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  • Razors Edge by Morgan Strebler

Razor's Edge by Morgan Strebler

  • Product Code: T0274
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $4.99
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

Morgan Strebler - Razor's Edge

Demonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4307

Playing in the hands of a small Russian roulette , you can play in the street. Carry , only need shoelaces with a blade. It looks very dangerous , but the risk factor is almost zero.

A "Russian Roulette" style prediction that will make their jaws hit the ground.

"Morgan's Razor's Edge is a brilliant effect combining mystery, suspense and danger all in the palm of your hand." -Andrew Mayne

"LOVE THIS! It has immediately gone into my show!" -Dan Sperry

"Being a working Pro for 35 years, I know good solid Original Magic when I see it. I was not about to wait for the wishy washy to fund this, so I went to Morgan and put a gun to his head for a pre release . Drop the coin on this people. " -Paul Kozak


5 white shoelaces are displayed, all held together, side-by-side, in one closed fist with the ends of the laces completely visible. They're all identical in color and length.

The performer then explains the premise; a "Russian roulette" type effect ... 4 of the 5 shoestrings will be grabbed - and PULLED - from the performer's hand, one at a time, until only one string remains in the hand.

He says that he's "pretty sure" he knows which string will be left behind, and so has made a prediction ... He has tied ONE item to ONE of the strings ... This item is hidden in his closed fist.

After a couple of FREELY SELECTED shoelaces have been stripped from the performer's hand, the performer tells the audience what the hidden "mystery" item is; a RAZOR BLADE.

"So you understand," explains the performer, "that all of these strings will slide freely from my tightly closed fist ... except for one."

Tension builds as, one by one, strings are randomly pulled out by different spectators. Them with only two remaining the spectator is asked to grab one. Suddenly the performer wildly pulls his fist back, freeing the empty string. Now only one string remains in his hand.

With no funny moves, he opens his fist, revealing A VERY REAL RAZOR BLADE.

  • No stooges
  • No forcing
  • FREE string selection
  • No difficult sleights
  • SAFE to perform but creates the illusion of extreme danger
  • Nothing to hide
  • No Palming
  • Ends clean

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