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  • Grab by Mark Calabrese

Grab by Mark Calabrese

  • Product Code: I3043
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $4.99
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

Mark Calabrese - Grab

E 's latest drop cards produced teaching , brought on by Daniel Madison 's friend Mark Calabrese.

Is it time for YOU to leave?

Like David Carradine's snatching of a pebble
from his master's hand in 'Kung Fu' (video to the left for those too young to remember), Mark Calabrese developed and honed a skill thathas to be seen to be believed(or is it a skill?).

When rumor of this 'skill' reached Daniel Madison, he boarded the red eye from London to New York to learnjust how this incredible feat could be possible.

What Mark Calabrese has created is a technique topull a named playing card from the middle of a spring of cards with pin-point accuracy.Unlike other versions of this effect you may have seen before - this is no illusion.The selected card istruly in the middle of the deck, And is truly pulled out from a standard dribble.

The possibilities for this feat are limitless.It can be used as a demonstration of skill - pulling out a necessary card for a poker hand, a matching card in a pair, a spectator chosen card (which can of course be signed) or even to force a word, number or card.

Shot in a New York Loft a few blocks from the Empire State Building, Daniel Madison and Mark Calabrese discuss the handling, psychology, performance tips and routine ideas in over 32 minutes of solid teaching.

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