Michael Ammar Penguin Live Online Lecture
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Site lectures Penguin Live Online Lecture - Michael Ammar
Mastering magic with the world's top teacher of terrific tricks.
"For decades, Michael has been the go-to source for work-a-day magicians." - Outside Magazine
"One of the most influential magicians of the 20th century." - Magic Magazine
"Michael is a GREAT, world-class, sleight-of-hand artist." - Johnny Carson
What will he teach?
- The most powerful magic utility of the last 30 years has been Ammar's Topit 2.0, and he'll reveal a simple system for really learning how to use it in a single session. Then, to provide context for what you've learned, he ' ll teach the World's Best Bottle Production and a Stand-Up Coin in Bottle routine with a special surprise method.
- Torn and Amazed is the most visual tear and restoration of a signed playing card you'll ever see. The only thing better than the effect is the method, because you only use 1 card and it is immediately handed out for examination!
- In The Albo Card, a corner is torn from a signed card and the corner itself is then signed. Visibly turning the signed corner upside down, it is then magically reattached to the signed card! The signatures never leave your sight, and yet this impossible card is given to the spectator who signed it as a souvenir!
- A small envelope which has been folded 4 times is examined. A spectator dials a phone number as the envelope is unfolded, when suddenly, something inside the envelope starts ringing! Slowly, the performer produces his Cell Phone from inside the previously folded envelope!
- The Lightning Round features at least 12 different ideas, concepts and visual zingers in a 15 minute flurry of magic using sponge, scarves, coins, cards and drinking glasses!
- Ammar was the closing performer for David Letterman's week of magic, and he'll discuss all the magic he performed and even more important, WHY he chose to perform those particular effects.
- Feets of Magic is a Stand Up card routine that can play for several hundred people.
- Then Ammar will teach his version of the Dingle Card to Balloon, which is one of the most commercial card effects you can do on stage.
- Michael Ammar's Stand Up Cups and Balls has been called the best since Dai Vernon's, and he shows it to us, giving some tips and details on his routine.
Who is he?
Michael Ammar is an award-winning author, lecturer and performer who has educated and influenced more magicians than anyone else in the world. At the turn of the millennium, Magic Magazine listed Michael Ammar as one of "The Most Influential Magicians of the Twentieth Century . "It's no wonder, as one of the most prolific authors and teachers of magic in the world, Michael's awards and achievements are unequaled Michael's magic encompasses a full spectrum of performance genres:. from very intimate, sleight-of-hand to stand- up "parlor" magic, and (more recently) the stage with his presentation of "The Spirit Cabinet." His disarming humor and casual poise only serve to make the impossibilities of his magic even more surprising and powerful. His television credits include two appearances on The Tonight Show; The Late Show with David Letterman; CNN Headline News; World's Greatest Magic; Travel Channel: Magic of LA; International Magic Awards; The World's Best Magic Tricks EVER; and several appearances on Japanese and Korean television specials.
Michael has been honored numerous times, including Magician of the Year; six awards from the Academy of Magical Arts; FISM Gold Medal in Close-Up Magic; two awards from the International Magic Awards; Dragon Award; and West Virginia University's Distinguished Alumni award for achieving international recognition in his profession In the early 1980's (after publishing some of his earliest books: Success & Magic, Encore 3 and The Topit Book).. Michael began visiting local magic shops and clubs to share his ideas Since then, he has traveled to 52 countries -. and in doing so, has instructed over 25,000 people in the theory and practice of modern magic His seminars have earned him accolades, including the maximum number of Lecturer of the Year awards from the Academy of Magic Arts in Hollywood, California . Michael is recognized as the world's foremost teacher of magic. David Copperfield calls him "the magician's magician," and he was selected by Toys-R-Us as the instructor on "The Magic Video." In 1991, his book "The Magic of Michael Ammar, "became the fastest selling book in magic history.
Michael has given instructional seminars worldwide -.. Crossing all age, language, and distance barriers Other professionals, including David Copperfield, Lance Burton, Siegfried & Roy, Doug Henning and Michael Jackson have consulted with Michael for their magic In the late 1990's, Michael was the first visiting scholar at the Silvan Magic Academy in Italy -.. where he was awarded an honorary PhD The school set out to provide intensive magic study to serious students The following few years he would periodically give magic classes at the Magic Castle in Hollywood to eager students looking to polish their skills In 2005, Michael was guest instructor to the College of Magic in South Africa He later provided curriculum content to the college He has instructed young and old at international magic conferences, such as:... Blackpool Magic Convention, The International Brotherhood of Magicians Convention and FISM (Federation Internationale des Societes Magiques); and magic camps, such as:. West Coast Magic Camp and Sorcerers Safari in Canada On two ground-breaking occasions, Michael Ammar gave the first lecture from the western world to magic fans in the Soviet Union and mainland China. His influence altered the course of the craft in those countries in ways that are still being felt today.
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