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  • Letters To Friends by John Carey

Letters To Friends by John Carey

  • Product Code: T0462
  • Reward Points: 10
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  • Price in reward points: 299
John Carey - Letters To Friends


30 pages

John Carey is an active participant on the Second Deal and Magic Pebble forums. In his Introduction he states, The title of this latest work comes by way of how I share my material via the net with close friends.

Mr. Carey has lashed together 18 of these effects and released them as a PDF. For some reason, he chose not to re-write this material for sale to the magical masses. If his intent was to preserve the loose, informal nature of these letters, he succeeded, but at a cost.

He doesnt begin each write-up by describing the effect. He mixes together the set-up, method and effect. I found this lack of structure to be irritating as hell.

Some people just dont like certain types of effects, period. Naturally, they dont wish to devote their time to reading about those effects. With this PDF, the reader must wade through the whole write-up just to unearth the effect and determine if it appeals to them. Some readers will understandably feel that their time has been wasted.

At best, Mr. Carey does a passable job of describing the material. His writing lacks detail and depth and is occasionally confusing. He doesnt include fleshed out presentations.

He assumes that the reader is a well-read cardician who possesses an intermediate level of technical prowess. He often refers to techniques by name only. He doesnt actually teach them.

He does a good job of providing attribution, but he repeatedly fails to capitalize the titles of books. How odd.

The PDF lacks pagination.

It also lacks illustrations. Considering Mr. Careys sketchy prose, illustrations or photos would have greatly aided the learning process.

An Approach to the One Deck Do-as-I-Do: A participant freely selects a card and returns it to the deck. The performer selects a card and returns it to the deck. The participant removes a card from the deck and the performer places the card in his pocket. The performer removes a card from the deck and the participant places it in her pocket.

The performer names his card, then removes it from his pocket, proving that the participant blindly located it. The participant names her card, then removes it from her pocket, proving that the performer blindly located it. I like it.

Gun Slinger Ace Pro: The performer spreads the deck and the participant touches two cards. The performer removes them and hands them to the participant. She places a card in each of her pockets. She spreads the deck and the performer touches two cards and places them in two pockets. The performer and participant remove the cards from their pockets, revealing the four Aces. I like it.

One Deck again......: The participant freely selects a card and returns it to the deck. The performer selects a card and returns it to the deck. The participant removes a card from the deck and places it in her pocket. The performer removes a card from the deck and places it in his pocket. The participant names her card and the performer removes it from his pocket. The performer names his card and the participant removes it from her pocket.

I dont like it due to the fact that the method demands that the performer demonstrate how to put a card in ones pocket. If the participant speaks your language and is at least three years old, they do not need to be taught how to put a card in their pocket!

Two to Tango: Participant #1 cuts off a small packet of cards and silently counts them, to generate her secret number. Participant #2 peeks at a card from the remainder of the deck. The performer cuts the first participants packet into the deck. Participant #1 takes the deck and counts down to her secret number, where she finds the second participants card.

I like the method he describes in his follow-up Notes because it eliminates a cull.

Knowing As I Do: The participant selects a card and places it, sight unseen, in her pocket. The performer selects a card and places it in his pocket. The performer shuffles the deck until the participant stops him. He breaks the deck at the stopping point and tables the deck in two face-down packets. The participant freely picks up either packet and the performer takes the other one.

They each remove an unknown card from their packets and table them face-down. The participant turns her card face-up, revealing a black Seven. The performer turns over his card, revealing the other black Seven. They remove the cards from their pockets and discover the red Sevens. I like it.

Stacked Do-as-I-Do: The performer gives half of the deck to his participant. They select a card from each others portion, return their cards and lose them in the packets. Both parties simultaneously begin to deal their cards into face-up piles. The participant stops dealing whenever she likes and the performer stops dealing at the same time. The performer and participant deal the next card face down in front of their piles.

The participant names her selection. The performer turns over his card, revealing her selection. The performer names his card and the participant turns over her card and discovers his selection. I like it.

Biddle in the Middle with Max: The participant freely names one of the suits. The performer removes all of the cards of that suit, counts them and hands the packet to the participant. The participant shuffles her packet and the performer shuffles the remainder of the deck. He places his cards into the card case and the participant places the case in her pocket.

The performer selects a card from the participants packet, returns it, and the participant shuffles the packet. She counts the cards and finds only 12 cards. One card has vanished. The performer announces that he chose the Ten. The participant examines her cards and finds that the Ten is missing. She removes the cards from the case and discovers the Ten reversed in the packet. I like it.

A Sandwich Transposition: The performer splits the deck in half and tables one half face-up and one half face-down. The participant selects a card from the face-up portion and signs it. The participant lifts off half of the face-down portion of the deck and the performer places her card face-down on top of the tabled face-down portion. The participant places the cards she is holding on top of her selected to bury it.

The performer turns the remaining packet face-down, removes two cards and turns them face-up on top of the face-down packet. He cuts the packet to centralize the face-up cards. He spreads the packet on the table, displaying the two face-up cards. He squares the packet and re-spreads it, revealing the selected card sandwiched between the face-up cards.

Theres nothing new here.

Gotcha: Two cards are freely selected, signed and lost in the deck. The performer turns the top card of the deck face-up, displaying an indifferent card. He turns the card face-down and places it on the participants palm. The performer waves his pen over the card. The participant turns the card over and discovers that it is now her selected card.

The performer causes the pen to vanish. He reveals that the pen is actually behind his ear. He hands the pen to the participant and instructs her to wave it at the deck. The performer reveals that he is holding the second selected card, and the rest of the deck is in his pocket. I like it.

My Way: The performer spreads the deck face-down and out-jogs one card. A participant touches three more cards, which the performer out-jogs. He strips the four cards from the deck and flips them face-up on top. He lifts up the four card packet, thumbs three of the cards individually onto the deck and turns them face-down. An Ace is left face-up on top of the deck. He removes the top four cards and disposes of the deck.

The performer places the face-up ace on the bottom of the packet, then spreads the packet to show that the Ace has risen up one position. He spreads the packet again and shows that the Ace is now second from the top. The Ace finally rises to the top of the packet.

The performer waves the Ace over the remaining cards, then reveals that they have turned into the other Aces.

I dont like it because the performer has to select the first card, in order to purportedly demonstrate how to touch a card! Enough of the bogus demonstrations already! Superior methods exist.

Reds 'n' Blacks Revisited: The performer separates the deck into four packets, which are shuffled by four participants. He assembles the deck and then cuts it into six packets to show that the red and black cards are mixed. Upon reassembling and spreading the deck face-up, the participants see that the red and black cards are now separated.

Theres nothing new here. Considering that Mr. Careys lamentable participants require demonstrations of simple, psychomotor tasks, it should come as no surprise that it takes four of them to shuffle a deck.

In Full View?: The performer displays a odd-backed card in his pocket. A participant selects and signs a card, which is lost in the deck. The performer removes the odd-backed card from his pocket and tables it face-down.

The participant spreads the face-down deck on the table and slides out any card. The performer shows the faces of the rest of the cards in the deck. The participant doesnt see her selection. She turns over the card she slid out and sees that its not her selection. She turns over the odd-backed card and it is her selection.

Its hard to beat Brother John Hammans original methodology and psychology for The Signed Card. I dont like Mr. Careys handling because its unnatural to use two hands to remove a card from ones pocket, particularly when one hand is holding a deck.

Controlling the Aces: This is a method for apparently burying the Aces in the deck while actually controlling them to the top.

Theres nothing new here.

The Truth will Tell: The participant selects a card which is lost in the deck. The performer cuts the deck into three face-down piles, which potentially represent the selections color, value and suit. The performer asks the participant to state her cards color, value and suit. She can lie or tell the truth.

The performer turns over each of the piles, revealing that the participants card was red, a Queen, and a Heart The Queen of Hearts. The participant acknowledges that is her card. She picks up a pile and dealing one card for each letter, she spells truth. She turns over the card that falls on the final letter and discovers her card. I like it.

One for Sid & Henry: A female participant shuffles the deck and deals 12 cards into a face-down pile. A male participant chooses a card from this pile and returns it. The performer fans the packet to a female participant and asks her to think of a card that stands out in her mind. The performer mixes the packet face-up and face-down.

The male participant mentally sends the color, suit and value to his partner and she correctly divines his selected card. The performer fans the packet, revealing that all of the cards are face-down except for the face-up selection. I like it.

Simplex Mental Location: A participant freely selects a card from a shuffled deck and stabs it into the deck near the center, leaving the card protruding. The performer reverses the marker card and hands the deck to the participant. She spreads the deck and thinks of a card either below or above the marker card. She removes the marker card and loses it in the deck.

The performer retrieves the deck, shuffles it, scans the faces and cuts it. He gives the deck to the participant and asks her deal the cards face-down into his hand. The performer calls stop and asks the participant to name her card. She turns over the next card and discovers her selection.

I dont like it because after the selection, the performer must study the faces of the cards and cut the deck before proceeding.

A Divine Matching: A participant cuts the deck several times and reassembles the deck. She removes the top card of the deck and places it in her pocket, sight unseen. Three other participants take a card from the top of the deck and hold them between their palms.

The performer retrieves the deck and turns away to allow the three participants to view their cards. He turns back around and correctly divines the three cards, which he places face-up on top of the deck. He turns the three cards face-down and tables them.

The performer names the fourth selected card, say the Three of Spades. The participant removes it from her pocket and tables it face-up, verifying that the performer is correct. The performer turns over the previously tabled selections and reveals that they have transformed into the other Threes. I like it.

The Pack of Mystery: A participant selects a card, which is lost in the deck. The deck is tabled and the participant cuts it in half. The performer shuffles the original bottom half of the deck face-up and face-down. He cuts the other half of the deck into three packets.

The performer asks the participant to mentally project her cards color, value and suit onto each packet. He turns each packet face-up, revealing a red card, a Queen and a Heart. He correctly announces that the participants card is the Queen of Hearts. The participant spreads through the other half of the deck and discovers that all of the cards are now face-down except for her face-up selection. I like it.

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Infinity Card Test by Banachek

Infinity Card Test by Banachek

In this fantastic routine, Banachek will teach you his hands on version of a tossed out deck without..

$1.99 $4.99

World'S Greatest Fortuneteller by Bob Mason

World'S Greatest Fortuneteller by Bob Mason

A Sensational Mental Effect for parties and similar gatherings. Guests volunteer to have their fortu..

$0.99 $3.99

Billetless Double Pin Revelation by Ulrich Von Etzenbach

Billetless Double Pin Revelation by Ulrich Von Etzenbach

You will be provided with exact methodology of accomplishing this effect (use only words and imagina..

$1.99 $4.99

Confidence For Magicians (Pdf) by Dominic Reyes

Confidence For Magicians (Pdf) by Dominic Reyes

Magicians approach people with confidence... Right? They are in 'show business', they are entertaine..

$2.99 $5.99

Stitched Throw by Tybbe Master

Stitched Throw by Tybbe Master

Check this out..By throwing the shirt buttons with distanceThe shirt buttons will immediately stick ..

$1.99 $4.99

Girl Power by Satish B

Girl Power by Satish B

This is a woman empowered card trick. The spectator (preferably a woman) randomly selects a group of..

$0.99 $3.99

Gerald Deutsch'S Perverse Magic - The First Six by Gerald Deutsch

Gerald Deutsch'S Perverse Magic - The First Six by Gerald Deutsch

How do you take the ego out of performing magic? For sixteen years, Gerald Deutsch has been contribu..

$7.99 $52.00

Brainstormer by Mark Leveridge

Brainstormer by Mark Leveridge

The performer removes a deck from its case to reveal that it is not a real pack of cards at all. Cas..

$1.99 $5.99

The Delphian Oracle by Al Mann

The Delphian Oracle by Al Mann

A volunteer consults The Delphian Oracle, and secretly writes a question of his or her choice. The p..

$6.99 $17.00

Schattenjaeger - Shadow Hunter by Bob Cassidy

Schattenjaeger - Shadow Hunter by Bob Cassidy

He looks beyond the appearances and facades that disguise reality and finds the truth. He is The Sch..

$2.99 $27.00

Kato On Estimation by Hideo Kato

Kato On Estimation by Hideo Kato

Hideo Kato was for many years a part of the brain trust of Tenyo, thinking up new and clever effects..

$4.99 $14.00

Triple Edge by Bob Cassidy

Triple Edge by Bob Cassidy

The Corvus Manifesto - a thought provoking essay by Bob.The Photon Phenomenon - A low cost way to ac..

$10.99 $27.00

Gang Of Four by Harry Anderson

Gang Of Four by Harry Anderson

Four spectators each select a card remember it. You remove one card from the Deck and place it face ..

$2.99 $5.99

Mindvention 2009 Lecture Notes by Devin Knight

Mindvention 2009 Lecture Notes by Devin Knight

First time released as PDF. These are the highly sought after lecture notes from Devin's first lectu..

$5.99 $22.00

Bonnie Tyler by Andrew Frost

Bonnie Tyler by Andrew Frost

Bonnie Tyler is a two phase reversal routine I designed to maximise the magicians ability to emphasi..

$1.99 $4.99

Deep Fry 1 by Ben Harris & J. J. Zappatta

Deep Fry 1 by Ben Harris & J. J. Zappatta

J.J. ZAPPATTA. The enigma, the man of mystery who hung with the shadows throughout the course of man..

$1.99 $11.95

3Sp by Maurice Janssen

3Sp by Maurice Janssen

3SP: The performer hands some Zener cards to a willing participant. While the performer is turned aw..

$1.99 $8.00

The Australian Gambling Game Of 31 by Ken De Courcy

The Australian Gambling Game Of 31 by Ken De Courcy

The Ace to Six of each suit are placed on the table, and the two players turn cards face down altern..

$1.99 $12.00

A Magician In Many Lands by Charles Bertram

A Magician In Many Lands by Charles Bertram

This is a fascinating travel log, including a good number of photos, by an accomplished magician cir..

$0.99 $7.00

Cash Grab (Lecture Notes) by Jason Ladanye

Cash Grab (Lecture Notes) by Jason Ladanye

Jason's latest set of lecture notes which include five high-impact card effects. 29 pages / Comb bou..

$5.99 $8.99

The Encyclopedia Of Magic And Magicians by T.A. Waters

The Encyclopedia Of Magic And Magicians by T.A. Waters

Identifies top magicians, tricks, and illusions, and explains terms describing performance technique..

$4.99 $7.99

The Dark Card by Jean Boucher

The Dark Card by Jean Boucher

The Dark Card by Jean BoucherPDFFrom a red backed deck, a spectator selects andremoves a card, slgns..

$0.99 $3.99

It'S A Lu Lu by Docc Hilford

It'S A Lu Lu by Docc Hilford

EffectTwo spectators shuffle a full deck of cards. The performer asks a woman to help him by having ..

$2.99 $5.99

The Diary Of A Magician'S Wife by Geraldine Conrad Larsen

The Diary Of A Magician'S Wife by Geraldine Conrad Larsen

Editor's note: (Gerri Larsen was a participant in the world-wide final Houdini S..

$13.99 $41.95

Ten Green Bottles by John Archer

Ten Green Bottles by John Archer

This is a fun comedic mentalism routine to perform in a bar or restaurant that fully suits the locat..

$3.99 $19.00

Batman by Christian Grace

Batman by Christian Grace

Learn an entertaining way to track a selected playing card in the deck using sound. (Apparently)..

$0.99 $3.99

High Noon by Mark Cahill

High Noon by Mark Cahill

The magician places a prediction on the table face down, and when it is turnedover it reads: “Your c..

$0.99 $7.00

Exceptions In Gravity by Avner The Eccentric

Exceptions In Gravity by Avner The Eccentric

Avner Eisenberg is a master of the art of physical comedy, an internationally-known American vaudevi..

$1.99 $4.99

Mental Mysteries With Cards Edited by William Larsen Sr.

Mental Mysteries With Cards Edited by William Larsen Sr.

Mental Mysteries with Cards Edited by William Larsen Sr.DescriptionOver 20 terrific mental mysteries..

$0.99 $3.99

Losing Diamonds by Joshua Jay

Losing Diamonds by Joshua Jay

A card is chosen, travels to the pocket, but turns out to be the wrong card. Visibly 'flick' the dia..

$0.99 $8.00

Tres by Vladimir Zyuzin

Tres by Vladimir Zyuzin

I just finished reading Tres. I was a bit worried over the $99 price, but I am very happy with my pu..

$19.99 $101.00

Boffo: Or The Creation And Utilization Of Image And Reputation by Christopher Strange

Boffo: Or The Creation And Utilization Of Image And Reputation by Christopher Strange

Boffo is the bridge between being a magician and being a world-class performer.All top performers sp..

$4.99 $17.00

The Hindu Thread Trick by Lewis Ganson

The Hindu Thread Trick by Lewis Ganson

, also known as The Gypsy Thread, is a classic of magic for a good reason. Audience reactions are ve..

$1.99 $12.00

Between Your Hands by Alberto De Figueiredo

Between Your Hands by Alberto De Figueiredo

A spectator removes any four cards at random from a shuffled deck. They mix the four cards themselve..

$0.99 $3.99

Gimmick-Less Invisible Deck by Kassim Beydoun

Gimmick-Less Invisible Deck by Kassim Beydoun

Guest Item from Gumroad Magic Monthly by Christian GraceHere we welcome Kassim Beydoun in sharing wi..

$0.99 $3.99

New World Order by Warren Thackeray

New World Order by Warren Thackeray

MindFX is pleased to announce the impending release of Warren Thackeray’s new book “New World Order”..

$4.99 $36.99

Remainder a method for magicians by Taylor Hughes

Remainder a method for magicians by Taylor Hughes

This is Taylor’s version of a “Toxic” style number prediction with a unique twist. The magician can ..

$3.99 $33.00



2 Versions - Look at the full performance1 A normal deck of cards and a black Card2 A Normal Deck of..

$0.99 $8.99


Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..

$2.99 $35.00

Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo

Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo

 Mike Gallo Volume 1 - $25 (video) In this video Michael covers some of his incredible pro..

$2.99 $25.00

Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo

Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo

 Mike Gallo Volume 2 - $25 (video) Even more of the professional material that has made Mi..

$2.99 $25.00

Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo

Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo

 Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo - $25 (video) Michael's father Lou Gallo was an absolu..

$2.99 $25.00

The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo

The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo

 The Ball & Vase - $25 (video) Complete video instructions on Mike's classic handling ..

$2.99 $25.00

No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo

No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo

 No Cards...No Coins - $25 (PDF) Eight creatively designed routines using items other..

$2.99 $25.00

The Card Notes By Mike Gallo

The Card Notes By Mike Gallo

 The Card Notes - $25 (PDF) A literal treasure trove of card mastery! Twelve sleights, han..

$2.99 $25.00

Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo

Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo

 Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture - $25 (PDF) Mike'..

$2.99 $25.00

The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo

The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..

$19.99 $210.00

Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty

Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty

If you have ever wanted to earn more money from close-up magic, creating a Parlour Show is a VIP exp..

$3.99 $49.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Week Three - February 19, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Daniel will welcome magicians into a live Q&A ..

$2.99 $3.50

Face up By Zoen

Face up By Zoen

The magician drops a deck of cards on the table and mysteriously the spectator's card will pop out o..

$0.99 $5.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Week One - February 5, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Performances (The Law of Inevitability and I Put a Sp..

$7.99 $75.00

Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose

Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose

This is one of the classic props in the psychic magic. It can create an atmosphere of horror and ali..

$0.99 $4.95

The Instant Memory System By David Malek

The Instant Memory System By David Malek

Starting from the latest brain research and the latest insights of how our mind functions, combining..

$1.99 $9.95

Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright

Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright

Are you looking to connect with your audience on a deeper more emotional level?Are you looking for a..

$2.99 $49.95

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