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  • Magic Page by Patrick Page

Magic Page by Patrick Page

  • Product Code: C1#754
  • Reward Points: 35
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $14.98
  • $7.99

  • Price in reward points: 799

Patrick Page - Magic Page by Page




The 1st Edition Hardback version of Magic Page by Page by Patrick Page was published at the end of November 2011 and the 1,000 copies printed were sold out in May 2013. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and said such nice things about it.

The 2nd Edition has now been printed and is available to purchase exclusively from Patrick Page Magic. We took on board your comments about the weight of the book and the cost of shipping it to you and have created a softback version which is significantly lighter than the hardback version. All the costs of paper and printing have gone up since we printed the 1st Edition to make the 2nd Edition more expensive for us, we have reduced the price of the book to £40 sterling to keep the book affordable and it compares very favourably with other magic books published over the last 10 years.

The soft back version is still a very big book, lavishly illustrated with 328 pages, 12″ x 9″ in size, jam packed with great magic effects and advice and advice on how to perform them from one of the magic’s greatest teachers. It contains details of the routines that Patrick regularly performed and from which he earned a living over the last 60 years.

We have used the same quality paper as before and just replaced the hard cover with a soft cover to get the weight of the book down. We have passed on those savings in postage / shipping to you.

What is different about the new 2nd Edition version?

The book is just the same as the 1st edition hardback version with the following changes:

• We added a few people to the list of people whose help with the book we wished to acknowledge and who weren’t included in the first edition.

• We added a few extra photos in the book of Patrick

• We made a few corrections to some very minor errors that were spotted in the 1st edition

That’s it. We haven’t changed any of the words. It is exactly as Patrick wrote it. We would have risked being struck down by a bolt of lightning had we dared!

What’s in the book? Well what isn’t in it?

Well there are chapters on cards, stacked decks, coins, the Miser’s Dream and palming, use of sponge balls, ropes, thumb tips, paper tearing and restoring, silks, purse frame etc., dealer delights such as Cord A Cup, Easy Money, Patrick’s version of the 3 Card Monte, Money Bag, Old Moore’s Diary, the Hanky Panky Cloth, the Topit Vanisher, Comedy Magic, Misdirection, Spectator assistance and much much more.

Below is a non exhaustive list of some of the money topics covered by Patrick in his book.

Chapter 1 Cards

Cards to Pocket – Patrick’s own take on a classic piece of card magic.

The Continuous Do As I Do – an effect performed by Patrick over many years starting off as a quickie, close-up card trick to its eventual handling, featuring entertaining audience participation.

An Impromptu Vanish – the ideal effect for anyone who already performs card manupulations.

Beyond Coincidence – “strolling magic” which requires no preparation, just a deck of cards.

Patrick Page’s Card in Wallet – a spectator takes a card from a pack of cards, marks it with initials and the card is revealed from a zipped wallet.

One, Two, Three, It’s Yours – an unexpected method of producing a previously selected card from a pack of cards.

Heba Haba Magic – Patrick Page’s version of what was his favourite trick.

The Davenport Deception – a visual effect involving a card under a coin changing to a selected card.

The PrincESP Card Trick – a variation of the Hardin Princess Card Trick, with E,S,P cards.

Three Cards Across – a classic card effect involving 3 cards travelling from one pack to another.

Princess Quatro – based on the Hardin Princess Card Trick with a climax which is more surprising than the original.

Peg It – producing a selected card and clipping it between the jaws of a clothes peg.

Jumbo One in the Middle – a modern version of an effect devised by Patrick Page in the 1950’s, with Jumbo cards.

Big Money Aces – a card trick with a surprise finish.

The Top Change – how to perform the top change with a pack of cards.

The Unknown Soldier’s Card Trick – a card trick based on an idea given to Patrick Page by Ken de Courcy (and shown to him by an American soldier in North Africa during the 2nd World War).

The Multiple Colour Change – Patrick Page’s interpretation of the famous Dai Vernon Tenkai Palm colour change.

The Pageboy Card Switch – a move enabling you to switch one card for another while the card is lying down on the table face down.

Chapter 2 The Stacked Deck

Information on stacked decks and ideas on how to use them as part of a routine

The PaPa System

Things You Should Know About a Stacked Deck

Handling a Stacked Deck


Other Revelations


The Face-Up Revelation

Multiple Revelations

The Probe

Pocketed Cards

The Fernandez Miracle

Calling the Cards

The Pocket Card Index

Ted Danson’s Diary Trick

The Ultimate Variation: Old Moore’s Diary – Patrick Page’s own diary trick.

The Four Packets – Parts 1 and 2.


At a Number

The PaPa System Plus Si Stebbins

The Estimated Cut


Think A Card


Name a Number

And Again

The Faro/Weave/Butt/Shuffle

Avoiding the Peek

Chapter 3 Coins

No Lap Coins Through Table & The Hang Ping Chien Move

The Big Coin Production

The Complete Coin Miracle

Spellbound Climax

The Pull Back Coin Vanish

A Coin Interlude

A Coin Vanish

The Sleeve Dropper

A La Malini

Coins Coins Coins

Chapter 4 The Miser’s Dream

The Bucket and Coins

The Necessary Sleights

The T Nelson Downs “Palm”
The Classic Palm

The Thumb Palm

The Pull Back

The Drop Plus Finger Palm

The Back Clip

The Left Hand

The Basic Routine

Coin Holders

In Lieu of the Coin Holder

The Effect


The Chanin Coin Production and Variation on the Chanin Theme.

Chapter 5 Miscellaneous: Sponge Balls, Ropes, Silks etc.

The Opener

Glass of Liquid Production

The Sponge Ball Routine

The Bowl Routine

The Sleeve Dodge

The Purse Frame

The Burned and Restored Bill in Wallet

The Ten Second Paper Tear

The Colour Changing Handkerchief

Bare Hand Silk Production

Dyeing the Silks

One More Torn and Restored Paper

A Thumb Tip Tip

The Al Koran Thimble Routine

Lighter Thru Table

Tambo Tambo

The Borrowed Finger Ring

The Purse Switch

The Pageboy Ball Vanish

The Cut and Restored Rope

The Everlasting Cut and Restored Rope

Three to One Rope Trick

The Rope Rope Rope Trick

With a Thumb Tip

Chapter 6 Dealer’s Delights

Easy Money – turning paper into money. Patrick Page’s most well known trick but one that many do not realise that he was the inventor.

One in the Middle – the first effect marketed by Patrick Page (invented in 1955)

The Colour Changing Jumbo

The Golden Girdle

Cord –A-Cup



Copycat Cards

The Fifty – Fifty Cards

Double Mirage – Parts 1 and 2.

One More Time

Repeat Flag Production

Patrick’s Hatrick

A Handful of Magic

Chameleon Clown

The Invisible Chicken

Topsy Turvy Candle

Money Bag

Clink Coins


The Mini Money Miracle

The Big Four

The Noddy Handkerchief

Funny Bunny

The Hanky Panky Cloth

Patrick Page’s Ringstick

The Brainbuster Deck

Cash Catch

Chapter 7 Topit

Full instructions and tips on how to use the Topit Vanisher. Patrick included the Topit Vanisher in all of his routines.

Chapter 8 Patrick Page’s Comedy Magic

Information on more comedy gags and effects than you will ever need but almost certainly something to suit everyone in this Chapter.

Below is a list of topics included in this Chapter.

The Magic Box

The Vanishing Birdcage

The Vanishing Apple

Val’s Opener

Tearing It Up

An Alternative

The Handyman


Arrivederci Magic

Colour Blind?

A Colour Change

The Electric Deck

A Flashy Gag

Sharp As A Knife

A Flaming Candle


Bang Bang


A Prediction


Smoke Gets Everywhere

From Down Under

The Portable Cow

The Shot Knot

Smoke Smoke Smoke

A Cigarette Twist

Expensive Prop

No Smoking

The Buttonhole

The Vanishing Handkerchief

Sock It

The Legend

The Acrobatic Glove

The Flash Box

The Egg Trick


H.G. Wells Outdone

Striking It Lucky

God Bless Cardini

A Tissue of…?

Tale of a Fish

Jay’s Tale

A Con Trick

The Vanishing (?)

Another T & R Paper

The Breakaway Wand

See The Pretty Thing

Those Blinking Rings

The Electric Deck, Again

A Feat of Magic

Spots Off

A Sticky Moment

A Hat Trick

Billy’s Thimble

Up Up Up Up Up

Cue For Magic

That Rope Trick

And Another

The Indian Rope Trick


Home James

Half and Half

The Eye Card Trick

Wrong Card Right Card

A Table Tip



A Plate

The Boomerang Card

Name A Card 1

Ditto 2

Ditto 3

The Card Is?

The Windbag

The Diminishing Handkerchief

A Dodgy Rope

A Dodgy Rope 2

The Cannonball Illusion

All Seeing Blindfold

Baby Baby



Smoke Signals

Breakaway Props

Breakaway Wand

Breakaway Spoon

Breakaway Gun

Breakaway Fan

Breakaway Box

Breakaway Scissors

Just A Thought

Breakaway Breakaway

It’s My Turn Now

Rabbit, Where Art Thou?

Card In Wallet

A Green Pair?

Obedient Cards

The Flat Rabbit

The Baby Gag

Hanky Panky 1

Hanky Panky 2

Dowler’s Rings

A Coin Trick

It’s Handy

Good Evening

Pocket Magic

A Hole in One

Blank Him

Sleightly Different



19 different Comedy Props

Chapter 9 Misdirection

Ideas on misdirection

A Ball Vanish

The Big Steal

Card Under the Ashtray

Chapter 10 Now They See It

Effects concerned with a spectator assisting the performer.

The Vanishing and Reappearing Saucer

The Early Version

Card on Forehead

Clayton Rawson

Which Hand Is It In?


On The Back

Bonus Genus

Another Version

With a Balloon

Dr Giovanni’s Card on Back

Paper Balls Over the Head

The Egg Bag

The Vanishing Liquid

Variation 1

Variation 2

The Pitchman Routine

Six Inches More

The Eye Chart

This is the Big Time

The Coin Vanish

The Knotted Handkerchiefs

Appendix – Interview of Patrick Page by Matt Field, editor in April 2007 for The Magic Circular, the monthly magazine of The Magic Circle.

The book has been described as “a career changing book”. Full of wit and wisdom, Magic Page by Page is Patrick’s life’s work in magic, a virtual omnibus of his magic inventions, written down for posterity.

Thanks to Matt Field and Michael Albright (editor and designer respectively), it’s also a stylish, elegant book that’s easy to read.

Published by the family (at Patrick’s request), the price for sales in Continental Europe inclusive of shipping / postage and packing is £55.

This is approximately US $ 72.5

Please make payment by Paypal.

We will try to ship to you the next working day. To keep the cost of sending the book to you to a minimum, we post to Continental Europe by air mail (printed paper rate).

We have included comments from some of our customers about the 1st Edition of Magic Page by Page. Please note that the 2nd edition is cheaper and not as heavy. Here’s what Simon Drake, star and creator of The Secret Cabaret and The House of Magic had to say about the new Magic Page by Page book by Patrick Page

“Magic Page by Page” by Patrick Page

‘If a person was starting out in magic and this book was the only one they ever had, the wisdom and simplicity therein would be sufficient to become a first-rate entertainer’

Simon Drake, January 2012

Review of the Book

We are grateful to Dave Goulding who has just written (5th December 2011) the following review of the book for the Aberdeen Magical Society’s in-house magazine Pisces and given us permission to use it. We have also included a review received from Pat Fallon in Dublin (9th December 2011). Thanks Pat for generously allowing us to include it below for your enjoyment.

Magic Page By Page

Today was a good day. Yes, it’s Monday; yes, the temperature never got above freezing; yes,

the economy is staggering along but no matter because the Postie delivered my copy of “Magic

Page by Page”!

Now those of you that know me will be aware of my admiration for the greatly missed Pat, so I

will do my best to rein in my emotions and try my damnedest to give you an impartial and

subjective review of this book.

Let’s start with the physical aspects. It is big at 12.5″ by 9.5″. There are about 330 pages of

excellent quality heavy matt art paper, bound in hardback with a glossy dust sheet. Many pages

are lavishly illustrated with explanatory photographs of the Page Boy himself while others have

lovely line drawings and even publicity-type photos of Pat. It is beautiful to look at.

Anyone who is familiar with Pat’s work will already be acquainted with his clear, direct writing

style. There are very few words wasted when an effect is being explained but the subject is

always fully covered. I must give a huge credit to Matthew Field who has done a wonderful job

of editing Pat’s work.

In the cover notes, the book is described as Pat’s magnum opus and it is certainly that. The

contents would take far too long to discuss but let me assure you that anything that you ever

saw Pat do, heard him lecture about or read in an

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"Ben's Flipper Cookie is great! It allows you to perform a visual magic with the ordinary cookies!"-..

$1.99 $27.00

Black Rabbit Vol. 1: Ancient Totem by Lewis Le Val

Black Rabbit Vol. 1: Ancient Totem by Lewis Le Val

Lewis Le Val is back with another exclusive series !His previous series, The Whisper Tapes, was extr..

$2.99 $27.00

The Semi-Automatic Transposition by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 12)

The Semi-Automatic Transposition by Dani DaOrtiz (Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 12)

The Semi-Automatic TranspositionIn the final lesson of the Semi-Automatic Weapons project Dani DaOrt..

$1.99 $11.95

Witness by Lee Asher

Witness by Lee Asher

Lee Asher - Witness Without props, completely improvised , simple approach, a strong effect Witness ..

$1.99 $4.99

The Muy Bueno Shuffle by Lee Asher Bj Bueno

The Muy Bueno Shuffle by Lee Asher Bj Bueno

Lee Asher BJ Bueno - The Muy Bueno Shuffle First published in the famous master Bill Goodwin undergr..

$1.99 $4.99

V.E.R.B.L. by Kyle Purnell

V.E.R.B.L. by Kyle Purnell

Kyle Purnell - V.E.R.B.L.This is an extremely direct and visually shocking effect where you can see ..

$0.99 $4.35

Nepomuk by Benjamin Chickering And Abstract Effects

Nepomuk by Benjamin Chickering And Abstract Effects

"Bennie Chickering is that rare combination of artist and craftsman who comes up with things we've n..

$1.99 $27.00

Cheeky by Craig Petty

Cheeky by Craig Petty

Do you think you know the Cheek to Cheek deck? Well think again!We all know that Craig Petty is the ..

$2.99 $31.99

Bob Wagner's Master Notebook of Magic by Bob Wagner

Bob Wagner's Master Notebook of Magic by Bob Wagner

This book was published in 1992. The tricks and ideas cover gambling, parlour, stage, card index, ca..

$3.99 $32.00

Window To The Future by Henry Evans

Window To The Future by Henry Evans

The effect starts with the magician placing a group of cards as a prediction on a crystal clear glas..

$0.99 $37.00

Pineapple On Classics by Victor Pineapple

Pineapple On Classics by Victor Pineapple

The Spanish School of magic is known to produce the greatest thinkers in the world.Their magic is mo..

$2.99 $16.99

The Zombie Book by Twister Magic

The Zombie Book by Twister Magic

From the Creative Twister Team comes an innovative Children's Magic Routine! Luis Zavaleta, Professo..

$2.99 $5.99

The Fall by Noel Qualter

The Fall by Noel Qualter

Finally! A visually stunning approach to the 'Card-Thru-Window' plot that is 100% practical as a 20 ..

$1.99 $42.00

Psycho-Spiritual Mentalism by Jerome Finley

Psycho-Spiritual Mentalism by Jerome Finley

  Psycho Spiritual Mentalism by Jerome Finley    "PSM" is a rare collection ..

$8.99 $24.98

Another Close-Up Cavalcade by Jerry Mentzer

Another Close-Up Cavalcade by Jerry Mentzer

https://www.conjuringarchive.com/list/book/6601975Written by Jerry MentzerWork of Various1..

$2.99 $91.99

Picture Yourself As A Magician (Ebook Only) by Wayne N. Kawamoto

Picture Yourself As A Magician (Ebook Only) by Wayne N. Kawamoto

PDFStep-by-Step Instruction for the Street, Stage, Parties, Card Table, and More.DescriptionPicture ..

$2.99 $16.95

Bammo Backtrack Jack by Bob Farmer

Bammo Backtrack Jack by Bob Farmer

George Carlin once said that "Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that ap..

$1.99 $4.99

Vol. 1 (English) (PDF) By Inject Shortcuts Pack(Gimmicks Not Included)

Vol. 1 (English) (PDF) By Inject Shortcuts Pack(Gimmicks Not Included)

Document QR code is no longer valid“I am totally BLOWN AWAY!! This is the closest thing to the HOLY ..

$2.99 $49.00

Stone Cold Mental 2 By Jeff Stone (PDF+Extras)

Stone Cold Mental 2 By Jeff Stone (PDF+Extras)

After nearly two years since volume I was released, the long-awaited sequel is finally here. In this..

$4.99 $24.95

Sibylline By Perna

Sibylline By Perna

In Sibylline, you will learn two techniques that are perfect for the esoteric performer. These are s..

$5.99 $30.00

Hocus Pocus By Richard Wiseman, Rik Worth, Jordan Collver and Owen Watts

Hocus Pocus By Richard Wiseman, Rik Worth, Jordan Collver and Owen Watts

One of the most exciting and refreshing explorations of the world of magic and mystery our community..

$11.99 $40.00

Further Diverse Deceptions By Richard Osterlind

Further Diverse Deceptions By Richard Osterlind

The biggest - and perhaps the best - of the series!Diverse Deceptions, the first in our retro series..

$11.99 $40.00

More Diverse Deceptions By Richard Osterlind

More Diverse Deceptions By Richard Osterlind

More Diverse Deceptions carries on in the tradition of the first book. This one is even bigger and f..

$11.99 $40.00

Overhand Runup Shuffles By Greg Chapman

Overhand Runup Shuffles By Greg Chapman

⭐High Quality Scanning!⭐✔️ Every file will included funnystore watermark.50-pages, Softcover perfect..

$6.99 $20.00

Drop By Thomas Badar

Drop By Thomas Badar

THE hit of BLACKPOOL MAGIC CONVENTION 2023!PS: We don't have the link and password to the secre..

$2.99 $40.00

Card Stunts by Rich Ferguson

Card Stunts by Rich Ferguson

Multiple business and entertainment award winner Rich Ferguson is known around the world for his ori..

$2.99 $5.88

Zerox by Roddy McGhie

Zerox by Roddy McGhie

"I'm a big fan of commercial card magic that's different from what most performers are doing. This t..

$1.99 $5.99

Goodmans Aces By Wayne Goodman

Goodmans Aces By Wayne Goodman

Download and learn it todayGoodman's Aces is Wayne Goodman's ungimmicked take on the classic card ef..

$0.99 $6.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Week Three - February 19, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Daniel will welcome magicians into a live Q&A ..

$2.99 $3.50

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Week One - February 5, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Performances (The Law of Inevitability and I Put a Sp..

$7.99 $75.00

Orestium By Perna

Orestium By Perna

Well, here it is! The book has been in a making now but Perna has finally finished up their long-awa..

$17.99 $120.00

I Miss Charlotte By Kassim Beydoun and Ali Foroutan

I Miss Charlotte By Kassim Beydoun and Ali Foroutan

I MISS CHARLOTTE by Ali Foroutan and Kassim Beydoun"I just read the first effect , Charlotte's mind...

$2.99 $14.95

Mirth & Mentalism By Mark Strivings

Mirth & Mentalism By Mark Strivings

The very first thoughts in this amazing new work deal with my own hesitation at releasing this colle..

$6.99 $35.00

Matt Pritchard Masterclass (May 7-21, 2023) By Matt Pritchard

Matt Pritchard Masterclass (May 7-21, 2023) By Matt Pritchard

Fresh off stealing the show at both Magifest and The Session, we're so excited to welcome in Dr. Mat..

$7.99 $75.00

Vox (Video+Pdf) by David Jonathan

Vox (Video+Pdf) by David Jonathan

Imagine the power: A randomly chosen card. They mix the deck. Siri tells you its exact position!"VOX..

$3.99 $26.95

Pateologie (French) By Pierre Onfroy

Pateologie (French) By Pierre Onfroy

Une routine interactive moderne et toute en subtilité !Pierre a réussi à redorer le blason d'un forç..

$3.99 $19.99

Ahead of the Pack By Jack Avis and Lewis Jones

Ahead of the Pack By Jack Avis and Lewis Jones

When two of the finest creative thinkers in magic get together, there is an inevitable outpouring of..

$6.99 $45.00

M.V.P. by Gonzalo Albinana

M.V.P. by Gonzalo Albinana

“Gonzalo has modernized and streamlined a much loved classic. Following in the path of Max Maven and..

$1.99 $5.99

April 2023 Genii Magazine

April 2023 Genii Magazine


$0.99 $4.95

Card-Toon Remastered by Dan Harlan

Card-Toon Remastered by Dan Harlan

video only.The most charming card trick in the history of the world has finally become more charming..

$1.99 $5.99

Self-Working Magic Tricks That Never Fail by Liam Montier

Self-Working Magic Tricks That Never Fail by Liam Montier

Get ready to amaze your friends and family!Want to learn magic? Too much junk on the internet to sor..

$2.99 $16.95

Meta-Morph by Axel Vergnaud

Meta-Morph by Axel Vergnaud

Four stunning visual changes, with one card. This is the definition of magical eye candy."Axel has c..

$2.99 $5.99

Nick Diffatte Masterclass Live 1

Nick Diffatte Masterclass Live 1

Nick Diffatte is one of the most in-demand magicians and comedians in the world. His ability to seam..

$2.99 $25.00

PredictOSong Mentalism by Sachin.K.M

PredictOSong Mentalism by Sachin.K.M

A random Spectator puts on a headphone and plays his favourite song on youtube.The Mentalist not onl..

$1.89 $19.99

Imagine by Peter and Harry Nardi

Imagine by Peter and Harry Nardi

Features:Easy to doDifferent Card Every TimeCustom Designed And Manufactured DeckFull Tutorial Video..

$1.99 $30.00

Nikolas Mavresis-Methods In Mentalism 3 By Alakazam Online Magic Academy

Nikolas Mavresis-Methods In Mentalism 3 By Alakazam Online Magic Academy

Download this course instantly and start learning today!Our good friend Nikolas Mavresis is back wit..

$3.99 $27.00



PLUCKED OUT (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JOTATwo hyper visual effects where you pluck a spec..

$1.99 $49.95

Still More Hummers by Bob Hummer

Still More Hummers by Bob Hummer

Here are 12 more mind-blowing Bob Hummer close-up and parlor puzzlers that will entertain most any a..

$1.99 $10.00

The Hermit Magazine Vol 2 No 4  (April 2023) by Scott Baird

The Hermit Magazine Vol 2 No 4 (April 2023) by Scott Baird

The latest issue of The Hermit Magazine is a unique blend of magic and creativity from a broad range..

$0.99 $10.50

Wooden Duck Bucket by Tora Magic

Wooden Duck Bucket by Tora Magic

Distinctive slice of art with an Inspiring crafted touch of natural leather along with skillfully se..

$1.99 $22.00

The Button Biting Trick by D. Angelo Ferri

The Button Biting Trick by D. Angelo Ferri

The Button Biting Trick is something I rarely see performed by other magician's, I have enjoyed..

$1.99 $14.00

Blank Vision by Giovanni Cricchio (Blackpool 2025 )

Blank Vision by Giovanni Cricchio (Blackpool 2025 )

A system to duplicate a picture with very white cards! Instant reset, perfect for close-up walking. ..

$2.99 $12.00

Mike Powers - Thoughts on "A Very Pretty Thing"

Mike Powers - Thoughts on "A Very Pretty Thing"

Mike Powers - Thoughts on "A Very Pretty Thing"..

$0.99 $5.00


Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..

$2.99 $35.00

Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo

Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo

 Mike Gallo Volume 1 - $25 (video) In this video Michael covers some of his incredible pro..

$2.99 $25.00

Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo

Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo

 Mike Gallo Volume 2 - $25 (video) Even more of the professional material that has made Mi..

$2.99 $25.00

Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo

Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo

 Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo - $25 (video) Michael's father Lou Gallo was an absolu..

$2.99 $25.00

The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo

The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo

 The Ball & Vase - $25 (video) Complete video instructions on Mike's classic handling ..

$2.99 $25.00

No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo

No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo

 No Cards...No Coins - $25 (PDF) Eight creatively designed routines using items other..

$2.99 $25.00

The Card Notes By Mike Gallo

The Card Notes By Mike Gallo

 The Card Notes - $25 (PDF) A literal treasure trove of card mastery! Twelve sleights, han..

$2.99 $25.00

Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo

Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo

 Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture - $25 (PDF) Mike'..

$2.99 $25.00

The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo

The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..

$19.99 $210.00

Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty

Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty

If you have ever wanted to earn more money from close-up magic, creating a Parlour Show is a VIP exp..

$3.99 $49.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Week Three - February 19, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Daniel will welcome magicians into a live Q&A ..

$2.99 $3.50

Face up By Zoen

Face up By Zoen

The magician drops a deck of cards on the table and mysteriously the spectator's card will pop out o..

$0.99 $5.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Week One - February 5, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Performances (The Law of Inevitability and I Put a Sp..

$7.99 $75.00

Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose

Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose

This is one of the classic props in the psychic magic. It can create an atmosphere of horror and ali..

$0.99 $4.95

The Instant Memory System By David Malek

The Instant Memory System By David Malek

Starting from the latest brain research and the latest insights of how our mind functions, combining..

$1.99 $9.95

Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright

Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright

Are you looking to connect with your audience on a deeper more emotional level?Are you looking for a..

$2.99 $49.95

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