Hypnosis Summit Training Videos 2020
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- $22.00
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Combine fractionation and composite suggestion in this three-step hypnosis session to help your client overcome unfounded fears. In the first step, autosuggestion is used as a primary suggestion and induction test. The second step is a conventional hypnosis session involving the future rhythm.
3 shows of regression from the past life – Anne Spencer
Anne shows you exactly how to do a past life regression session for a client. While working with two different clients, you can experience multiple ways to achieve the same result, for all those clients who don’t follow the script!
5 regression phases – Roy Hunter
Client-centered regression therapy helps the subconscious to discover the root causes of a client’s problem, enabling the hypnosis professional to facilitate subconscious release and re-learning (or reprogramming). Roy has organized regression therapy into a five-phase logical learning process, and guides his students through a step-by-step process. It is also important to know the difference between guiding and inappropriate leading, in order to minimize the risk of false memories.
7 Proven Steps to selling hypnosis for the corporate market-Don L. Price
The only secret to having wealth, power and success is in marketing and how hypnosis is used to train people to succeed in their business and personal life. During the last 40 years of using hypnosis in the corporate market we have isolated the secrets that have created millions of dollars in business. And now we’re passing that on to you!
17 most powerful hypnotic directors – Adam Eason
Do you know how to make people think that an inanimate object is communicating with them personally? Do you know how to make sure you provoke a trance inside someone who resists as much as possible? What about this, How do you alter people’s perception of time within a sentence to alter their perception of you?
A Christian defense of hypnosis-Brian Hooper
Many fundamentalist Christians believe that hypnosis is dangerous and leads to oppression or demonic possession. This presentation will offer an alternative perspective based on canonical Scripture.
An interview with Shelley Stockwell – Ormond McGill
The dean of American hypnosis Ormond McGill is legendary. He wrote 35 books on hypnosis and Conjuring and his final work reflecting his more than 80 years in the field resulted in the incredible “McGill hypnotherapy Encyclopedia”.
Are you ready to be thin? Open system.
Are you ready to take off the excess pounds and leave the weight forever? Are you ready to experience living life to the fullest? Think about this: are you really ready to be different than 655 of the U.S. population who are overweight? If your answer is yes!””then this presentation if for you. If you are not sure, participate and find out. If your answer is “” no “” then just continue your yo-yo diet.”
Attracting the love of your life with hypnosis-Debra Berndt
The quality of their relationships is directly related to beliefs at the subconscious level. If you have a hard time attracting a healthy relationship, come join this one-hour talk about discovering false beliefs deep in your mind that could be sabotaging your love life. Join this presentation and experience live hypnosis techniques to clear the way for attracting the love of your life.
Being hypnotic-interviewing for success-Rev.
It all starts or stops at the questions and hypnotic sowing of the pre-Talk. The Hypnotist combines effectively Motivational Interviewing to Elicit Arguments for Change from Customers and the Planting Hypnotic Suggestions for Change in the PreTalk, the Combination results in the Release of the Potential Customer and the Increase of the Effectiveness of the Practitioner. This returns responsibility for change to the client, because correctly sown hypnotic suggestions create a belief in his ability to change.
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It was once believed that our brain is fixed as we age. They have led us to think that an aging brain is the result of aging. Nothing could be further from the truth. Over the past 20 years, large amounts of research have shown that the brain never stops growing as it learns, changes and adapts to new activities. These activities actually produce new neurons that connect.
Building a profitable private practice-Richard Nongard
It’s all in the details! Richard will share his secrets to success, from selecting the location of the office and furniture to low-cost print and radio advertising, how to structure rates and differentiate yourself from the competition, and much more.
Cell cleaning-Patti Conklin
Throughout his life, his body has maintained a perfect copy of every word, thought and emotion. They are stored as cellular memory. As a result, you have become what you say, Think and feel. Over time, many layers of these memories became blocks. They disrupted the flow of subtle energy into his body. This is what causes disease. Patti shows you how to release those blocks and get back to health.
Conversational and covert hypnosis Part 1-David Synder
This fascinating program explores the study and use of covert and conversational hypnotic techniques. Covert hypnosis is the study and is of “hypnotic operators” that act on the mind of the subject, predisposing them to think or act in a certain “often predictable”way.
Conversational and covert hypnosis Part 2-David Synder
This fascinating program explores the study and use of covert and conversational hypnotic techniques. Covert hypnosis is the study and is of “hypnotic operators” that act on the mind of the subject, predisposing them to think or act in a certain “often predictable”way.
Anger management ordered by the court-Ron Eslinger
You will get Who, What, When and where as part of this court-ordered anger management and stress reduction workshop. This program was created to give you the tools you need to create and develop cost-effective and necessary warrant ira management programs for your area.
Creative mind method for love-Debra Berndt
Learn a new method of working with clients who wish to have better results in love and relationships. Debra Berndt developed the creative mind method with her partner Robert Maldonado, Ph.D.
EFT to release limiting beliefs-Marla Brucker
Observe a session using EFT and Muscle Testing to help uncover a confidence problem derived from childhood. Experience firsthand, the power and effectiveness of easy-to-use tools to create immediate and permanent changes.
Eliminating fibromyalgia with hypnosis-Melissa Roth
Fibromyalgia affects 10% of the general population and 25% of those suffering from this mysterious disease will be totally disabled. This therapeutic approach has been in widespread worldwide use since 1997. More than 80% of users become and remain symptom-free. More than 97% get significant and sometimes dramatic relief while at the same time being able to eliminate or reduce their FMS medications.
Exploring the hypnotic brain-Tim Brunson
Psychologists, social workers, hypnotherapists and psychiatrists are the only healing professionals who rarely look at the organ they are treating. Achieving even a basic understanding of the structure and functioning of the brain will open up possibilities for deep and lasting transformation and healing.
Find and resolve the root cause of any problem in minutes – Debbie Papadakis
Debbie Papadakis will show you the steps to find the ISE of any client’s presentation situation. You will learn how to discover it, examine it, solve it, and delete it. By removing charges from the original events, you can help your customers achieve their goals in a matter of no time.
Find your true self-Katherine Zimmerman, PhD
Is there anything missing in your life? Maybe you’re missing a recognition of your true self. Who are you under the labels others have placed on you? You want to take risks, stretch and grow but you don’t know where to start? Some of your questions can be answered in the heart stories included in this book.
Free your mind from prison to limit beliefs with Psych-K-Rob Williams
PSYCH-K is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where almost all human behavior originates, both constructive and destructive. Its overall goal is to accelerate individual and global spiritual evolution by aligning subconscious beliefs with the conscious wisdom of the great spiritual and intellectual traditions of the world.
Smooth speed hypnosis inductions-Brian David Phillips
Participants will learn and experience a range of variations of approaches to fast and instant hypnosis inductions using a “soft”approach paradigm. The soft orientation is slightly different from the shock and awe approach that is often used with quick or instant inductions. Soft approaches are a little less eye-catching, but they achieve the same goals and are just as effective.
Headache destroyer-Norm Caldwell
Pain disrupts the thinking patterns of the brain, causing the entire network of mind and body to lose focus on something other than pain itself. Hypnotherapy can help you relieve your pain and regain control of the emotions around you. You can get your life back when you incorporate hypnotherapy into your pain management routine.
Healing The Inner Child-Alice A. Amos, LMHC, CH
Working with the inner child is like healing the past of the present. Hypnotherapy that focuses on the child’s inner work has a profound healing effect on the adult self. The inner child is a metaphor for parts of us that were created and born from the beginning in the process of development. As you work with the inner child, you will learn how to reconnect the parts of the”I”. Introduction, discussion and demonstration.
Healing problems of the present life using regression of the past life-Georginna Cannon
An introduction and demonstration of past life regression trips provided by the author of the best seller, RETURN-Past Life and you. In this one-hour conference / demonstration, you will see the extraordinary power of past life regression work.
How to get $ 10,000 worth of free advertising – Craig Eubanks
Insider secrets to get your press release noticed before the fax machine even stops printing! You will learn: the main purpose of a press release, formulas infallible to write a press release that is noticed, three huge benefits you and your business get from free publicity, how to avoid the sin cardinal of the free publicity, a simple tweak that you can do to increase the number of readers of press releases in up to 80%, the
How to get stage hypnosis show reservations in the next 14 days, even if you have no experience-Geoff Ronning
You will learn how to get reservations for stage hypnosis shows instantly. This session is designed for the professional who wants to fill the downtime as well as the beginner who has just started. With this strategy you don’t need promotion, experience or money for your reserves to flow. Geoff has used this strategy worldwide with great success.
How to get your books and articles published-Carol Adler
Learn how to publish your articles and books and use these products to promote your practice. Tell your success stories; share your special techniques. Everything you need to know about publishing, marketing and selling your written materials.
How to make post hypnotic suggestions stick-William Mitchell
Participants will receive research results from Weitzenhoffer, Berrigan, Evans and Staats, Wojcikiewicz and Orlick and Erickson’s teachings on posthypnotic suggestion. Learn how posthypnotic suggestion is based on the principle of Association.
How to start a hypnotherapy practice-Mark Babineaux
Practical and legal considerations to initiate, maintain and promote your hypnosis practice. Learn to practice protection by developing protection practices.
How to use internet video to get more customers-Craig Eubanks
If you are not using video in your online marketing, you are leaving money on the table. It’s that simple. This session will discuss the power of using online video and how you can easily start using video. This session will not covet technical things, because you do not need to know to do video marketing. Instead, you will learn the different ways to use the video, take out the video online and how to create video quickly.
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In this program, James Duncan will guide participants through the key components of formulating effective hypnosis scripts that clients enjoy embracing. Components such as: how to create a predisposition for Customer Success; How to avoid common mistakes in suggestion; how to create the belief that improvement has already occurred for the customer; how to break resistance while the customer enjoys the process. How to maximize the implicit suggestion.
Hypnoanesthesia for surgery-John Butler
“Dr. John Butler presents some of his cases of hypnosurgery. Patients are interviewed before surgery, talking about the reasons why they chose to use hypnotherapy to help them with the surgery and the preparation they are having with Dr. Butler. The film of the preparation for hypnoanesthesia and also of patients undergoing surgery is shown.
Hypnosis for children-Ted Benton
Ted demonstrates the ease of using hypnosis with children to overcome a wide variety of problems. It demonstrates different inductions and the use of direct suggestions and indirect inductions of Ericksonian type.
Hypnosis for improving sports performance-Anne King
3 crucial ingredients for all sports. Why visualization is needed and how to implement it correctly. How to avoid the trap of saying ” too much.” How to adapt any sports script to adapt to other sports. How to anchor confidence and that winning feeling.
Hypnosis for Youthing, Anti-aging-Bee Epstein Shepherd
Do you want to live with less stress, sleep well every night, restore sexual energy and interest, be healthier, more energetic, have more control over your weight, have a more youthful view of life, be happier with yourself, feel and look younger than your age? You can–with Youthing: a hypnotic approach to Anti-aging.
Hypnosis – your secret weapon for sales motivation – Don Price
Sales people do not fail because of their lack of training, product knowledge, motivation and active sales strategies. They fail because they do not implement what they know how to do, could and should do due to lack of motivation, unproductive habits, unconscious blockages, procrastination, stress and fear. Hypnosis goes beyond symptoms to solve problems.
Hypnotherapy for immune disorders-Tim Trujillo
Related immune disorders are a growing concern in health care. Individuals are looking for more natural and self-care-oriented methods for managing conditions ranging from cancer to HIV/ AIDS, lupus, diabetes, etc. seminar attendees will learn the basics of immune system disorders and effective evidence-based approaches to addressing psychosocial factors in disease management.
Intensive hypnotic language with Jamie Smart
This entertaining and informative program will give you a powerful insight into the nature of language and how you can use your language to get instant results in all areas of your life. Better yet, Jamie uses NLP and hypnotic language to teach the patterns of hypnotic language, so as you watch and listen, it’s as if the patterns are downloading into your mind.
IBS-Melissa Roth
Ideomotor effects processes-Brian David Phillips
The ideomotor effect is so often underused or misunderstood. It is a simple psychological effect that can be used in a wide range of hypnotic contexts, from inductions to the usefulness of the session and artistic expression.
Indirect hypnosis Part 1-Stephen Brooks
Stephen Brooks analyzes archival video recordings of his work with Ericksonian Hypnosis at the University of Sussex in England. The lectures are based on studio recordings of Brooks working with a patient in the 1990s. Brooks intersects the hypnosis demonstration with a running commentary on the indirect patterns of hypnotic language, indirect inductions, and indirect therapeutic interventions he is using throughout the session.
Indirect hypnosis Part 2-Stephen Brooks
Stephen Brooks analyzes archival video recordings of his work with Ericksonian Hypnosis at the University of Sussex in England. The lectures are based on studio recordings of Brooks working with a patient in the 1990s. Brooks intersects the hypnosis demonstration with a running commentary on the indirect patterns of hypnotic language, indirect inductions, and indirect therapeutic interventions he is using throughout the session.
Feng Shui interior-Timothy L. Trujillo
Feng Shui is a system that promotes health by facilitating free flow through environments modeled on the movement of wind and water. This philosophy is at the heart of traditional Chinese medical theory. Where there is free flow, there is no pain. While the practice of Feng Shui focuses primarily on external environments, similar principles may target internal landscapes to promote greater health.
Introduction to hypnotic Coaching-Zoilita Grant
Expand on Coaching: learn the difference between hypnotherapy and Hypnotic-Coaching-with a focus on coaching relationship. Work with people who want “success” in their lives. Students will learn how to use hypnosis with the core competencies of the International Federation of coaches and how to conduct training conversations.
Key note-Scott Sandland
An introduction to global hypnosis eSummit. This is a brief and important conference that everyone should see.
Life is a project, Project manage it-Reg Blackwood
Project management consists of structuring a set of tasks and the schedule and resources associated with those tasks to achieve an outcome. In this presentation, Reg Blackwood shows how the tools and techniques employed by Project Managers can also be used to manage personal schedules.
Self-hypnosis light switch – Roger Moore
Auto hypnosis light switch: in this hour you will learn what hypnosis is and isn’t and how to give yourself hypnotic suggestions, take yourself in a trance and be back in a minute. The technique of self hypnosis light switch is what sets the hypnotic Weight Loss Program Slender for Life apart from other programs. 100% of customers who maintain their ideal healthy weight for two or more years use Light switch Self Hypnosis.
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