Special Offers
Watch Magic by Oz Pearlman
practices Oz Pearlman - Watch Magic Teaching on this DVD are from OZ professional retention perform..
$1.99 $4.99
Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson
Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson A reputation maker, perfected over 3 DECADES and THOUSANDS of per..
$1.99 $4.02
Watch The Watch by Mott-Sun
A one-coin routine with a powerful kicker! Mott-sun finally releases the secret to his FISM act! ..
$1.99 $5.99
Watch This by Rex
Batch 3 of Pre-Order is now open. Please note due to a delay in shipping from the creator..
$1.99 $4.99
Watch This by Rex Smooth
A FISM guest and award-winning performer, Rex (Hynk-Suk Kim) is finally debuting his very first magi..
$2.99 $5.99
Watcher by Ebby Tones
Watcher is a new method for secretly learning information that a spectator has written down. It..
$2.99 $5.99
Watcher by Mickael Chatelain
Mickael Chatelain - Watcher Demonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/3822 A very clever g..
$1.99 $4.99
Watching Closely Paul Harris by Benjamin Earl
Welcome to Benjamin Earl's new Dramatic Section series, in which Benjamin breaks down and comments o..
$1.99 $35.00
Watching Closely Ricky Jay by Benjamin Earl
Welcome to Benjamn Earl's new Dramatic Section series, in this feature Benjamn breaks down and revie..
$1.69 $4.99
Water & Ice by Rick Lax
Rick Lax - Water & Ice Demonstration effect : http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4498 Cup filled ..
$1.99 $4.99
Water And Oil by Regardt Laubscher
What if Oil and Water do Mix?Over the years, many versions of the famous card trick Oil and Water ha..
$1.99 $7.00
Water Crystal by Tenyo
A spectator selects a card from the deck, and remembers it.The magician pours water into a container..
$1.99 $4.99
Water Logged by Mark Zellinger
Theory11 - Mark Zellinger - Water Logged An impromptu effect, which is very easy to do, a bottle o..
$1.99 $4.99
Water Spirit by Peng Kai
Using bizarre phenomena to reveal the outcome of a magic effect is one of the most common presentati..
$2.99 $5.99
Water To Beer by Jp
JP - Water To Beer Take someone else's water , immediately transformed into beer , now enjoy ! This ..
$1.69 $3.98
Water Transfiguration by Arsene Hsiao
Alan Wong and 808 Magic PresentWater Transfiguration by Arsene HsiaoFrom the minds of Arsene Hsiao,"..
$2.99 $21.00
Water Wizardry by Arthur Ainslie
Magical experiments with liquids.CHAPTER I LITTLE TRICKSThe Impossible"An Old One"A Quaint MixtureTh..
$1.99 $10.00
Water Works by Uday Jadugar
Uday Jadugar - Water Works Demonstration effect : http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4..
$1.99 $3.98
Watermark by Mathieu Bich
Theory11 - Mathieu Bich - Watermark Creativity comes from the same creative master Mathieu Bich , t..
$1.99 $4.99
Wave by Mathieu Bich
Theory11 - Mathieu Bich - Wave Another creative visual effects France Great , shaking handwriting i..
$1.99 $4.99
Wave-Thru by Dynamite
Imagine tear off a corner of a playing card and lay it down outside of the Tic tac box. Audience cou..
$1.99 $4.99
Wavelength by Manu Jo
wavelength Manu Jo - Wavelength Ultra- visual works magic poker latest issue of MS . After gen..
$1.99 $4.99
Waves (Video) by Guillaume Botta & Thomas Rembault
AWAREA perfect opener for reset. During an observation test, the four Aces are put away and each Kin..
$2.99 $7.99
Waves by Tom Elderfield
Tom Elderfield is the master of gimmicks, and Waves is no exception. This is a face-melting borro..
$1.99 $3.99
Waving The Aces by Guy Hollingworth
After "Reformation", this is Guy Hollingworth's most brilliant creation. The aces visibly turn face ..
$1.99 $8.00
Waxed by Lonnie Chevrie
Lonnie Chevrie - Waxed"A stroke of GENIUS.""Perfect in every way.""A strong, powerful piece of magic..
$1.69 $3.91
Way Out by Marc Oberon
Marc Oberon'sWay Out is a versatile utility item that enables a single, folded piece of plain paper ..
$2.99 $8.48