grip = 윌슨 팜)
-Torres Move (토레스 무브)
-Tips for Perfect French Drop (완벽한 프렌치 드롭을 위한 팁)
-Invisible Coin Production (인비지블 코인 프로덕션)
-서병찬's Himber Vanish Variation (서병찬식 힘버 베니쉬 바리에이션)
Part.4 Four Glass Effect by Rei
-Friction Palm (프릭션 팜)
-Nowhere Palm (노웨어 팜)
-Coin Production from Nowhere Palm (노웨어 팜에서의 코인 프로덕션)
-Heel Clip (힐 클립)
-Heel Clip Steal 1 (힐 클립 스틸 1)
-Fingertip Position to Goshman Pinch (핑거팁 포지션에서 고쉬먼 핀치로)
-Rei's Coin to Glass Effect (레이의 코인 투 글래스 이펙트)
-Heel Clip Steal 2 (힐 클립 스틸 2)
Part.5 Flash Back with a Coin by Mr.Pearl
-Bernard Bilis Vanish 1 (버나드 빌리스 베니쉬 1)
-Twirl Load (트월 로드)
-Multiple Classic Palm without Clink (소리 없이 동전 여러개 클래식 팜 하기)
-Bernard Bilis Vanish 2 (버나드 빌리스 베니쉬 2)
-Scoop-Displacement Coin Switch (스쿱-디스플레이스먼트 코인 스위치)
-Kaps Subtlety (캅스 서틀티)
-Drop Vanish (드롭 베니쉬)
Part.6 J.H Bound by 박정현
Invisible Coin Production (인비지블 코인 프로덕션)
Ramsey Subtlety (람세이 서틀티)
Muscle Pass (머슬 패스)
Spellbound Sequence 1 (스펠바운드 연속기 1)
Spellbound Change (스펠바운드 체인지 2)
Retention Pass to Edge Grip (리텐션 베니쉬에서 엣지 그립으로)
Spellbound Change (스펠바운드 체인지 1)
Spellbound Sequence 2(스펠바운드 연속기 2)
Part.7 Uni Opener
George Kaplan's Loading a coin into a sleeve(조지 캐플란식 로드 방법)
DR.E.M.Roberts Vanishig a coin into a sleeve(닥터 E.M.로버트식 배니쉬 방법)
Ramsey Subtlety (람세이 서틀티)
Coin from a sleeve (코인 프롬 어 슬리브)
Fingertip Shuttle Pass (핑거팁 셔틀 패스)
Heel Clip Steal (힐 클립 스틸)
Shuttle Pass using Take Vanish(테이크 배니쉬를 이용한 셔틀 패스)
Sleeving during Off-beat (오프-비트를 이용한 슬리빙)
Ramsey Subtlety Sequence(연속 람세이 서틀티)
출연 : 윤일수, 김경욱, 오해석, 서병찬, Rei, 박정현, 김병윤
언어 : 한국어
분량 : 9시간 (DVD 4장) (DVD 실행방법)
*1월 12일 업데이트* Vol.4 의
코인피디아의 박정현 마술사의 루틴이 변경되며,
김병윤 마술사님의 루틴이 추가되었습니다.
(이미 구매해주신분들은 해법동영상에서 확인 가능합니다.)
코인피디아는 렉쳐노트 동전마술 시즌 1~3 그리고 추가 DVD4 가 포함되어 훨씬 저렴하게 구성되어 나온 DVD 세트입니다.
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A modern take on a classic spirit of the glass effect.Imagine this, you ask your spectator to choose..
$2.99 $5.99
Unexpected Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer
Effects Include"Casting the Spell" - an amazing spelling routine from the creative mind of Robert Ra..
$2.99 $5.99
The Pawn Control by Lewis Pawn
The pawn control is a easy and fun control. you fairly lose it and is controlled to the top. an easy..
$1.99 $4.99
4Ces Switch by Lewis Pawn
In this PDF download you will learn one of my walk around routines "4ces" a trick where you apparent..
$1.99 $4.99
Rise To The Top by David Velasco
Why carry a full deck when you can do miracles with only 4 cards!An ambitious card routine with only..
$1.99 $4.99
The Robys Control by Gonzalo Cuscuna
The Robys Control is subtle, delicate, and generates an excellent optical effect.Imagine showing a c..
$2.99 $5.99
David Will'Iamson Masterclass Live (4Th Octob'Er 2020)
Week One '(4th October 2020)Dave’s Gambling Scams DemoFalse ShufflesCull & Palming/ Replacements..
$3.99 $6.99
Paperless Issue 1 by Just Shuffle The Card
“PAPERLESS” – ISSUE 01 CONTENT:*Interview With Photographer: Krystian Sochacki (@KingofCheat)*Photog..
$1.99 $4.99
Coins Bm Extra by Bakore Magic
Deskripsi DVD Sulap Coin Dashyat: BaKoRe Magic - Coins BM Extra New!! Pertama di Indo!! ..
$0.99 $3.99
The Magic Balls by George Bradley
These Magic Balls are especially designed for sleight of hand gripping.The only thing George Bradley..
$0.99 $3.99
Deckoin by Robby Constantine
A Sharpie is passed through the centre of a card box and out the other side. The spectators think ma..
$3.99 $6.99
Robert Harbin - Origami Step By Step
Origami Step by Step (Origami) by Robert HarbinPDFInstructions and diagrams for fashioning such simp..
$2.99 $6.68
Innocent by Secret Of Magic
Op deze zesde dvd in de serie van Secret of Magic, introduceren we nieuwe stijlen op het gebied van ..
$2.99 $6.99
Parrish Folio: The Pallbearers Review 1974 by Robert Parrish
Robert Parrish Prologue by Oscar Weigle Mental Opener Mysterious Casket Great Slate Test Floati..
$3.99 $11.00
Glass Thru by Ebby Tones
Imagine with a cup and a marker you can now create a great effect."Glass thru" is a visual effect th..
$1.99 $4.99
The Okito System by Reinhard Muller
The Okito System with Reinhard Muller Learn from one of the best as Reinhard Muller teaches you many..
$1.99 $4.99
Cartomagie Impromptue by Aldo Colombini
In 8 broché en bon état 287 pages, 2004 (une petite marque de pliure sur le coin inférieur de la pre..
$3.99 $6.99
Original Magic by Richard Heinemann
ASIN:B001LV2K1EPublisher:Carlo's Magic Shop; 2nd Edition (January 1, 1945)Best Sellers Rank: #14,976..
$5.99 $8.99
Intuitional Sight by Eddie Joseph
From the introduction:The method of blindfolding here in revealed for the first time is in advance o..
$1.99 $4.99
Trix And Chatter by Werner C. (Dorny) Dornfeld/Dornfield
Dorny was a much liked and regarded magician of his time. One of the highlights of this book is the ..
$3.99 $11.00
The Inversion Theory by David Misner
This ebook is all about reversing a card and includes five original ideas.Minority: A chosen card is..
$6.99 $17.00
Knuckle Massaging Card Techniques by Scott F. Guinn
This photo-illustrated ebook contains two powerful utility sleights that are easy to do and naturall..
$0.99 $4.00
Sandu Writes Again by Paul Stadelman
Written by a past master at the art of misdirection, many of the effects are off the beaten path, re..
$1.99 $10.00
Waller'S Wonders by Charles Waller
A collection of practical magical effects.the IntroductionThe Spinning CardThe Flower StallRaps!The ..
$1.99 $11.50
The Havana Deal by Ed Marlo
This sheet is three of Marlo's methods for the bottom deal; which he published under the pseudonym M..
$1.99 $4.99
The Chaotic Retention by Magic Mark
This is a short explanation just like my last product. I really hope to see you guys using this. It ..
$2.99 $5.99
The Encyclopedia Of Magic And Magicians by T.A. Waters
Identifies top magicians, tricks, and illusions, and explains terms describing performance technique..
$4.99 $7.99
October 2021 by Penguin Magic Monthly
October 2021ARTICLETALLY-HO!by Kevin ReylekREVIEWSuper Quick Cubeby Ning CaiPENGUIN LIVE SPOTLIGHTAd..
$1.99 $4.99
September 2021 by Penguin Magic Monthly
SEPTEMBER 2021INTERVIEWEkaterinaby Josh BurchREVIEWPOP GUNby Ning CaiWHO IS JUSTINE KO?by Nathan Kra..
$1.99 $4.99
Devil Box by Ido Daniel
You ask the spectator"What was your card?" The name it.You show the box empty, and slowly something ..
$2.99 $17.00
Trickery by Alex Ramon
Learn 21 magic tricks you can do to amaze your family and friends.Card tricks, Coin tricks, tricks w..
$3.99 $27.00
View-Master Production by Leonardo Flores
In this download you will get to learn a very stunning visual production with a wave of your hand. I..
$1.99 $12.00
Buffaloe'D - The Magic Of Jim Buffaloe by Jim Buffaloe
The magic of Jim Buffaloe, who contributed significantly to Bobos classic book on coin magic..
$12.99 $67.00
Sharpring by Maulanas
Sharpring is a trick using a sharpie and a ring.Vanish the ring and even turn the ring into a coin.N..
$1.99 $13.00
Bill by Alex Soza
With this wonder you will be able to make very visual money changes with just 3 movements!You can ma..
$1.99 $12.75
Master Of Deception by John Ivan Palmer
Palmer's depiction of his upbringing is a brilliant and atmospheric evocation of a disappeared Ameri..
$8.99 $28.00
Gravity Zone N.V. by Magical Creations Malone
gravity zone n..v.several objects are placed on top of the mallet and theybegin to levitate slowly. ..
$2.99 $15.00
Thrust by Maulana'S
THRUST is the ultimate solid thru effect! Just uses a box of cards and some borrowed coins.No e..
$1.99 $13.00
Elemination Card by Rendy'Z
A card matching effect like no other!Your spectator chooses a card from a shuffled deck places it in..
$3.99 $22.00
Bottoms Up by R. Paul Wilson
This is a comedy gamblers routine. A very magical routine that convinces them you've got a killer bo..
$0.99 $8.00
Outrageous Co-Incidence by Jeevan And Viper Magic
This is possibly the fairest and cleanest matching card/ coincidence routine you'll ever see. The sp..
$3.99 $12.00
Ladder Rise by Owen
No gimmicks and can be done with any deck and good old fashioned sleight of hand! They will se..
$2.99 $11.00
Penny-Tration by Alfonso Solis
Play say small stack of cards on top of a glass. you can then take a penny and push it through the c..
$1.99 $8.00
Karate by Andrew'S Collections
A card is freely chosen and lost inside the deck, the magician give a Karate’s chop on the deck and ..
$3.99 $12.00
Invisible Penetration by Alex Soza
This new variation of coin through the glass is very visual and easy to do.The best thing is that yo..
$2.99 $11.95
Sequence 3 by Alex Soza
With this routine you will learn to appear three coins, disappear them and then finally reappearing ..
$3.99 $12.27
Key Control by Adil Magician
With Key control You won't need experience just once you get the key I open the card box and make th..
$1.99 $6.95
That One by Dominicus Bagas
A stack of numbered business cards is show and mixed. The spectator chooses any card and hides it, y..
$2.99 $11.50
Linear Control 2.0 by Gonzalo Cuscuna
A brilliant table top pass that allows you to get a card from the middle of the deck to the top!With..
$1.99 $10.00
Cinematic by Kaleb Wade
Cinematic is a wonderful double movie revelation from the furtive mind of the creator of The Alchemi..
$1.99 $12.00
Card Thru Card by Aurélio Ferreira
A perfect solid through solid illusion!Two cards pass through each other.Looks like real magic. Try ..
$1.99 $10.00
Small To Big by Romnick Tan Bathan
A small hole in a card instantly changes into a big one!No black art. Easy to build.Fool your friend..
$1.99 $12.00
Banana Change by Zee J. Yan
A super visual one-handed coin color change that can be used in your wild coin routine or in your sp..
$0.99 $3.99
Reed's Take on the Rub-A-Dub by Christian Grace
Reed's Take on the Rub-A-Dub by Christian..
$0.98 $3.99
Jason Baney Lecture (Presented By Jeff Hobson)
Jason Baney Lecture (Presented By Jeff Hobson)..
$1.99 $4.99
Losander Lecture 1 (Presented By Jeff Hobson)
Losander Lecture 1 (Presented By Jeff Hobson)..
$1.99 $4.99
Reed's Take on the Rub-A-Dub by Reed Nussbaum
Guest Item from Gumroad Magic Monthly by Christian GraceOne of David Williamson's long standing stud..
$1.99 $5.99
Index Finger Retention Vanish by Rogelio Mechilina
In this download you will learn how to vanish a coin using ONLY your Index Finger!No gimmick!..
$0.99 $5.99
The Good The Bad & The Ugly (March 2023) By Conjuror Community Club
This month is filled with amazing new magic and astonishing topics from the center of the modern mag..
$1.99 $9.95
Dr. Michael Rubinstein - S.E.M.
$2.99 $23.00
Kev G & Collin Claus - REFRAKTOR Vol.4
AllSpark is the next piece of the puzzle! An algorithm that opens up so many more possibilities with..
$6.99 $33.00
Davide Fragione - The Fragione Retention Vanish
A BBM EXCLUSIVE VIDEO DOWNLOAD - Davide Fragione has been making a name for himself around the ..
$1.99 $15.00
Geoff Latta - Twist Till It Hurts
This was one of Geoff Latta’s favorite creations because it featured many visual sequences and a kic..
$0.99 $5.99
Dr. Michael Rubinstein - R.O.P.S. Revolution
The R.O.P.S. move (Retention Open Palm Steal) is an extremely easy yet deceptive coin vanish you can..
$2.99 $19.00
Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo
Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..
$2.99 $35.00
Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo
Mike Gallo Volume 1 - $25 (video) In this video Michael covers some of his incredible pro..
$2.99 $25.00
Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo
Mike Gallo Volume 2 - $25 (video) Even more of the professional material that has made Mi..
$2.99 $25.00
Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo
Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo - $25 (video) Michael's father Lou Gallo was an absolu..
$2.99 $25.00
The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo
The Ball & Vase - $25 (video) Complete video instructions on Mike's classic handling ..
$2.99 $25.00
No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo
No Cards...No Coins - $25 (PDF) Eight creatively designed routines using items other..
$2.99 $25.00
The Card Notes By Mike Gallo
The Card Notes - $25 (PDF) A literal treasure trove of card mastery! Twelve sleights, han..
$2.99 $25.00
Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo
Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture - $25 (PDF) Mike'..
$2.99 $25.00
The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo
Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..
$19.99 $210.00
Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty
If you have ever wanted to earn more money from close-up magic, creating a Parlour Show is a VIP exp..
$3.99 $49.00
Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)
Week Three - February 19, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Daniel will welcome magicians into a live Q&A ..
$2.99 $3.50
Face up By Zoen
The magician drops a deck of cards on the table and mysteriously the spectator's card will pop out o..
$0.99 $5.00
Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)
Week One - February 5, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Performances (The Law of Inevitability and I Put a Sp..
$7.99 $75.00
Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose
This is one of the classic props in the psychic magic. It can create an atmosphere of horror and ali..
$0.99 $4.95
The Instant Memory System By David Malek
Starting from the latest brain research and the latest insights of how our mind functions, combining..
$1.99 $9.95
Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright
Are you looking to connect with your audience on a deeper more emotional level?Are you looking for a..
$2.99 $49.95