Special Offers
Wand Spins by Ian Kendall
To become a true master of your craft, you must have an eagerness to understand every detail of even..
$2.99 $16.95
Wand To Ball by Jl Magic
The Wand To Ball is improved by JL Magic and Magicat. It is well made and easy to perform...
$1.99 $4.99
Wand Triple Color Change by Bachi Ortiz
The magic wand is the element that identifies magicians. This time magic happens to her!A super visu..
$4.99 $16.99
Wand-O-Blocks By Iain Bailey
"Such a clever and organic peice of magic. This is the kind of stuff I absolutely adore! Well done I..
$2.99 $19.95
Wandcraft by Judge Gary Brown & Lawrence Hass
Wandcraft by Judge Gary Brown & Lawrence Hass..
$12.99 $32.00
Wanderer by Sean Waters
In Sean's latest, he shares his timely "Second Dimensional Psychometry", which is both relevant and ..
$8.99 $13.99
Wanderful by Jay Sankey
Jay Sankey - WANDERFULEffects Demo : http: //player.ku6.com/refer/AlHZ-QkqGul4GAwmyu46MQ../v.swf"The..
$1.99 $4.99
Wandering Aces by Joseph B
In this incredibly direct and impossible effect, the magician is able to find three lost cards in th..
$0.99 $11.95
Wanderlust (Video) by Vernet Magic
Wanderlust [won-der-luhst] NounAn uncontrollable desire to travel; to explore; and seek adventu..
$1.99 $4.99
Wands Routine by Shoot Ogawa
Shoot Ogawa - Stage Magic Lecture - Wands Routine baton practices and processes Including th..
$1.99 $4.99
Want A Drink by Eric Leblon
Eric Leblon - Want a Drink 2011 Eric Leblon opening process for new works , drinks , bottles, larg..
$1.99 $4.99
Warlock's Way by Peter Warlock
Peter Warlock - Warlock's Way PDF 1966 Spiral bound, 55 pages, very go..
$4.99 $7.98
Warna by Saysevent Present
Hello everyone,at this moment let me introduce you my special original creation from my mind called ..
$2.99 $5.99
Warning by Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia - Warning No props, smoke, Real smoke seeping from the mouth..
$1.69 $3.98
Warning by Kostya Kimlat
Close-up magic Kostya Kimlat - Warning New effect, tear off the label on the chong spirit, with the..
$1.99 $4.99
Warp One by David Ren Jenkins
David Ren Jenkins - Warp One Is the classic Roy Walton's Card Warp as a revolutionary transformatio..
$1.99 $4.99
Warped In Space by Quentin Reynolds
Warped in Space A signed Impossible Object that is left with the spectator. A real signature pi..
$2.99 $6.99
Warper by Laurent Villiger
WARPER is a revolutionary gimmick that lets you do an extremely visual card change.Imagine a Joker t..
$1.99 $4.99
Warpzag by Joel Dickinson
"Card Warp is one of my favorite effects of all time. And this is Card Warp on steroids. How on eart..
$2.68 $13.99
Warrior: 2013 Lecture Notes by Christopher Bolter
Chris' new set of lecture notes includes material to be used in the real world for real people. Warr..
$6.99 $37.00
Wasabi by Joseph B
Wasabi is a truly amazing effect for the audience. Full of twists and a great Climax at the end. Bas..
$0.99 $4.99
Washington by Cody Nottingham
This will destroy everything you know about object through bill...Named after the first President of..
$1.99 $4.99
Washington's Wish by Justin Miller
Justin Miller - Washington's WishDemo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLw1gKEkDhUI created this for ..
$1.99 $4.68
Watch Bandit by Kevin King
Kevin King - Watch Bandit World's most famous master of magic tricks from Blackstone to Carlyle, b..
$1.99 $4.99
Watch Cubes by Tora Magic
The magician opens a black box and takes out a solid black cube which is plain on all sides. With a ..
$1.99 $4.99