Cool, Kid Show Magic by Norm Barnhart
- Product Code: C#9374
- Reward Points: 15
- Availability: In Stock
- $6.99
- Price in reward points: 399
This DVD contains Norm's original routines, including:
1. Emperors New Cloths Magic
2. Egg To Dove
3. Comedy Funny Bone Gag
4. A Funny Vanishing Bottle Routine
5. Snowman in Arizona
6. Herbert And The Sponge Ball Circus
7. Norm's Variation On the Mis-Made Flag
8. Another Take On The Flag Trick
9. The Stamp Collecting Routine From Norm's Reading Magic Show
10. The Appearing Spider
11. The Appearing Spider Take 2
12. The Mystery Book, Who Done It?
13. Comedy Newspaper Tear (Performance Only)
14. The Eye Test
15. Norm's Library Card Trick
"You have many terrific ideas and I admire your work and enthusiasm."
- Neil Kitrosser, Pennsylvania
"The DVD/material is outstanding."
- Tomas Medina, Chicago, IL
"This is a great magic DVD."
- Daytona Magic, Daytona Beach, FL
Jeremy from England writes:
"Norm is not only a terrific performer, he's also a great teacher.
"I've had the advantage of seeing this DVD and you're wondering whether to go for it or not. Let me say this emphatically: if this was a Practical Magic product I would be really proud. Sure, there are a few Americanisms, and if you're reading this in the US then great! If you are reading it outside the US, I'd say that the material is entirely adaptable, and 95% of it needs no adaptation.
"I think the material is first rate, and, more than that, you'll learn a lot about performing for children: how to choose children to help you; how to get the most out of them; how to control children (in the best way possible); how to get the most out of simple material which really packs a punch.
"This guy is GOOD, and you'll think so too.
"I unreservedly recommend this - and if I couldn't honestly say that, I wouldn't stock the DVD."
Jeremy Le Poidevin - Practical Magic
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