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  • On The Loose (1-4) by Bill Malone

On The Loose (1-4) by Bill Malone

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  • Price in reward points: 299


Early Education Bill Malone , in this teaching series, you will feel Malone era is how to become our most entertaining , the most successful magician , learn to effect a strong commercial processes.

demonstrates this in an incredible fashion. Bill's charisma and ability to entertain is one of the best I have ever seen, along with Gregory Wilson and perhaps Lennart Green and Lee Asher (do not ask me why, I just feel that way, but you 'll know what I mean about Gregory Wilson, because he is just ridiculously skilled and talented in performing and entertaining, but I'm digressing from the topic ...) He gets the audience so animated and so involved.

One of the things I have observed about the DVD sets is this - perhaps it is a bit insignificant, but this is basically it; you can see the "evolution", so to speak, of the audience In the first DVD, the audience. is slightly shy and maybe a touch uncomfortable. They are not really that involved. As the DVDs go down the line, in the third volume, the audience (which is the same throughout the DVD set) have become so involved, so animated in the performances - react to almost everything, and a sense of communication between Bill Malone and the audience has been cultivated and built upon throughout the DVD set This is just one of the many examples how Bill is such a performer -. the audience is transformed from a shy group to a really lively crowd that participates in almost everything Bill does - with (almost) every thing he does, they evolve, from giggling, to sometimes screaming, laughing out loud, and chanting along in the words "Bill Ma- lone! ". It is amazing to see this transformation, and it displays Bill's charisma and the way he can connect with his audience so freely.

Bill is also one hilarious guy - he intersperses his performances with hilarious stuff, little stories, and the occasional coughing up of cards His skill in cards is apparent;. He is such a smooth handler - it is like he is treating the cards like fragile glass -. gently but firmly The effects performed AND taught on this DVD set are gems They are mostly rehashes of old effects and Bill's variations / improvements on them However, these improvements he makes almost takes the old effect and transforms it, putting it.. into an entirely new dimension.

The DVD set consists of four volumes. In my opinion, Volume 1 and 2 are the best of the DVD set, if you are on a budget. However, all four volumes are still highly recommended. Just seeing Bill perform is nearly enough to cover the amount of money that you pay for the set. He is so entertaining. He captivates the audience from start to finish.

Oh, and do not think that this DVD set is all performance and explanation - something like The Very Best of Jay Sankey (which btw was also produced by LL Publishing and has a very similar audience) - Bill has bonus material, including several flashy cuts, false shuffles and other material. In addition to that, he also provides invaluable business tips for the professional working magician that he has used for the past 25 or so years he has been performing. This only adds on to the overall value of this DVD set.

Volume 1

This, along with Volume 2, is my favorite volume out of the four. Seeing Bill perform for the first time in my life (other than his Sam the Bellhop performance), I did not know what to expect, and I was totally blown . away by his performances Now, even when I know the explanations, I am still amazed when I watch him perform He does everything so effortlessly For those first-timers who have not watched Bill perform yet and have bought this DVD set.. - be prepared!

Ultimate Three Card Monte - the performance explodes off with Bill's presentation of Michael Skinner's Ultimate Three-Card Monte -. One of the first effects I bought in magic Michael Skinner's Ultimate Three-Card Monte is a gem - it is one of the most incredible effects I have ever seen, even if it is gimmicked Bill's presentation only builds upon its impact even more -. the way he presents it enhances its overall impact ten-fold.

Sam the Bellhop - this is Bill's signature effect When I saw him perform it on World's Greatest Magic (or was it Champions of Magic I get confused, it was a long time ago?), I was blown away It's a stacked deck effect!. -. using the entire deck to explain a story Just seeing Bill do all those false shuffles and cuts at that blinding speed during the effect still hurts my eyes ...

I Do not Even Have a Pocket - an Ambitious Card effect It is short and sweet The first phase utilises one of my favorite moves, Flip Flop Plop from Art of Astonishment, a sort of three-card Monte toss kind of move with.. . the entire deck Several other phases include the Braue pop-up move, the Paintbrush Change, and it culminates with, as the name implies, the card travelling to the breastpocket of the performer - when the performer does not even have a breastpocket! Following that, the entire deck vanishes except for the selection Neat Bill actually explains that he came up with the "invisible breastpocket" thing by accident -.. a nifty little story he told there.

I Should Have Done it Myself - when I saw this one performed, I could not help but burst out laughing I personally can not do it -. The card refuses to stick, if you know what I mean - but just seeing the impact of the effect makes me want to learn it. It does not use much sleight of hand, except for a subtle little thing that, I think, was from Larry Jennings. I can not really recall now. Hilarious.

Cheating in Las Vegas with the Aces -. A nice four-ace revelation There are several other four-ace revelations scattered throughout the DVD set, but this, along with Radical Aces, is the best.

Back the Way they Were -. Bill Malone presents his take on Dr. Daley's Last Trick If you do not know what this is, go to the penguinmagic Instant Downloads and look for the renamed "Daley Show" Two aces transpose with the other. two aces. Bill Malone presents this in such a fashion that he transforms such a simple effect into a piece of eye-popping magic.

Test of Strength - Slydini Silks I just love seeing the confused look on the spectators' faces when Bill performed this on the DVD set In one phase, the spectator is even allowed to tie the knot himself -... Yet the knot still separates Truly one of magic's great classics, made even better by the man himself - Bill Ma-lone!

Volume 2

Do you know why I absolutely love this volume It contains two of the most INCREDIBLE effects I have ever come across in my life -?. Two that I use on a regular basis, namely, My Favorite Opener, and Think Touch Turn The "evolution "begins, and the audience seem to be less shy and slightly more involved in this volume.

Counterfeit Money -!. Bill's presentation for Bill In Lemon A spectator's bill makes an appearance inside a lemon It still cracks me up whenever I think about the lemon appearing from inside his shoe.

Cut 'Em High And Tie -. A very nice Spectator Cuts to the Aces routine involving four spectators It also blends in nicely with his performing style.

Think Touch Turn -. One of my favorite effects in the entire set This Ed Marlo concept is incredible, and it gets some of the greatest reactions I have ever seen The best part is that no false counts at all are used -. And the surprise ending just totally takes them off-guard and blows them away. I was astounded when I first watched this performed.

Favorite Opener - you've got to be kidding This is hands down MY favorite opener Do not let its simplicity fool you In fact, its simplicity belies its true impact and powerful nature -... The effect itself is so simple - and I I did not think that something like this would receive reactions - yet, upon following Bill's advice, (as seen in the description - 'This is strong -! try it and you will see how powerful this really is') and indeed, it is powerful -. more than powerful in fact I went out to perform this doubtful, and I have become a believer, because this has received the most enormous reactions I could imagine possible from an effect as simple as this.

Matrix Presentation - just for the record, Bill's Rub-a-dub Vanish as demonstrated in this effect is just incredible I have never seen anything like it before This is a four-coin four card matrix -... With no extra coins whatsoever The second phase of this effect involves the spectator and it is very entertaining to watch.

End of Story - think Gemini Twins on steroids Bill enhances Gemini Twins by Brother John Hamman -!. Working on the story and ending up with an amazing ending (that requires a table but no matter) I was fried by this performance.

Volume 3

Volume 3 contains several rehashes of old classics. Bill's performances as are always, entertaining, and by this time, the audience is really involved. They become so animated and displays Bill's ability to connect with his spectators.

Direct from the Factory -.. Bill's incredible handling for Mental Photography Deck The way he presents this just blows me away It is so smooth and swift, incorporating Steve Draun's Midnight Shift and several others into the routine, and with his presentation, it was amazing , even though I knew the secret beforehand.

The Kings Produce - the description says it all - an easy to do ace production using a combination of Ed Marlo's ideas Very visual The four aces get trapped one at a time in-between two kings...

Maxi-Twist - I did not really watch through this performance but I've heard good things about it I have seen the original version though and it kills When I watch Volume 3 again, I will be waiting to see how Bill has.. improved it.

Apex Aces 2002 -. Another ace revelation There are many scattered throughout the DVD set Could someone give me some idea as to where I may find the original Apex Aces Thanks, all help appreciated.?!

Name and Number and You can Do it too -!! Two card classics come together with Bill's magical blend of Paul Cummins' masterpiece, Count On It, and David Solomon's ingenious Cutting Tens I perform Cutting Tens a lot and I was extremely excited to see how Bill would improve on this. He has done a great job and I was extremely impressed.

Bill's Cards Across - this is a nice Cards Across -. Perhaps a bit complicated, but still very amazing I prefer something easy like Las Vegas Leaper in Art of Astonishment for a Cards Across routine, but this one was excellent as well Was it even. shown on Champions of Magic? I had no idea!

Standing Ovation Invisible Deck -.. This is handsdown the best presentation of the Invisible Deck This one involves the audience so much The way he reveals the facedown card is just so mind-blowing He does nothing to the original handling of the deck -. Rather , he includes some presentational aspects to it that just increase its impact ten times!

Volume 4

This was my least favorite of the four sets - not to say that it was bad The material, all in all, it is still excellent, especially his incredible handling for Paul Harris' Reset and the effect Radical Aces It also has significantly more material.. than the other volumes, but it is the most, so to speak, plain of the four volumes.

Twisting Flush - basically a twisting aces routine incorporated with a gambling kind of feel.

How Cheaters Cheat - an incredible Invisible Palm effect that flows nicely with the gambling theme!

Radical Aces - in this one, the spectator is allowed to shuffle and cut the deck as many times as he wants -! Yet the performer still finds the four aces in a very visual, astonishing manner This one, along with Cheating in Las Vegas with Aces (Volume 1) were my favorite ace revelations in the set.

Resetting Reset - one of my favorite handlings for Paul Harris' Reset, along with ReTest by Gaston Quieto and Reset with a Hook from Gregory Wilson's Card Stunts If you have not heard of Reset (!!!) before, basically, four aces. are set aside on the table, and in the performer's hands, he holds the four kings. The Kings individually change into aces, but after the performer presses the reset button, the aces change right back into Kings, leaving on the table, the four aces.

Good Trick, Bad Trick - like Bill said, if you "miss" this one, ie you do not get the right card at first, the overall impact at the end of the effect is stronger A nice way of doing a fan force. which does not always work, but with the "out" Bill provides, it provides additional impact to the effect.

Skinner's Matches - Michael Skinner (again) This one uses matches, taking a break from cards An impromptu matchstick routine that ends with the matchstick in the performer's hands vanishing and returning back to the matchbook in the spectator's hands all the time...

Walk-Around Knives - for those with Color-changing Knives, this is an incredible routine for walk-around (as the name implies) Bill presents this in an absolutely hilarious fashion, leaving the spectator bewildered and befuddled, as the spectator himself is. given an opportunity to try it himself.

Four Burglars - you know that trick everyone wants to show you The one where the guy puts the four aces into hte middle of the deck and they all jump to the top Bill Malone thinks of everything -??. Even this little insignificant effect He has transformed it into a nifty little effect with a double climax ending, transforming all the aces into jacks. Easy and pretty fun to do.

Only Had Two - my favorite effect in this Volume It is so easy yet it blows spectators away every time This is a stunning revelation of two cards with a deck disapperance It is so easy to accomplish yet it harnesses such great impact I.... enjoy performing this one a lot. You can imagine the ending of the effect from the name of the trick itself.

Two-Card Impossible Location - excellent for showing other magicians, this is a magician fooler In fact, this is more suited towards showing other magicians, as are all other Impossible Card Location effects, than showing to laymen Uses a very devious concept by.. Marlo (again) to locate two selections.

Bill Malone on the Multiple Selection -. This one was just plain amazing Bill Malone reveals, I think, 13 cards in the most amazing fashion all at once with the deck disappearance again at the end This one was just plain fun to watch as Bill. revealed all the selections in very unorthodox (at least in my opinion) methods. The cards are revealed in pockets, under the drinking glass, blah, blah. Incredible.

The amount of material within these sets are staggering. There is always definitely something you will use in here. The effects and business tips provided by Bill Malone are incredible. This is one of the best DVD sets in my drawer. The material is mind- blowing and Bill is extremely entertaining. You will have fun just sitting back, relaxing and watching Bill blow the audience away. Business tips for working magicians or those who are looking to become one are provided, and they are excellent.

If you have never seen Bill perform before, or even if you have, buy this DVD set. The wisdom and knowledge you will gain from here is unparalleled, keeping in mind that this is not for beginners. If you are fairly experienced in card magic , this is up your alley. The entertainment value is top-notch (along with On the Spot by Gregory Wilson but both are entirely different videos), and I have thoroughly enjoyed this DVD set, as have many many other satisfied people who have bought this set.

This DVD set is HIGHLY recommended by me I have learnt a TON from this set and I am using a lot of the material in here Bill Malone is the man -... And this is displayed in this DVD set I have virtually no complaints whatsoever about On the Loose -. it's that good I have never bought anything else that provides as much enlightenment and value as Bill Malone's "On the Loose" set has (except for all of Gregory Wilson's videos and DVDs) Oh, one complaint other people. might have, (which is very insignificant) is that Bill is a leftie so he holds the deck in his right hand, which means all the explanations, so to speak, are laterally inverted. However, even though I'm a right-hander , I do everything with the deck in my right hand, so I generally have no problems with that. (it makes my fans suck because I can not see all the indexes, which means I can not do stuff like Deep Thought by Ray Kosby that I want to learn and perform.)

. The mix and match of cards and other genres of magic is great It allows the watcher to pick and choose, instead of just having to stick with cards the entire time Whatever you do, fast forward to Favorite Opener first -. Because that is hands . down the best effect on "On the Loose" Once you learn it and try it, you will see what I mean - I could not believe that something so simple as that could have such impact.

Until then, I hope this review helped ... in fact, I think I overtyped, but I enjoy doing this. Oh, and if you're debating (like I've seen many people do before) between this and The Very Best of Jay Sankey, it's obvious which one is the better pick -. On the Loose The material in TVBO Jay Sankey can not even compare with that in On the Loose Both sets are very similar, but Bill Malone's just has that special advantage because he is. so gosh darn entertaining Buy this set now -. and be prepared - because you're entering the Malone zone - and Bill is on the loose!


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$2.99 $5.99

Hot Microphone by Amazo Magic

Hot Microphone by Amazo Magic

Ready for a fire effect that leaves a signal? With this microphone you are able to definitely attrac..

$1.99 $4.99

Colorful by Geni

Colorful by Geni

Colorful by Geni Card trick Colorful is one of my favorite trick ever You can perform it on stage..

$2.99 $5.99

College Tuition by Zee J. Yan

College Tuition by Zee J. Yan

A trick that cannot be explained is explained, and it is working 100% of the time. Laymen always ..

$0.99 $3.99

Transpo Jacks by Rey De Picas

Transpo Jacks by Rey De Picas

Rey de Picas - Transpo Jacks An asymmetric transposition that will blow your mind, that of your fri..

$1.99 $4.99

Magic Trick (Apk) by The Dictionary Effect

Magic Trick (Apk) by The Dictionary Effect

THE EFFECT A spectator is told to think of any word he wants. He lets the audience know his choice,..

$1.99 $4.99

Cards Through Newspaper by Alexander De Cova

Cards Through Newspaper by Alexander De Cova

Many have said that simple, straightforward effects are the best... which holds true to a certain p..

$0.99 $3.99

B2 For Those Who Dare (A Billet Routine) by Philipp Ganglberger

B2 For Those Who Dare (A Billet Routine) by Philipp Ganglberger

B2 For Those Who Dare (A Billet Routine) by Philipp Ganglberger Philipp Ganglberger has earned his ..

$6.99 $9.99

Rubberbond by Mago Nox

Rubberbond by Mago Nox

A very visual effect, instantly performable, and super portable. Easy to made and once built it will..

$2.99 $5.99

Memo by Liam Montier

Memo by Liam Montier

Cards are removed from the pack, and by simply flicking through the cards, you can tell which ones a..

$2.99 $5.99

Hole Change Project by Luca J Bellomo

Hole Change Project by Luca J Bellomo

In this project we wanted to insert a truly visual change. Spectators will not be able to believe it..

$2.99 $5.99

Customized Twists by Meir Yedid

Customized Twists by Meir Yedid

This is an easy Twisting The Aces routine with a kicker ending that can be customized to promote you..

$2.99 $5.99

Scop by Star Heart

Scop by Star Heart

SCOP- Super Clever Open PredictionDoosung Hwang is a creator in Korea and has released books and too..

$2.99 $5.99

Mysticism by Ebby Tones

Mysticism by Ebby Tones

Mysticism is a method of mentalism that is truly great, clean and practical. Imagine... you can repl..

$2.99 $5.99

Manuscript Vol 1 by Zee J Yan

Manuscript Vol 1 by Zee J Yan

Manuscript Vol. 1 will only be up for sale for a week or so because I want to give an opportunity fo..

$2.99 $5.99

Together by Rodrigues

Together by Rodrigues

I always loved the Ace Assembly plot but most versions are designed to be performed with music or ne..

$1.99 $5.99

Fulcrum by Bang Jay

Fulcrum by Bang Jay

This is a quick and very instant method for a balance using cigarettes, and this can be done suddenl..

$2.99 $5.99

From The Red Notebook (Second Edition) by Tom Rose

From The Red Notebook (Second Edition) by Tom Rose

I originally published these notes in August 2018. Since publishing them a lot of the ideas have bee..

$8.99 $11.99

Elixir (1-4) by Mike Helmer

Elixir (1-4) by Mike Helmer

I am currently putting the finishing touches on a new magic periodical called Elixir, which I am goi..

$8.99 $11.99

On Stage, Online by Magic Gareth

On Stage, Online by Magic Gareth

I was working as a successful kids entertainer when Covid-19 hit. Like everyone else I saw all of my..

$4.99 $7.99

Invisible Force by Gidon Sagher

Invisible Force by Gidon Sagher

It is said that the best magic is the one that happens in the hands of the spectator.This download w..

$1.99 $7.99

Mms One Shot - Sact Aces by Ben Train

Mms One Shot - Sact Aces by Ben Train

Each one-shot download is hand-picked from our amazing At The Table lecture series and features one ..

$1.99 $4.99

Extortion Retouched by Patrick Kun

Extortion Retouched by Patrick Kun

Patrick Kun teaches you EXTORTION RETOUCHED.This super commercial effect makes it look like you are ..

$0.99 $3.99

The Robys Control by Gonzalo Cuscuna

The Robys Control by Gonzalo Cuscuna

The Robys Control is subtle, delicate, and generates an excellent optical effect.Imagine showing a c..

$2.99 $5.99

In One Link by Asmadi

In One Link by Asmadi

With a magic touch, the holes in the two cards can be linked. This is a different method with any ef..

$2.99 $5.99

Linked Forever by Ralph Rudolph

Linked Forever by Ralph Rudolph

You will learn how to prepare a special card which you can later magically link to the stem of a win..

$2.99 $5.99

Touchless by Prasanth Edamana

Touchless by Prasanth Edamana

Just Imagine finding a thought of card from the deck thoroughly shuffled by the spectator without yo..

$0.99 $3.99

Any Coincidence At Any Number by Joseph B

Any Coincidence At Any Number by Joseph B

"Joseph B. is a strange character in magic because his style has something mysterious. You don't hav..

$2.99 $5.99

The Lepaul Misdirection Routined Bundle

The Lepaul Misdirection Routined Bundle

Liam has taken three tricks from 'The Card Magic of Paul LePaul', and routined them together into a ..

$2.99 $5.99

Ring On The Stick by Michael Skinner

Ring On The Stick by Michael Skinner

The Color Changing Knives is a classic of close-up and walk-around magic that is regularly performed..

$0.99 $3.99

Maximum Impact by Jay Sankey

Maximum Impact by Jay Sankey

For the very first time, Jay reveals many of the ingenious staging, psychological and presentation p..

$3.99 $6.99

The Box by Ebby Tones

The Box by Ebby Tones

There are many tricks to bring a card into the box.but this is something differentThis is really a v..

$1.99 $4.99

Re-Entry by Keelan Wendorf

Re-Entry by Keelan Wendorf

Re-Entry is a visual torn and restored routine with an event or transit ticket. This is a great lead..

$0.99 $3.99

California Lecture Notes by Kranzo Magic

California Lecture Notes by Kranzo Magic

Here is what you get:No Moves Copper Silver BrassThis transposition effect has become one of the Hig..

$1.99 $4.99

Across by The House Of Crow

Across by The House Of Crow

Card through bill is classic in magic. It looks like real magic! Everybody loves it, and we, House o..

$1.99 $4.99

Jx-Pocket by Jxtrada

Jx-Pocket by Jxtrada

JX-Pocket is a very visual magic, suitable for live close-up or ANY social media. Effect: Inse..

$2.99 $5.99

No Contact by Mario Tarasini

No Contact by Mario Tarasini

The “No Contact” trick is very relevant for this period. The magician makes a hole in the spectator'..

$3.99 $6.99

The Magic Dave Show Chris Cox

The Magic Dave Show Chris Cox

The Chris Cox episode is here jam packed with tricks, tips and a lot of fun.Dave teaches an awesome ..

$1.99 $4.99

Vanishing Matches by Michael Skinner

Vanishing Matches by Michael Skinner

The basic routine: Michael Skinner would start by placing a handkerchief on the table with three mat..

$1.99 $4.99

Love Story by Nico Guaman

Love Story by Nico Guaman

Two signed blue cards are lost separately in a red deck repeatedly, and they are always come back to..

$0.99 $3.99

Mostly Perfect by Michael Daniels

Mostly Perfect by Michael Daniels

Mostly Perfect / Perfectly Possible: ComboMostly Perfect is an instant 4x4 magic square presentation..

$0.99 $3.99

Rob Chapman - By The Beast Inspired

Rob Chapman - By The Beast Inspired

Five essays inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley designed to inspire and change the way you ..

$3.99 $6.99

Pip Of Kong by Unknown Mentalist

Pip Of Kong by Unknown Mentalist

This special intro price will go up to $12 from June 30, 2021.Suppose you are performing this to a m..

$2.99 $5.99

Scrapbook Issue 4 by Alexander De Cova

Scrapbook Issue 4 by Alexander De Cova

The new issue is packed with workable stuff. This time, you'll find also something for the stage mag..

$0.99 $3.99

The Ultimate You Do As I Do Card Trick by Regardt Laubscher

The Ultimate You Do As I Do Card Trick by Regardt Laubscher

Two decks are shuffled by a spectator. His/Her choice who gets which deck. You each choose any card,..

$1.99 $4.99

Clearly Psychic by Paul Brook

Clearly Psychic by Paul Brook

Here’s a gift from me, to you, no catches.This PDF will teach you how to add a deceptive element to ..

$1.99 $3.01

Celebratory Triumph by Wayne Goodman

Celebratory Triumph by Wayne Goodman

Imagine being able to announce a birthday or a celebration through a card trick. Imagine you can pre..

$1.99 $5.99

Unlock Change by Guillermo Dech

Unlock Change by Guillermo Dech

Color changes are one of those effects magicians must have on their repertoire. Simple, easy and vis..

$2.99 $5.99

The Last Word by David Harkey

The Last Word by David Harkey

Wow, here is a name I have not heard a lot about in the last years.....he is successfully out there ..

$1.99 $4.99

Giant Cards For Stage by Pepe Depepe

Giant Cards For Stage by Pepe Depepe

GIANT CARDS FOR STAGE is a downloadable about three tricks for parlour or stage.Forty minutes includ..

$2.99 $5.99

Lecture Collection by Mark Leveridge

Lecture Collection by Mark Leveridge

In this 82 page ebook there are some tremendous practical close up and mental items using cards, coi..

$2.99 $5.99

Street Magic by Steve Branham

Street Magic by Steve Branham

You've seen TV magicians on the streets all across the country perform these very tricks to amazed a..

$3.99 $6.99

Staggered by Eddie Joseph

Staggered by Eddie Joseph

11 page pdf, here is what Eddie Joseph says about Staggered.The generous reception meted out to my p..

$0.99 $3.99

The Impromptu Mystifier by Ken Dyne

The Impromptu Mystifier by Ken Dyne

Have you ever been caught out when someone says "show me something"? Ken has put all of his ideas th..

$12.99 $32.00

The Seven Seals by Al Mann

The Seven Seals by Al Mann

The Talt MoveThe Hidden GateOpen SesameThe SpecterSpiritsThe Seal Of ProteusThe Headline PredictionT..

$14.99 $37.00

Mathematical Circus by Martin Gardner

Mathematical Circus by Martin Gardner

The twenty chapters of this book are nicely balanced between all sorts of stimulating ideas, suggest..

$1.99 $4.99

Tricks That Work by Tom Sellers

Tricks That Work by Tom Sellers

From the Foreword:In presenting this booklet to the magical fraternity, my aim has been to only incl..

$0.99 $7.00

The Lives Of The Conjurors by Thomas Frost

The Lives Of The Conjurors by Thomas Frost

This is considered one of the best early histories of magic.From the Preface:The present volume clos..

$1.99 $10.00

Essayed Prophesy by Ian Baxter

Essayed Prophesy by Ian Baxter

From Ian Baxter, here is a remarkable 21st Century version of Bill Simon's famed Business Card Proph..

$0.99 $6.00

A Magician In Many Lands by Charles Bertram

A Magician In Many Lands by Charles Bertram

This is a fascinating travel log, including a good number of photos, by an accomplished magician cir..

$0.99 $7.00

The Ragdale House Affair by Stephen Young

The Ragdale House Affair by Stephen Young

This effect will take the form of a PDF detailing the presentation and the methods.The effect is tot..

$6.99 $9.99

Boomerang by Bill Goldman

Boomerang by Bill Goldman

Bill Goldman - BoomerangPDF..

$0.99 $3.99

Great Tricks With Cards by John Curra

Great Tricks With Cards by John Curra

A book that contains instructions to perform 10 great card tricks, each one using aces, all of which..

$2.99 $17.00

Hellstromism Unveiled! by C. A. George Newmann

Hellstromism Unveiled! by C. A. George Newmann

A look into the history and pionee of hellstromism.This is a booklet about the history and pionee of..

$1.99 $4.99

Oops Just Cards by Paul Hallas

Oops Just Cards by Paul Hallas

Please note, this material is NOT intended for the complete beginner in magic but rather other profe..

$10.99 $31.95

Stand Up Guy (Book) by Scott Alexander

Stand Up Guy (Book) by Scott Alexander

Contained in this volume are some of Scott Alexanders most popular and commercial routines. There ar..

$15.99 $47.00

Three Favorites by Ian Baxter

Three Favorites by Ian Baxter

Stewart Judah was one of the twentieth century's most celebrated card experts, contributing to that ..

$0.99 $8.00

Three To Consider by Ian Baxter

Three To Consider by Ian Baxter

This ebook continues where Ian stopped with his Five Kinks series. His tinkering with classic routin..

$0.99 $8.00

Sense8 by Am

Sense8 by Am

In 2015, Netflix released a series named Sense8. The show is about 8 strangers around the globe who ..

$0.99 $8.00

Crap I Think About - Ocean Waves by David Thiel

Crap I Think About - Ocean Waves by David Thiel

You'll find Stories from the Road, advice on getting booked at fairs and exhibitions and several of ..

$5.99 $32.00

Jokelopedia by Workman Publishing

Jokelopedia by Workman Publishing

In addition there are joke-telling pointers and tips, funny facts and pop culture references, and tw..

$3.99 $11.95

Exceptions In Gravity by Avner The Eccentric

Exceptions In Gravity by Avner The Eccentric

Avner Eisenberg is a master of the art of physical comedy, an internationally-known American vaudevi..

$1.99 $4.99

Locking The Deck by Christian Grace

Locking The Deck by Christian Grace

A surprising effect whereby a deck that's been handled by the spectator becomes completely blank. A ..

$0.99 $3.99

With - Draw by Brent Lill

With - Draw by Brent Lill

Use a borrowed phone as an ATM machine!Really I shouldn't be giving this effect away! I am having wa..

$1.99 $12.00

Nicely Stabbed! by Ian Baxter

Nicely Stabbed! by Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter here, introducing something new from me in the 'Card Stabbing' arena. Nicely Stabbed! off..

$0.99 $6.00

True Magic Via Objectivity by Justin Higham

True Magic Via Objectivity by Justin Higham

Four main aspects of magic are: inventing, selecting, practising and performing. Since magic is a fo..

$1.99 $4.99

Tres by Vladimir Zyuzin

Tres by Vladimir Zyuzin

I just finished reading Tres. I was a bit worried over the $99 price, but I am very happy with my pu..

$19.99 $101.00

The Comedy Helpline by Magicseen Publishing

The Comedy Helpline by Magicseen Publishing

Reading this book will help to find the comic you by providing comedy knowledge and understanding th..

$11.99 $37.00

Magic Menu 2 Years 6-10

Magic Menu 2 Years 6-10

Compiled and edited by Jim Sisti. Now you can own the second five years of The Magic Menu, the world..

$17.99 $51.95

Magic Menu: Years 1 Through 5

Magic Menu: Years 1 Through 5

Compiled and edited by Jim Sisti and now in its third printing, The Magic Menu - Years 1 through 5 (..

$17.99 $51.95

Open Up by Joshua Grist

Open Up by Joshua Grist

The mentalist asks if they can borrow any random spectator's iPhone (almost any phone can be used, i..

$0.99 $6.30

Aether #13: The Little Gift by Gregg Webb

Aether #13: The Little Gift by Gregg Webb

Gregg modifies Jackie Flosso's Bill in Lemon effect to use a matchbox rather than a lemon - much les..

$1.99 $6.95

Boffo: Or The Creation And Utilization Of Image And Reputation by Christopher Strange

Boffo: Or The Creation And Utilization Of Image And Reputation by Christopher Strange

Boffo is the bridge between being a magician and being a world-class performer.All top performers sp..

$4.99 $17.00

Into The Wolf'S Mouth by Wayne Slater

Into The Wolf'S Mouth by Wayne Slater

Abandoned at birth, raised in a care home, Gee Valentine learns how to survive the hard way. When fa..

$0.99 $7.50

Bill Abbott Penguin Live Online Lecture (Dec 4Th)

Bill Abbott Penguin Live Online Lecture (Dec 4Th)

Bill Abbott Penguin Live Online Lecture (Dec 4Th)..

$1.99 $31.95

Fast Forward by Victor Sanz and João Miranda

Fast Forward by Victor Sanz and João Miranda

What happens when you take a classic comedy gag and supercharge it with jaw-dropping visuals and a s..

$2.99 $13.99


Tom Wright Penguin Live Online Lecture

Tom Wright Penguin Live Online Lecture

This was a real eye opener for me and I’m using this idea myself now and loving it. It has changed t..

$2.99 $5.68

Stab by Peter Eggink

Stab by Peter Eggink

A card is selected from the deck, folded in half widthwise, and the center is torn out so an actual&..

$2.99 $5.99

Hideout V2 Wallet by Outlaw Effects

Hideout V2 Wallet by Outlaw Effects

The Hideout V2 by Outlaw Effects . Back again with a second helping of Outlaw Effects goodne..

$3.99 $6.99

Mind Invasion by Morgan Strebler

Mind Invasion by Morgan Strebler

From the mind of Mentalist Morgan Strebler, this is a creation he has developed for himself and, aft..

$1.99 $5.99

One 2.0 by Matthew Underhill

One 2.0 by Matthew Underhill

One of the most commercial card effects of all time just got better. For the first time  ONE &n..

$1.99 $4.99

Simplimental by Mark Elsdon

Simplimental by Mark Elsdon

SIMPLIMENTAL  - Eight, incredible mentalism routines that are all quickly learned, easy-to-do ..

$2.99 $5.28

Edward Oschmann Penguin Live Online Lecture

Edward Oschmann Penguin Live Online Lecture

“I have personally seen the impact of Ed Oschmann’s card routines at various corporate events ove..

$2.99 $5.68

Doc Docherty Penguin Live Online Lecture

Doc Docherty Penguin Live Online Lecture

"Groove Electric combines a clean mechanical action with an optical swindle, and the result is so..

$2.99 $5.68

Thought & Found by Dani Daortiz

Thought & Found by Dani Daortiz

We are Happy and Very Proud of our first joint project with Dani DaOrtiz. An amazingly accomplished ..

$2.99 $5.99

Dove Worker by Cy

Dove Worker by Cy

interested in dove magic? Do you want to bring yours to the next level? Introducing a revolutionary ..

$3.99 $6.98

Triple C by Christian Engblom

Triple C by Christian Engblom

"Christian always has very nice, interesting, and clever ideas. This one is VERY practical-- believe..

$2.99 $5.98

The Butterfly by Bruno Copin

The Butterfly by Bruno Copin

It gives the illusion of a mysterious force travelling from the hand of the magician, through the ai..

$1.99 $4.28

At The Table Live Lecture Cody Nottingham

At The Table Live Lecture Cody Nottingham

Those of you who've heard the name Cody Nottingham know just the kind of visual, hard-h..

$1.99 $4.99

At The Table Live Lecture Chris Rawlins

At The Table Live Lecture Chris Rawlins

"Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly..

$1.99 $4.99

The Gift by Angelo Carbone

The Gift by Angelo Carbone

A devastating prediction device built into an innocent looking box."Angelo fooled me with his origin..

$2.99 $6.99

Inside The Vault by Dani Daortiz

Inside The Vault by Dani Daortiz

He walked into the studio. 30 minutes later our jaws were on the floor. This man's knowledge and abi..

$4.99 $7.99

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