Encyclopedia Of Card Sleights (1-8) by Daryl
- Product Code: I1986
- Reward Points: 10
- Availability: In Stock
- $5.99
- Price in reward points: 299
This 8-volume series is an encyclopedia that will provide card workers, regardless of their experience level, with all they need to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge base. This is an incredible opportunity to learn about card magic. Rather than how to apply a few moves to a card trick, this series focuses on the technical aspects of card magic and prepares viewers to handles any situation by knowing what secret weapons are available to them. Daryl goes well beyond the mechanical process and you receive the benefits of Daryl's years of experience as one of the best magicians in the world.
You save when ordering the entire set, but each volume is available separately.
Volume One Contains:
Introduction; Playing Card Terms; Trick Break; Think Stop; One Way Backs; One Way Faces; Special Cards (Gimmicked); Special Cards (Ungimmicked); Gimmicked Card Stickers; Jumbo Gimmicked Cards Technical Terms; A Block; Cutting the Deck; Center Cut; Scarne Cut; Multiple Cuts; Pivot Cut; Swivel Cut; Shuffling the Deck; Overhand Shuffle; Hindu Shuffle; Asian Shuffle; Strip Shuffle; Rifle Shuffle; In the Hands Rifle Shuffle; Squaring the Deck; Dealing; FD Reverses the Order; FU (Stud) Maintains the Order; Group Deal; Necktie Deal; A Set Up (Stack); The Break; The Step; The Jog; Spreading the Deck; To Dribble the Cards; Palming a Card; The Control; The Crimp; The Force; The Multiple Lift; The Switch; The Change; The Color Change The Glide; The Standard Glide; As a Change; As a Control; As a Force (2 methods) The Push Up Touch; The Side Glide (2 methods); As a Glimpse; As a Multiple Force The Break; Little Finger Break; Under the Top Card (2 methods); Above the Bottom Card (2 methods) Multiple Buckle; Pull Down (or Buckle) Force; A Break from a Spread; Above Selection (to top); Below Selection (to bottom); The Riffle Touch; The Dingle Dent; The Cardini Spring; Thumb Break; Erdnase Break What To Do With A Break; Double Cut Control to the Top; Double Cut Control to the Bottom; Multiple Double Cut Control; "X" Card(s) Between Each Controlled Card; Double Cut Stacking the Deck; Triple Cut Control to the Top; Triple Cut Control to the Bottom; Control to a Sm.Number from the Top; Control to a Sm. Number from the Bottom The Step; from a Break to a Step; Put Down and Pick Up the Deck; From a Step to a Break The Jog; Out Jog; In Jog; Side Jog; Out Jog Cull; Duplex Cull (Steranko); Break Above Jog; Break Below Jog; Injog Double Cut (Steranko); Injog Double Cut Glimpse (Sternako); Injog Riffle Shuffle Control; Diagonal Push Through (Steranko); Injog Jerry Andrus Method; The Push Through (Steranko); The Thumb Jog (Steranko); The Automatic Jog #1.
Volume Two Contains:
Introduction; The Jog (Continued from Vol 1)-Automatic Jog #2; Automatic Jog #3; The Natural Jog; The Dribble Control; The Simon Card Control; Daryl's First Card Contro; The Automatic Jog Control (Paul LePaul); The Dribble Touch (Daryl) The Crimp; Bottom Card Crimp; Single Card Bridge; One Hand Bottom Crimp (Arthur Buckley); Acethetics Crimp (Daryl); The Regular Crimp; The Bridge Location; Several Methods for Creating the Bridge The Overhand Shuffle; Overhand Shuffle Technique; Running Cards; Milking the Deck; The Double Milk; Overhand Shuffle Controls; Overhand Shuffle with Injog; Trick Break; The Clock Trick; Top Stock Control; Bottom Stock Control; The Back & Forth Shuffle Trick Break; Magician Fooler; The Divided Deck Shuffles; The Ireland Shuffle; The Cyclic Order; The Greek Shuffle (the Weave); The Charlier Shuffle (cyclic control); False Overhand Shuffles; G.W. Hunter Shuffle; The Optical Shuffle; The Charlier Shuffle (full deck control) The Hindu Shuffle; Standard Technique; Top Stock Control; Bottom Stock Control; Full Deck Control The Strip Shuffle;(Running Cuts); Standard Technique; Top Stock Control (2 methods); Bottom Stock Control; Full Deck Control False Cuts; Raul Posini False Cut; Frank Thompson False Cut; Daryl's Crazy Cut; Optical False Cut; Retention of Vision Cut; The False Swing Cut.
Volume Three Contains:
Introduction; False Cuts; Slydini; Oops!; Slip Cut; 1, 2, 3 False Cut; Erdnase 3 Packet False Table Cut; Up the Ladder Cut; Versatile 3 Packet Up the Ladder Riffle Shuffle; In the Air; Waterfall/Cascade Finish; Jerry Andrus Spring Shuffle; Spring Riffle; Jack Merlin Shuffle; Shuffle Sides; Table Riffle Shuffle; Closed Riffle Shuffle; Open Riffle Shuffle; Controlling Cards with the Riffle Shuffle; Maintaining the Top & Bottom Card; In the Hand Riffle Shuffle Glimpse; Erdnase Touch; Maintain Divided Deck; Triumph Shuffle (Dai Vernon); Push Through Shuffle The Glimpse/Peek; Hindu Shuffle Glimpse; Bubble Peek; Thumb Count; Phantom Peek; During Table Riffle Shuffle; Bottom Card Buckle Peek; X-Ray Vision (Arthur Buckley); A New Glimpse; Step Peek Trick Break; Whispering Queens; Fan Peek (Arthur Buckley) The Key Card; Trick Break Gray's Speller; Methods of Using the Key; Card on Top of Deck; Dai Vernon's Method for the Key Card; A Miracle Discovery; Explanation of Gray's Speller; Methods of Using Key Card on Bottom of Deck; Cirrus Card Trick; The Sliding Key Card.
Volume Four Contains:
Locator Cards; The Crimp; Oops! (3 variations); "Stranger" Locator Card; Pencil Dotted Card; Short Card; Narrow Card; Concave Short Card; Corner Short Card (2 variations); The Tuned Deck (Burling Hull); Broken Corner (Ted Annemann); Thick Card (5 variations); Coin Impression Card (2 variations); Different Shades (3 variations); Punched Card; Long Card; Old Card in New Deck (2 variations); Slick & Rough Cards; Different Finishes Forcing; The Double Count Force; The 10 to 20 Force; The Cross Cut Force (Max Holden); The Cut Deeper Force (Ed Balducci); Marlo Subtlety; The So Simple Force (Lin Searles); The Handkerchief Force (Jean Hugard); The Hindu Shuffle Force; Tour de Force (Alex Elmsley); The Trevor Lewis Force; The Goldin Force; Charlier Cut Force (Daryl's variation); LePaul Bluff Pass; The Backslip (3 variations); Riffle Force The Class Force Single Card Controls; The Kelly Bottom Placement; The Tilt (Illusion of Depth) (Dai Vernon); The Tilt Finesse; The Tilt Bit (Lin Searles); The Bold Tilt to the Top; The Tilt to the Bottom; Convincing Tilt (Daryl); A Flourish and a Pass (Paul LePaul); The Spread Pass Delay (Harry Lorayne); The Hofzinser Spread Control; The Sliding Key Card; As a Control; As a Farce; As a Cull; The Convincing Control (Ed Marlo); The Versatile Card Control (Frank Simon) Multiple Card Controls; The Multiple Shift (Dai Vernon); Carmen D'Amico Touch.
Volume Five Contains:
Multiple Card Controls (cont'd from Vol 4); The Multiple Shift (Arthur Buckley); The Multiple Shift (Frank Zak); The Multiple Card Control (Dai Vernon); Multiple Hofzinser Card Control The Spectator Peek; Psychological Play (Cy Endfield); In the Hands Riffle Shuffle; The Multiple Peek Control (Dai Vernon); The Peek Force; The Multiple Peek Force (Eddie Fechter); The Glimpse After Spectator Peek; Step Glimpse 1-4; The Pressure Fan Peek (Ed Marlo); Step Glimpse 5 (The Spring); A Deceptive Crimp Location (Paul LePaul); Another Peeked Card Crimp Fancy Counts; The Flip Over Count (Steranko); The Flip Over Deal; A Flourish Count (Dai Vernon); Fancy Flourish Count (Arthur Buckley); A Flourish Count #2; A Flourish Count Between Thumbs; The Flip Over Count #2; The Long Distance Spinner (Audley Walsh); The Martin Lewis Spinner Secret Counts; The Bevel Count; The Pinky Count (Steranko); The Thumb Count; Spread and Injog; The Sight Count from the Bottom The Multiple Lift; The Multiple Lift Get Ready (Several Methods); Multiple Lift #1; Dai Vernon Double Lift; Expert Card Technique Method; Marlo Double Lift Get Ready; The Instantaneous Double Lift (Dr. Jacob Daley); The Leipzig Double Lift; The Snap-Over Double Lift (Paul LePaul); The Snap Double (Larry Jennings); Daryl's One Handed Double Lift (variation on D'Amico Lift); Double Lift from the Spread I; Double Lift from the Spread II (Frank Zak); Double Lift from the Middle (J.K. Hartman) Multiple Lift Touches; The K.M. Move; Double Lift Clean Up (2 methods); Double Lift as a Force, Switch, Glimpse, Reverse, False Count, Vanish, Change, Pseudo Second Deal, Pseudo Bottom Deal, or Pseudo Middle Deal The Secret Reverse; The Braue Reverse (Fred Braue) (several variations); Double Lift Reverse I; Double Lift Reverse II; Double Lift Reverse III; The Larreverse (plus variations); Trick Break; The Primer Aces.
Volume Six Contains:
The Secret Reverse (cont'd from Vol 5); The Larreverse for Several Cards; The Action Reverse (Steranko); The Steranko Center Reverse; Flopping the Deck (The Roll) Vanishes (from the deck); The Vanish (plus variations); Vanished and Reversed Speller; The Rub-A-Dub-Dub Vanish Vanishes (from a Small Packet); Trick Break; The Volte Face Plus; Stanley Collins Ace Vanish; Buckle (or Pull Down) Vanish; Fred Kaps Touch; To Vanish Any Card in a Five Card Packet; The Ascanio Spread; Daryl's High Priced Spread Trick Break; The Biddle Move To Vanish a Single Card; The Buckley Vanish Palming (Positions); The Magician's Palm (Full Palm); The Gambler's Flat Palm; The Rear Palm; The Tenkai Palm; The Longitudinal Palm Palming Single Cards; The Leipzig Bottom Palm; The Hugard Top Palm; The Right Hand Top Palm (Paul LePaul); The One Hand Top Palm Palming Multiple Cards; The Erdnase Bottom Palm; The Riffle Shuffle Palm; The Pivot Palm; The Riffle Shuffle Palm II (Dr. Jacob Daley); The Larry Jennings' Multiple Top Palm; The Diagonal Left Hand Palm (Paul LePaul); The Side Steal Miscellaneous Palming Techniques; A Useful Aquitment (Paul LePaul); Methods to Help Conceal Palmed Cards; The Bottom Card Steal (Paul LePaul); From the Verstaile Card Control; Replacing Palmed Cards (from the Gambler's Cop) Trick Break; The Out of Body Experience (Daryl); Replacing Palmed Cards (to the Top of the Deck) (4 methods) Producing Palmed Cards; From the Packet (plus variations); From the Card Box; From your Hand (plus variations) False Counts; The False Count for More; The Walking Fingers Count; The Double Push Off; The Buckle Count (plus variations); The Al Baker False Count False Displays; The Flustration Count (Brother John Hamman) To Show Identical Backs, To Show Identical Faces; To Double Black Cards; The Rumba Count (Jean-Pierre Vallarino) To Show Identical Faces; To Show Double-Backed Cards.
Volume Seven Contains:
The Secret Reverse (cont'd from Vol 5); The Larreverse for Several Cards; The Action Reverse (Steranko); The Steranko Center Reverse; Flopping the Deck (The Roll) Vanishes (from the deck); The Vanish (plus variations); Vanished and Reversed Speller; The Rub-A-Dub-Dub Vanish Vanishes (from a Small Packet); Trick Break; The Volte Face Plus; Stanley Collins Ace Vanish; Buckle (or Pull Down) Vanish; Fred Kaps Touch; To Vanish Any Card in a Five Card Packet; The Ascanio Spread; Daryl's High Priced Spread Trick Break; The Biddle Move To Vanish a Single Card; The Buckley Vanish Palming (Positions); The Magician's Palm (Full Palm); The Gambler's Flat Palm; The Rear Palm; The Tenkai Palm; The Longitudinal Palm Palming Single Cards; The Leipzig Bottom Palm; The Hugard Top Palm; The Right Hand Top Palm (Paul LePaul); The One Hand Top Palm Palming Multiple Cards; The Erdnase Bottom Palm; The Riffle Shuffle Palm; The Pivot Palm; The Riffle Shuffle Palm II (Dr. Jacob Daley); The Larry Jennings' Multiple Top Palm; The Diagonal Left Hand Palm (Paul LePaul); The Side Steal Miscellaneous Palming Techniques; A Useful Aquitment (Paul LePaul); Methods to Help Conceal Palmed Cards; The Bottom Card Steal (Paul LePaul); From the Verstaile Card Control; Replacing Palmed Cards (from the Gambler's Cop) Trick Break; The Out of Body Experience (Daryl); Replacing Palmed Cards (to the Top of the Deck) (4 methods) Producing Palmed Cards; From the Packet (plus variations); From the Card Box; From your Hand (plus variations) False Counts; The False Count for More; The Walking Fingers Count; The Double Push Off; The Buckle Count (plus variations); The Al Baker False Count False Displays; The Flustration Count (Brother John Hamman) To Show Identical Backs, To Show Identical Faces; To Double Black Cards; The Rumba Count (Jean-Pierre Vallarino) To Show Identical Faces; To Show Double-Backed Cards.
Volume Eight Contains:
Switches & Changes (cont'd from Vol 7); The Flicker Change (John Cornelius) and variations; The One-Handed Bottom Deal Change (Daryl); The Eidetic Change (Marlo/Cornelius) The Top Change; The Mechanics and Several Tips; Several Methods for Misdirection; A Different Grip for the Top Change Packet Switches; The Bottom Drop Off Switch (Brother John Hamman); Stiff to Snapper (Blackjack Change); The Braue Add-On (Fred Braue); and variations; Ace Assembly; Ambitious Aces and variations; Rising Crime (Daryl); The Vernon Add-On (Dai Vernon) and variations; The Block Turnover (Brother John Hamman); Spectator Stops at the Kings; Block Turnover Variations (Daryl); The Breakless Block Switch (Daryl) Miscellaneous; The Matchbox Easel; The Wind-Up Gag; The Spread Cull; Four-of-a-Kind Prediction; Folding a Card (2 methods); Doubling a Card Flourishes; One-Hand Cuts (2 packets); The Cannibal Card Cut; The Reach Across Cut; The Stretch Cut; The Pivot Around Cut; One-Hand Cuts (3 or more packets); The Triple Charlier Cut; The Triple Reach-Over Cut; Daryl's Super Duper Cut; Miscellaneous Flourishes; Daryl's Hot Shot Cut; The Frank Shields' Four-Card Display; Making Double-Faced & Double-Backed Cards (peeling cards).
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Deck Dropper by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy - Deck Dropper Moment from the sleeves of a card. Video Demo: http://www.penguinmag..
$1.69 $4.48
Connecting People With Magic by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy - Connecting People with Magic Let your magic become favorable aids communication wi..
$1.69 $4.23
Phoney (Telephone Directory Test) by Trevor Dawson
Effect:A local Telephone Directory is shown to a spectator, who freely selects and notes a subscribe..
$2.99 $7.28
Trancenden: Peace Love Beats...
Penguins background classical music Trancenden: Peace Love Beats... network , you can to Perform ..
$1.99 $4.99
Sanada Gimmick Routines by Toyosane Sanada
magic palm Toyosane Sanada - Sanada Gimmick Routines It requires specific props. SANADA GIMMICK i..
$1.69 $3.98
Presentation Secrets by Topas
ENGLISH!Lecture notes sold when Topas did his lecture in 2000 ... includes tidbits of the sunglasses..
$9.99 $19.68
Q! by Toon Genius
Kid looking for a license Mobile Toon Genius - Q! includes allow you to install on the phone lookin..
$1.99 $4.99
Slydini On The Dick Cavett Show by Tony Slydini
Tony Slydini - Slydini on The Dick Cavett Show Master close-range, small stage magic show . Includi..
$1.99 $5.48
As I Recall by Tony Slydini
Tony Slydini - As I Recall Tony Slydini students to commemorate him , a classic tribute issue to ..
$1.99 $4.99
The Perfect Vanish by Tony Polli
Tony Polli - The Perfect Vanish Super clean coin disappear magic , can disappear , swap , you can ..
$1.99 $4.99
Complete Peek Wallet by Tony Miller
Tony Miller - Complete Peek Wallet Demonstration effect : http://www.murphysmagicsuppl..
$1.99 $4.99
Performing Magic by Tony Middleton
Tony Middleton - Performing Magic PDF £31 Performing..
$3.99 $7.99
Mental Magic by Tony Hassini
Getting Magic by Tony Hassini Presentation: http://imsmagic.com/IMS_promos/Mental_Magic_Promo/Menta..
$1.69 $3.89
Aprende Trucos De Magia by Tony Hassini
Tony Hassini - Aprende trucos De Magia This piece tony hassini Presented by the world's greatest ..
$2.99 $4.99
The Ultimate Work by Tony Giorgio
A visual treatise on handmucking, or the arcane art of the hold-out man, photographed with state ..
$2.99 $5.48