Million Dollar Card Magic With Simon Lovell by Simon Lovell
- Product Code: C#11739
- Reward Points: 15
- Availability: In Stock
- $6.99
- Price in reward points: 399
Million Dollar Card Magic Section:
Chicago Opener/Red Hot Mama (Frank Everhardt) - The Original Classic! A spectator's card turns Red Hot!
Double Lift - The most important sleight in all card magic! Learn from Simon and it's EASY!
Double Cut (Dai Vernon & Laurie Ireland) - A very simple and effective contol of a chosen card!
3 In A Million (Frank Garcia) - Do-As-I-Do with a kicker ending! Simon takes a useful principle to a whole new level!
Switch Craft (Frank Garcia) - Two cards, isolated from the Deck, change placed under test conditions!
Easy Aces (Al Leech) - 4 Aces lost in the Deck, are spelled-to, cut-to, and counted-to!
Hide and Seek Kings (Frank Garcia) - Four Kings vanish one at a time then reappear in the Deck catching their mates the Queens!
One Head (Al Cohn) - A little piece of fun and whimsy to put between your heavier card miracles!
Dual Discovery (Frank Garcia) - The magician is in trouble... magic to the rescue!
Uncanny Revelation - Heavy-hitting magic with very little work!
PeekaBoo Revelation (Bill Simon) - The Aces dive into the Deck to find a spectator's peeked-at card!
Mental Cards - The magician finds a thought-of in a thoroughly shuffled Deck!
Key Card Control Technique - The real way to use this often over-looked card weapon!
Card Stunners Section:
What Aces? (Frank Garcia) - The 4 Aces dealt onto the table, change into the 4 Kings and the Aces are found reversed in the Deck!
Perplexing (Ed Marlo) - 4 randomly chosen cards turn out to be the 4 Kings, then they change into the 4 Aces!
Cutting The Kings - A Spectator cuts to the 4 Kings, which then change into the 4 Aces!
Simon's Delight (Dunbury Delight Vernon/Garcia/Lovell) - A delight-fully easy transposition that you'll use all the time!
Control Knockout (Bill Simon & Fank Garcia) - A great control! Kinda cool, kinda frisky, kinda wild!
Simon Lovell Card Stab (Frank Garcia) - A spectator blindly stabs right to their selected card!
Gambling Treasures Section:
Poker Poker (Frank Garcia) - Always Cut The Cards, but in reverse!
Swift Poker (Allen Swift) - Two poker hands are made from randomly chosen cards, yet the magician wins every time!
Perfect Poker (John Scarne) - Based on Scarne's Drunk Poker. Two poker hands are dealt from a face-up-face-down Deck, yet the magician always wins!
Diamond Cut Diamond (Alex Elmsley) - A spectator's card appears at a position of his choosing!
Winnepeg False Cut (Mel Stover) - A totally natural, totally false cut!
Ace Culling (Garcia/Lovell) - Expert card shark technique! With No Skill Involved!
Adding A Card (Dr. Jacob Daley) - A bold, yet effective way to add an extra card to your hand!
Simey Bonus (Simon Lovell) - A bonus card culling technique!
Secret Reversal (Dai Vernon) - Selected card is found reversed in the Deck!
Cough Cover (Frank Garcia) - One of Frank's favorite ways of concealing a palmed card!
Ambitious Card Section
Part I of the Ambitious Card Routine!
Part II of the Ambitious Card Routine!
Part III of the Ambitious Card Routine!
Part IV of the Ambitious Card Routine!
Part V of the Ambitious Card Routine! (Great Part for when you do Magic on Live Television!)
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