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  • It's All Done With Mirrors by Kenton Knepper - Exclusive

It's All Done With Mirrors by Kenton Knepper

  • Product Code: #v253118
  • Reward Points: 20
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $40.00
  • $4.99

  • Price in reward points: 499

What you see in the video is NOT green screen, NOT black art, NOT trick photography. You can perform it anywhere, in real life.

But it sure looks like trick photography! The mirrors you are watching are SOLID. Seriously.

Best of all, it is little or no actual sleight of hand. We know that seems impossible looking at it, but there is so much secret stuff going on, really devious stuff, that makes very little or no sleight of hand required.

This is Kenton's Miser's Dream with MIRRORS instead of coins. Of course, you can use coins for most of it too.

Kenton believes in working smarter, not harder. Of course, you can work as hard as you like, and add in your own favorite coin moves to this...but you don't have to do that.

FOR THE FIRST TIME we are offering THIS DOWNLOADS ONLY version so you can learn all the details, and make your own gimmicks.

Kenton himself says:

"I have decided to add extra bonuses. I am not holding anything back. This is real world stuff that you can and will do.

Sure, it is for actual performers. It is also for hobbyists and people who just love to have fun with unique and original pieces. This is FUN stuff. 

It's All Done with Mirrors is going to show you just exactly how I have been doing some of that seemingly difficult sleight of hand you have seen me do. Almost no one knows everything I have been doing in this set. Not even very close friends and peers know it all. You are about to find out."

Kenton isn't kidding when he says you get EVERY thing that you need to do his methods. He has taken great pains to honestly give you exactly what he does, with all the extra goodies too.

Kenton has kept much of his secrets about this to himself until now.


"A masterclass in creating illusion, including the illusion of sleight of hand."


One last note about this from the Master himself:

"One thing insiders know is that many fancy props are more simple behind the scenes. Sometimes what audiences think is skill is really very easy. The secret innovations are what makes it seem skillful and difficult.

Whether it is mentalism or magic, I like to be sure there are elements of realism to it all. I want people to think that maybe you can make your energy visible, or that you really can feel invisible coins in the air and pull them from it.
So this new release is like being backstage with me, one on one. No usual hype in the videos that so many people do today. No bull just, "This is what I really do, this is how it honestly works, and here is all the stuff so you can do it easily too."
That's the deal. Not puff and fluff, but down to earth, behind the scenes, no punches pulled revelations.
Plus, I am adding in every little prop detail. You'll get every nuance and prop piece to do exactly what I do.
It's a very different approach to the way things are usually sold to magicians and mentalists. But I figure if I am going to tip things, you ought to get it all. Not the flash, but the real substance.
That's what you'll be getting in this new release. That's what I am working so hard on for you. Because I really DO care. I know you'll appreciate that. - Kenton"
Includes 22 minutes of close-up silent movie-ies to see the "moves" up close without distraction, so you can watch them over and over again.


Sign into your account. It's what you used when you first ordered. BE SURE YOU DO THAT BEFORE YOU ORDER.
AFTER you sign in, go to the MEDIA tab and click on that.
You'll see a graphic for IT'S ALL DONE WITH MIRRORS. Click on that.
There you will see over 20 videos of instructions and secret working!

No shipping to worry about as these are ALL DOWNLOADS. Kenton references physical items sold in the original full set, but this is the DOWNLOADS only version. You will see what Kenton uses and you can go out and make your own gimmicks.

You can also find on our website the mirrors sold on their own (no gimmicks) if you need them.

"Although the props have not arrived yet (international shipping), but I have watched the videos, and wow!...without doubt the most thorough set of videos I’ve seen for any effect - and the one with clearly the most ‘real world’ experience and advice for the effect. Can’t wait to play with the props, but also couldn’t wait to thank you for sharing this!" - Greg Chapman

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