Anthony 09/01/2021

"Alright folks, let's chat about a little discovery I made, quite the tale really. See, I snagged this deck amidst all the hullabaloo, and initially, I won't lie, it left me a tad sour. All that 'math'—and by 'math,' I mean, you know, actual thinking—kind of threw me off a bit. Fast forward a few months, I dug it back out on a whim, maybe to prove my own point? But, plot twist, I totally fell for it. Turns out, I’d been swept up in the wave of naysayers without truly giving it the old college try.
Now, here's the kicker—I'm absolutely smitten with this deck. It's like discovering your granny's 'boring' oatmeal cookies are actually a secret stash of chocolate chip. Who knew, right?
For my fellow magic enthusiasts, mentalism aficionados, and those who just love a good intrigue, I implore you—give this deck another whirl. Shadows and dust aside, this thing is a riot to play with. Seriously, don’t miss out over a bit of initial skepticism (or 'math,' as some might say). Cheers to second chances!"

J Arnold 27/07/2020

"Gather around because I've got a gem to share with you today. It's about the Quantum deck - yup, that’s the one I’m always raving about. Honestly, I'm practically married to it; we’ve been through a lot together. I've even gone rogue, creating my own decks because, why not? The quality? Oh, it’s like the crème de la crème of card decks.
Now, get this - I've not only mastered what the legendary Craig dishes out, but your boy here has also gone off-script. I've been mixing it up with other decks, cooking up some mind-bending routines that’ll have folks scratching their heads for days.
And here’s the kicker, if you don’t have this deck chilling with your collection,'re kinda missing out on the party. It's like showing up to a magician's duel wielding a spoon. Trust me, you want this in your arsenal.
Alright, magic tribe, that's it from me. Go out there, get your hands on the Quantum deck, and start weaving some magic of your own. Cheers to elevating our tricks, one card at a time!"

Magic Orthodoxy 12/09/2019

guess what? I embarked on my magic trick collection with this gem right here, and oh boy, was it love at first trick! It's as straightforward as it gets, and the charm? Top-notch. Now, don't get me started on my first rodeo ordering from Saturn Magic. My deck arrived, and it was kinda like it missed a magic lesson on being ??gimmicked?? properly. But, hats off to the folks at Saturn Magic! A quick chat, and boom, a new, perfectly ??gimmicked?? deck landed in my mailbox, free of charge. And Craig, that wizard, he whips up a fix in the tutorial like he's sprinkling some magic dust. Speaking of the tutorial, it??s like finding a treasure trove for us hobbyists. It??s not just about this trick; it's a crash course in all things magical. Learned heaps about the craft and all those sneaky sleights. For anyone who??s got that magic itch, this one's a keeper.

David Webber 18/02/2018

"If you're even a teensy bit into magic, buckle up because what I'm about to share is pure gold. Craig Petty's latest trick? Absolute wizardry, and I'm not just throwing around compliments like confetti here.
Picture this: you grab something as ordinary as a playing card, a business card, or hey, even that old photo of your dog wearing sunglasses. With just a flick (okay, maybe not just a flick—there's some learning involved), you perform a trick that'll have folks doubting their own eyes. No flashy ""abracadabra"" moves, no wands—just pure, unfiltered astonishment.
Now, here's where it gets crazy. When you get clued into how it's all done, you might just find yourself more gobsmacked than your audience. Craig Petty, you sly fox, you've crafted a stunner.
Word to the wise, though—don't go getting all shuffle-happy with the deck. Made that mistake myself, and boy, what a saga that was, trying to sort the cards back! Trust me; you’ve got a better shot at being less of a goof than I was (though that's not saying much).
In all seriousness, if spells and enchantments are your jam, this trick's a must-have in your arsenal. It's like, magic finally decided to up its game."

Laura Bautista 03/02/2015

"Alright, magic enthusiasts and trick tweakers, gather around because have I found a gem for you! Imagine stumbling upon a tutorial that's not only packed with the nitty-gritty details but also walks you through, step by step, with the patience of a saint. Yeah, that's Craig for you - kind of feels like that cool, slightly nerdy friend who knows a little too much about everything but makes learning a blast.
This isn't just about pulling rabbits out of hats or making coins disappear. It's the kind of trick that has you rubbing your eyes and asking, 'Wait, how did he do that again?' But here's the kicker ?C it's surprisingly easy to get the hang of! Craig's not holding back; he spills all the beans, throws in a bunch of handy tips, and somehow makes you feel like a pro before you've even dazzled your first audience.
Would I recommend it? In a heartbeat! Whether you're in it for those jaw-dropping moments or just love the thrill of pulling off something wickedly clever, this is your golden ticket. Sure, you'll need a bit of practice (don't we all?), but you don't need to be Houdini to get this trick down pat.
Bottom line: If you're looking to step up your game and impress with some seriously slick magic, you've gotta check this out. And hey, if it doesn't turn out as smooth on the first try, at least you'll have a good laugh and a great story to tell. Magic's about having fun, right? Go give it a whirl!"

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