Why did Nee create Prosper?
The beauty and magic of the work connects incredibly well with our audience.
Simply put:
Everyone understands the desire to create wealth.
The appearance of money resonates and feels better than watching it disappear.
There is nothing to "look for", nothing to "miss", and therefore a state of amazement can be triggered immediately.
Danny gets a lot out of these daily activities and he hopes you enjoy them too.
What does the programme consist of?
1. Danny Goldsmith's Stretch Misers Danny Goldsmith's Misers
Note: Be sure to see the end to see a full live performance of this flow.
It features...
It's an incredibly driven move that looks like you're stretching a piece of silver into multiple coins.
A genius way to trick the eye (guaranteed to work every time!)
A beautiful subtlety that allows you to produce a large coin invisibly.
Bonus idea: a way to complete this routine with more pieces.
Note: There is a buggy variant of this process that uses a common technique, but this is purely optional. (It just barely enhances the routine.)
2. Past Time Coins
What it features...
This is a process that can spice up your coin making and add some sound to it.
It's a completely improvised and prop-free way to click coins in the air.
The completely invisible and unnoticed "hidden principle" of the process allows for impossible production and disappearance.
3. Pieces
It is characterised by...
A very simple premise! Your hand is empty, you are picking up a piece of silver from a coin and producing a new coin with it! (Too skinny)
A perfect visual opening for your coin process! (Many processes start by pulling coins out of your pocket - why not?)
A simple alternative to processing that makes certain actions easier.
Teaching the "sneaky hand" (a new, very deceptive hand taught in this flow)
A way to use this flow to open 3 flies or other flows you are using.
4 Bounty
This is...
This is the ideal thing to do with an audience in between games.
Perfect for improvised moves.
Totally mesmerising (you can play as long as you want, they won't stop watching)
Can be manipulated in other ways in which you can produce mobile phones! (or large coins)
Can be done without having to learn any gimmicks other than basic handholding (you don't even need to know how to flip a coin!)
5. Bounty v2
Incredible bounty variant that looks like you can produce unlimited currency from different countries. (using common gimmicks)
Buy "Cardini's Midas Touch" this week ($10 value!)
Cardini's miser's dream, Danny has been redesigned and refined to create powerful modern magic.
Learn the impossible pieces , and take your coin magic to the next level!
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