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  • Ps I Love U by Steve Shufton

Ps I Love U by Steve Shufton

  • Product Code: B1#625
  • Reward Points: 15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.48
  • $3.99

  • Price in reward points: 399

Impossible magic with your business card. Very strong, and your card is left in the hands of a completely bewildered and grateful spectator. What could be better as an opener, introduction or any random demonstration of your incredible clairvoyant, psychic powers? With no other explanation available, we must begin to believe ...!

"Steve Shufton offers a whole new set of routines and a revolutionary way of thinking about innocent and impromptu mentalism. Find within these pages a diabolical secret that has been hidden in plain sight for years. With the principles and handling detailed here, combined with your own imagination, you will be able to astound audiences with very strong demonstrations of impossible mind reading. "-Dr. Todd Landman~ Academic Magician

The participant counts off seven business cards. A prediction is written on the first card and put on the table or in the individual's pocket. It will NEVER be touched again by the performer! The remaining cards are numbered one through six, under the strict observation of the participant. The cards are mixed and the individual selects any one of them. Even so, she turns over the tabled prediction, and it matches her selection!

PS - I Love You, in its most basic form, is remarkably simple to perform!

No sleight of hand!

No memory work!

No forcing of cards!

No equivocation!

No stooges!

Just you, your seven business cards and any pen!


But you can take it MUCH further ...

Do it again for the same participant, with an even stronger climax Have the cards spread out on the table, and invite the individual to mix them herself She turns over both the prediction, and her selection - !! They match - 100% of the time!

Prove your mental capabilities anytime, anywhere and with anyone. The possibilities are only limited by your creativity!

Imagine setting your prediction on the table before asking a spectator to name any colors, names, dates, ESP symbols-- whatever you want! The cards are mixed, she helps mix them! She spreads the cards about on the table herself, and selects any one of them (she can change her mind as often as she would like). She turns over the prediction and her choice- of course they match! She scrutinized the making of the cards, she counted them, she mixed them, she spread them, and she did the selections and reveal, with no interference from you at all (except your charm), and of course- the prediction matches every time!

Would it be possible to ask a stranger to name some friends or family members - after your prediction is already in their possession, and then have them choose one of them randomly - and your prediction will still match YES Any words or bits of information?! you can garner at all You will ALWAYS accurately predict the one out of 5, 6 - .. even 12, each and every time You must really be clairvoyant (Nah ... it's a trick!)!

What about other magical applications? There are many, including highly visual feats of impossibility!

Prepare yourself for a night of walk around, with instant reset capability!

Simple, straightforward, powerful, entertaining and repeatable! Who could ask for anything more ?!

And now, more great news The PS -! I Love You Prediction System is yours for only That's right A professional system you will use over and over, leaving your business card in the hand of an excited spectator with an 100%, sure !! ! fire accurate prediction Put away your gimmicks, and make room for PS - I Love You Never leave home without it.!

"One of the best examples of stunning effect (created with the subtlest of methods) that I've ever seen, ever! "-Ben Harris

"... And I Love U too! This is a very cute and useful principle. Steve's thinking is excellent as usual. "-Marc Paul

"Steve, I got goosebumps. It's absolute genius! "-Chris Kavanaugh

"I'm always tickled with effects that require nothing but your business card and a writing utensil and PS I Love You put a big smile on my face! This is simplicity with high impact at its best. "-Ran Pink

"Honestly, this is a killer. It's rapidly turning into one of my Favourites of the Decade. "-Troy Donockley

"Like a musician which he is, Steve Shufton has taken a theme and created a medley, really a fugue, with developed variations on a theme. Whether one does the entire routine or even just a part or two of it, I think a lot of people are going to get a lot of mileage out of this. When you consider all you need to have with you is a half dozen business cards and a pen or Sharpie in your pocket, I think it'll be hard to leave home without it. "-Richard Busch- Author, Creator

"Minimum preparation, maximum impact! Plus, the repeat will stun the skeptics. Creative people who write clear, crisp instructions are scarce. Steve Shufton is among that elite few. PS-I Love U is clean, clever, and commercial .? It's the perfect way to 'preserve the moment' on the back of your business card. "-Lee Earle

"The combination of different methods is what makes this booklet a beauty. The best IMHO is the fact that you really end clean. No fancy moves, No palming, etc. I highly recommend this to anyone. You can focus completely on your performance. Thank you Steve for this beautiful rendition to the Magic Community. "-Rasmus

"The effects that impress me the most are those that strip as many steps, procedures and gimmicks as possible. A pen and your business cards. That's all you need ... Creating something so simple yet effective is actually a complex task , but Steve is a master at cutting away the unnecessary. If you too are always searching for effects like this, PS I love you achieves it beautifully. "-Dominic Reyes

"Steve Shufton is brilliant in his thinking. Baffling routines that will completely dumbfound your spectator. Good to have an imaginative mind in the main world. "-Chin-Chin

"Some tried and tested ideas, in an exciting new configuration. In the right hands, a miracle. "-Marc Salem

"Leave it to Steve Shufton to find new ways to knock audiences out using a method I thought I already knew inside out and backwards! These effects are beautifully constructed and thoroughly detailed, with a mental angle that would fit comfortably in my strolling set. "-Neil Tobin, Necromancer

"In the coming weeks, I have an interview with a local newspaper reporter. I was planning on the usual stuffing of my suit pockets with the odd boon writer and billets. Maybe even a stack of ESP symbols all to be used to convince the unsuspecting I could really read minds Then Steve Shufton's PS I Love You arrived And frankly, all those things mentioned above - .. though I'll still have them with me as always -. will not be used Yes, Steve's latest will enable me to convince my reporter that there is a mental connection between the two of us.

What you have with PS I Love You is not only a very powerful multi-phased routine, but the 'tipping' of a method which upon reading, should make your mind spin with possibilities. First off, the routine. The layering of deception throughout the routine is a master's class in psychology and subtlety. You'll be able to predict numerous times what your spectator is thinking and there is absolutely no clue other than being psychic or possessing some other power that could have provided the result. And .. .and here is the most incredible part ... you are 100 percent clean. Not the fake clean of having something hidden here or there, but honestly clean. I wonder if I will not be able to keep from smiling while the 'work' is going on it is so damn clever. And as a bonus, your spectator is left with your business card that was just used in the routine.

The 'tipping' which Steve reveals actually provides you with perhaps another half a dozen routines and variations and you should also be able to immediately start thinking up your own routines and modifications based upon his method.

I found the manuscript and accompanying photos clean and concise. Nothing is left out and just studying the routining should lead you to be a better performer overall by thinking more about the deception in your current routines.

A very nice addition to the world of mentalism and a keeper. "
-Joseph Atmore(Dunninger)

! "What a pleasant surprise PS-I-Love-U has several relatively impromptu effects with such simple elegance I can foresee many opportunities to impress with the routines here -. With the added benefit of making a business card something the participant will not only take along, but talk about long after. "-Loyd Auerbach, Psychic Entertainer, Parapsychologist, Author \\ u0026 Paranormal Expert

"I have always defined strong, effective magic (conjuring) as leading a spectator's mind down a logical path of thinking to an illogical conclusion. Personally, the best way to accomplish this is with simplicity, clarity, subtlety and naturalness .. . and Steve Shufton has accomplished just that with his new effect PS -! I-Love-U I truly Love the thinking Mr. Shufton has put into his latest creation For impact on a spectator, you would be hard-pressed to find another effect that is more simple. (both in execution and understanding), clear, subtle OR natural, yet, is very, very strong! You simply could not go wrong by using this effect, or at the very least, apply some or all of the thinking behind this effect in your own magic. Quite simply, this is as good as it gets. "-Robert Lamar

"Steve Shufton offers a whole new set of routines and a revolutionary way of thinking about innocent and impromptu mentalism. Find within these pages a diabolical secret that has been hidden in plain sight for years. With the principles and handling detailed here, combined with your own imagination, you will be able to astound audiences with very strong demonstrations of impossible mind reading. "-Dr. Todd Landman

"'PS-I-LOVE-U' is a very clever prediction concept by Steve Shufton. It's more than just a single effect or routine because the basic idea is extremely versatile. It's bold, but several clever subtleties in handling and presentation make Look extremely fair and above board.

This is easily one of the best uses you'll ever find for your business cards. And if you do not have business cards, PS-I-LOVE-YOU will convince you to remedy that ASAP. (And, apart from a Sharpie to write with no other props or gimmicks are required.)

Annemann would have been proud of this. (And Doctor Crow would have stolen it, so I have not shown it to him.)

Highly recommended. "
-Bob Cassidy

"I have so much material, but I'm always curious to see what you have come up with. Looking next to my desk here I see thirty magic books that have more stuff than I can learn in a lifetime. I read and watch a lot of reviews so I think I know what's going on in magic. In an era where new stuff comes out daily it's sometimes hard to sort out the wheat from the chaff, but I'm experienced and smart enough to know when something It is special and this is.

I performed the Star Gazers effect once last week for a magician- an IBM member and working pro (just so you know there was heat). He honestly did not know how it was done. So that's cool, because this is not just a magician fooler, it's a worker.

I do not know how you do all that you do. I find your writing to be succinct and excellent. The photos are really good. The whole thing is extremely well explained and the inclusion of the psychological elements is awesome. Psychology plays a big part in your creations and I often think of how your ideas could be applied elsewhere.

I do want to use it, if that's ok with you! "
-Peter Rowland

"Great thinking, a very fine piece of mentalism. "-Neal Scryer

"In PS I Love U, Steve Shufton has created a superb collection of ideas based on a principle that will blow minds. This is gaffless mentalism at it's very best. "-Peter Duffie

"I do not enjoy reviewing anything, especially magic tricks, and especially especially magic tricks created by my friends. I can only give my personal opinions about anything I review and those opinions are based on my skill level, my performing experience, my personality (or lack of one) and sometimes simply having a bad hair day. That's not very fair to the inventors of the tricks I'm asked to review.

Well, I like Steve Shufton's latest creation, a lot, and feel honored that he asked for my opinion.

The actual effect itself is very good.The method used to produce the effect is both clever and easy to do. The ordinary props used are above suspicion and that makes the routine more effective.

The problem with many magic tricks like Steve Shufton's effect is the audience is so amazed and impressed they ask to see it performed again. As a successful magician do you really want to respond to their request by saying "A magician never repeats a trick? "That is not very professional is it?

Steve Shufton includes an instant repeat ... I do not mean instant repeat at the next table with different people. I mean instant repeat at the same table for the same audience and fooling them a second time. That kind of instant repeat makes PS I Love You a miracle. "
-Steve Dusheck

"The fact is that I think PSILY is great! A simple yet very deceptive principle and some really clever routines that make use of it. The 'Dirty Pool' approach is something that I've immediately added to my impromptu repertoire. \\\ "-Mark Elsdon

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