Heirloom Deluxe Emilys Revenge by Colin Miller & Jamie Badman
- Product Code: I0474
- Reward Points: 5
- Availability: In Stock
- $4.76
- Price in reward points: 199
Whilst telling a story, your spectator is asked to use all her powers of intuition to determine the suit and value of a lucky playing card. You now remove an old photograph (an Heirloom) from your wallet which depicts the two people named in the tale,what's more the gentleman is holding a playing card. In a startling way you prove your spectators intuition was spot on.
Heirloom Deluxe Emily’s Revenge
In 2002 Alakazam released a ground breaking effect that would take the magic world by storm. Heirloom By Jamie Badman and Colin Miller (The Underground Collective) became a firm favourite amongst magicians and was even performed on U.S. National Television by the one and only Harry Anderson.
Over the years Heirloom remained a best seller gaining new fans by the day until manufacture ceased in 2012. Since it's release, Colin, Jamie and many others have evolved new ideas, including the new upgraded photos. (These look/feel great and were custom designed by our good friend By Steve Dela)
With the new Heirloom Deluxe not only will you receive the original Heirloom effect but also the fantastically eerie new presentation, "Emily's Revenge”. A new story for Heirloom that the Underground Collective have kept truly underground, until now. Emily’s Revenge is sure to send a tingle up your spectator’s spine!
Your Heirloom Deluxe Package will include
- The DVD
- Custom photos - designed and upgraded, and printed to look pre-aged
- 4 custom printed letters
- The original Heirloom PDF (where it all began)
- The movie file (the original Heirloom DVD footage, packed with ideas, Including a full explanation of Peter Nardi’s Instant Indexing System,)
- The Underground Collective PDF (a collection of bonus routines & tips for heirloom)
- Silent Past PDF (a great routine using Ben Harris's incredible Crossroads principle)
- Silent Past Images PDF
- Hit Letter for original Heirloom PDF
- Heirloom Redux PDF(Mark Elsdon super slick streamlined version of Heirloom)
- Peter Nardi’s "Letter Out First”Handling PDF
- And finally, the full script for the "Emily’s Revenge” presentation!
Heirloom Deluxe is the perfect carry always routine. Remember you can perform Heirloom with almost any wallet but our good friend Tony Curtis designed a trick wallet purpose built for this effect.
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