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  • Revelations (1-17) by Dai Vernon

Revelations (1-17) by Dai Vernon

  • Product Code: I1957
  • Reward Points: 20
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $6.35
  • $4.99

  • Price in reward points: 499

Dai Vernon - Revelations (1-17)

Magic favorites necessary , capacity of about 9.5GB

When young Michael Ammar, Gary Ouellet and Steve Freeman are inside ! Dai Vernon (1894. 6. 11 - 1992. 9. 21) formerly known as David Frederick Wingfield Verner, was born in Ottawa, Canada , is the 21st century 's most influential master of magic , for magic close a huge contribution to the development of , he invented a lot since we are still familiar magic , many have been the general effect of magic to his hands , after he became a classic was improved , known as the father of modern close- Magic . Ricky Jay, Larry Jenning, Michael Ammar, Michael Skinner and other famous magician David Roth , are his students.

Details Introduction URL:http://llpub.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1808

( Magic circles rumors, 80 percent of the world's magic is wearing Vernon inventions ) Imagine you and Dai Vernon spent a week together ...
September 2, 1982 to the 6th , in St.John 's Newfoundland filmmaker room, wearing Vernon magic and life everlasting record down , he left to later generations of people . Get Bill Larsen 's behest , Hans Zahn is responsible for all of the plans , operations. Filming moderator is Michael Ammar, Gary Ouellet and Steve Freeman!
L & L Publishing footage will now be re- ripping into the issue , we not only see , hear, and learn the masterpieces of our children and grandchildren who will follow the top masters learn unforgettable technology.
Some important factors worth considering :
The film is a hybrid version , there is Vernon discussing his tricks , Action Action , processes and practices of all discussions , technologies, processes , points the way are actually Vernon or host a show, followed by a full explanation at the time of shooting the film , the film covers almost half of the content of publications related to the theme , the other half of the content is brand new never disclosed before. Many times , Vernon taught a lot of first-class new technology , including improved methods and processing techniques are not disclosed , and even magic star is considered semi- like effect of technology.
Some of the world famous techniques such as coins and Fred Kaps coins and scarves inside the champagne glass ( invented by Vernon, taught to Kaps ) is completely Revealed Erdnase important technical Inside , Vernon spent his lifetime research effort , is the focus of the film ?
The film's purpose is to record Vernon 's career for the younger generation who see .
A magician should not miss any of this ? Vernon is a modern magic spokesman, the film and share with him some important secrets !

, Ellutionist has released what new magic , everyone meet the first sentence is : Nearest What's new teaching . The so-called new teaching , but teaching just released , not magic new inventions and innovative ideas pure sense .

If you look at Dai Vernon 's Revelations series , you will find the original , now called New Teaching come from here. Because there is a rumor magic world : 80 percent of the world's magic is wearing Vernon inventions . This sounds a bit weird . That is why other magic gone? But read this teaching series , you will undoubtedly learn the essence of magic 80 % of the world . This is exactly the meaning of the teaching of magic !

All interested in learning magic enthusiasts can not find the doorway , rather like a headless flies , East learn a magic, a Western magic , why not carefully down to learn a magician 's series of teaching it? As for what you can learn , see the following teaching content it:


Volume 1

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Story Behind the Stars of Magic Series
Vernon on Think-of-a-Card, Dunninger,
Brainwave Deck
Vernon on Effects
Triumph-the Vernon Triumph Shuffle
and the Proper Presentation
Story of the Vernon False Shuffle
Practice Improve Your Magic
Keeping Notes on Your Magic
Cutting the Aces-
Another Vernon Card Classic
Vernon on Passes, False Cuts
Irv Weiner s Opening to Cutting the Aces
The Story is the Entertaining Part of the Trick
Story of the Ambitious Card
Vernon Performs the Ambitious Card
Vernon Explains an Ambitious Card Move

Volume 2

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Vernon Double Lift
The Fingerprint Card Trick
Vernon Double Lift Replacement
On the Strike Double Lift
Vernon s First Intro to the Pass
Story of the Purse Palm
Vernon Demonstrates the Purse Palm
Spellbound Move
Vernon on Coin Vanishes
The Ring and the Wand
Slow Motion Aces Performance
(Steve Freeman)

Story Behind Slow-Motion Aces
The Slow Motion Card Vanish
Story of the Last Card (Tent Vanish)
Freeman Demonstrates Last Card Vanish
Vernon Explains Slow Motion Aces
Lay Down Routine
The Force with No Name
Slow Motion Aces for Magicians

Volume 3

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Travellers (Michael Ammar performance)
Explanation of the Travellers
Vernon on Malini s Method of Marking the Cards
Proper Way to Turn the Top Card Over
Why Vernon has the Cards Signed
The Kangaroo Coins (Gary Ouellet performance)
Kangaroo Coins Explanation
Vernon Talks About Lapping
The Balls in the Net (Steve Freeman performance)
Vernon s Story about The Balls in The Net
Vernon Explains the Moves for The Balls in The Net
Han Ping Chein with Ball
Vernon Explains What Makes a Good Trick
Jumping Jacks
The Tenkai Palm Switch
Vernon Explains How He Got the Name Professor

Volume 4

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Tenkai Switch - The Pivot Move
Story Behind the Symphony of the Rings
Vernon Tells a Silhouette Story
Vernon Performs the Symphony of the Rings
Explanation of Ring Routine - Counting the Rings
First Link
Spinning the Ring
Unlinking the Ring
Crash Link
Chain of Three
Linking Three Unlinking Three
The Continuous Linking
The Falling Ring
The Interlocked Rings
The Figures
The Long Chain
Unlinking a Solid Ring
Unlinking All the Rings
The Symphony of the Rings -
Vernon Performs for Live Audience
The Coins and Champagne Glass - A Vernon Classic
The Secret to a Good Coin Vanish
More Coins Champagne Glass Explanation

Volume 5

Gary Ouellett Intro
Vernon Talks About Fred Kaps
Vernon Explains Coins Silk Routine
Verno Explains Coin Transfer
Ammar Teaches Chanin Classic
Palm Coin Productions
Ammar Introduces the Cups Balls
Vernon Tells How He Got His Cups
Vernon Demonstrates the Opening to the Cups Balls
Ammar Demonstrates Jay Marshall s Bit with Cups
Explanation of Depth Illusion
Vernon s Story About the Cups
Balls at the Magic Castle
Vernon and Ammar Walk Through Cups Balls Routine
Vernon s Advice On What To Do After Palming Something
Explanation of Phase Two Three
Loading Sequence
Large Ball Wand Vanish
Wand Spin
Vernon Explains Ball Under Cup Vanish
Vernon Explains Coins Purse Swindle
Malini s Version
Vernon s Purse Palm Vanish
Leipzig s Coin on Knee

Volume 6

Gary Ouellett Intro
Color Change Section Intro (Freeman)
History of Color Change
Erdnase s First Method with the Improvement Vernon
The Erdnase Pivot Color Change
The Malini Handling
Picking Off the Pip
Leipzig s Handling
Leipzig s Side Slip and Vernon? S Variation
Handling the Sucker Gag
Steve Freeman s Tips on the Color Change
Softy Color Change
Vernon Passes on Good Advice
The No Palm Color Change
The Time Vernon Cheated the Cheats
The Greek Crimp
The Gambler s Peek
The Back Crimp
The Suit Peek
The Corner Crimp / Cutting to a Crimp
Story About Larry Grey
The Snap Crimp Story
The Snap Crimp
Mexican Joe Crimp
Best Way to Reverse a Card
The Breather Crimp

Volume 7

Gary Ouellett Intro
An Unpublished Linking Ring Move
The Vernon No Key Linking
The Five-Card Mental Force
Some Thoughts on the Stop Trick
Taking Advantage of Good Breaks
The Trick That Can not Be Explained
The Cutting Trick
How to Practice the Trick That Can not
Be Explained
Vernon Talks About Card Palming
The Hofzinser Bottom Palm
The Diagonal Palm Shift and the
Vernon Improvement
The Hofzinser Bottom Palm Transfer

Volume 8

Gary Ouellett Intro
The Diagonal Palm Shift
a detailed description
The Hand Washing Move
The Gambling Palm
The Vernon Gambling Palm Transfer
Topping the Deck
The Erdnase Top Palm
Several Methods of Replacing the
Palmed Card onto the Deck
Skinning the Hand, Version 1
Vernon Color Change
The Tenkai Palm Color Change
Skinning the Hand Version # 2
The French Pass
Two Technical Descriptions of
Bottom Palms
Covering the Side Slip
Dramatizing Revelations
The Loewy Palm
Some Moves for Cards Up the Sleeve
The Vernon Card Switches
A New Top Palm
The Card to Jacket Pocket
The Palm Change
Story of the Mysterious Kid
Vernon Talks About Shiners

Volume 9

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Berg Move
Explanation of Berg Move
Story of the Trick That Fooled Houdini
Explanation of the Trick
That Fooled Houdini
Vernon Tells Horwitz Story
Vernon Explains the Boat Trick
Vernon Performs Three Card Monte
for Live Audience
Explanation of Three Card Monte
Preparing the Cards
Bent Corner
Tips on the Hype Move
Sucker Ploy
Explanation of Hype Move
The Torn Card
The Broad Worker s Story
The Double Flash
Removing the Bent Corner
Bobby Fischer Story

Volume 10

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Vernon Cone and Ball Routine
Basic Move for Cone Ball
The Ball and Silk
Hand to Hand Ball Transfer
Vernon on the Dye Tube /
Color Changing Silks
Loading the Silk
Palming the Tube
Start of Routine
Steal of the Tube
Routine Taught from Behind
The Chopstick Double Lift
Valuable Tip from Erdnase
(Double Lift)
The Overhand Shuffle Technique
The Pinky Count
The Greek Break
Bottom to Top Transfer
Vernon s Simple Double Peek Control
Triple and Multiple Peek Handling
The Fan Force

Volume 11

Gary Ouellet Intro
The International Gambler s Code
The Zanzig Code
The Spread
The Miami Brothers Ploy
The Vernon Card Switch
The Gambler s Hole Card Switch
The Snatch
The Verbal Code (Vernon)
Teaching Method for Verbal Code
(Memorized Cards)
How to Memorize the Cards
(Vernon Method)
Vernon Tells the Story of Benny
Vernon Tells the Names of Each Card
in his Code
Vernon Short Card
Corner Short
Freeman Demonstrates Short Card Control

Volume 12

Gary Ouellet intro
Freeman Quotes Erdnase
The Erdnase Bottom Deal
The Elliott Bottom Deal
The Artanis Bottom Deal
Gambling vs. Magic
The Second Deal - The Erdnase Methods
The Johnny Thompson Method
Vernon s Trick for Second Deal
Vernon Gives Tips on Second Deal
The Vernon New Theory Second Deal
The Big Lie about the Strike Second
The Elliott Million Dollar Secret
Mexican Joe s Shift
The Side Shift
Covering the One-Handed Shift
The S.W.E. Shift
The Kennedy Center Deal (The Real Work)
Bad Habits Center Deal

Volume 13

Gary Ouellet Intro
The Drunken Mitt
How to Tell Backs from Fronts
by Feel Alone
Tips on the Overhand Shuffle
The Erdnase Full-Deck Control
The Vernon Full-Deck Control
The Charlier False Shuffle
The Push Through Shuffle
The Strip Out Shuffle
Vernon Gives Tips on the
Push-Through Shuffle
The Kid Royal Shuffle
The Up the Ladder False Cut
Up the Ladder used in Triumph

Volume 14

Vernon - Three Card Monte
Ammar - Beanie Wienie, Cards to Pocket
Ouellet - Three Shell Game
Freeman - Time Machine, Cutting the Aces,
Slow Motion Ace Assembly
Ammar - The $ 2 Bill Tear, The Yeast Card,
Card on Ceiling
Ouellet - Kiss Trick, Ring on Rope
Ammar - Coins Silk
Ouellet - Silver Passage
Ammar - Roll-Over Aces
Ouellet - The Two Goblets
Vernon - Symphony of the Rings

Volume 15

Gary Ouellet Intro
Why Vernon Changed his Name
How he Got the Name Professor
Interest in Magic Since a Young Boy
Enjoyed Watching Gamblers
Talks About Erdnase
Vernon s Favorite Book: Erdnase
School Magic Show
No Use of the Word Damn or Egg Bag
Great Weakness of Magician
Meeting Cliff Green
Producing a Card in the Shower
First Time Seeing Max Malini
Malini Egg Bag - Russia Story
Malini at the GM party
Malini Card Stab
Antique Table Story
Advice from Malini
Malini s Best Tricks Were Never Performed
Malini s Vanishing Tobacco
Malini s Opener
Malini at Buckingham Palace

Volume 16

Gary Ouellet Intro
Cutting Silhouettes
The Harlequin Act
How Vernon Met Frances Rockefeller King
Magician Spies on Vernon
J. K. L. M.
Dr. Daley s Notebook
The Book, Our Magic
The Frogman
Cardini s Talking Act
Cardini s Tails
Al Baker
The History of Silhouettes
Colorado Springs
World s Fair
Vernon Cuts a Silhouette
Twenty Dollar Gold Piece

Volume 17

Gary Ouellet Intro
King of Koins
The Gimmick
Emil Jarrow
Jarrow Plays London
Closing of his Act
Partner in his Act
Warren Keane
Malini Block of Ice
Fred Keating Canary Story
Paul Rosini
Herbert Brooks
The Manner In Which Tricks are Presented
Larry Grey Follows Hobos
High School Dance
Lance Burton at the Body Shop
Garrick Spencer / Academy of Magic
Allen Kennedy Center Deal
Teaching John Scarne the Center Deal
Vernon Takes Ted to See Allen Kennedy
Mrs. Vernon Meets Mexican Joe
The Greek Gambler
The Hold-Up Story
Jack Benny Joke
Dr. Ross
Meeting Dan Cummings at Restaurant
Takes the Touch of a Billiard Player
Frank Tobey / Vernon Sees Faro Shuffle
for the First Time
One Arm MacDonald - The Diamond Ring
$ 100 Ace Trick
Davis the Miracle Man

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Added Value by Brian T. Lees

Added Value by Brian T. Lees

Simple things that get you hired. You may have a fantastic show, be extremely talented and a hig..

$5.99 $8.99

Marlo's Tenkai Replacement by Allan Ackerman

Marlo's Tenkai Replacement by Allan Ackerman

Here you learn how to replace a card you hold out in Tenkai palm on the top of the deck. runtime..

$0.99 $4.00

Newmeric (Video + Pdf) by Alessandro Criscione

Newmeric (Video + Pdf) by Alessandro Criscione

You can call it precognition or coincidence, but you'll definitely be calling it incredible! The..

$2.99 $5.99

Isn'T It Wonderful by Charles Bertram

Isn'T It Wonderful by Charles Bertram

Comments: Illustrations by Phil May, A.C. Corbould, Bernard F. Gribble, and others. Contents:&nb..

$5.99 $8.99

The L.W. Mindreading Mysteries by William Larsen Sr T. Page Wright

The L.W. Mindreading Mysteries by William Larsen Sr T. Page Wright

The L.W. Mindreading Mysteries by William Larsen Sr T. Page Wright Description William W. Larsen (S..

$2.99 $5.99

Volta's Giant Esp Thought Projection by Burling Hull

Volta's Giant Esp Thought Projection by Burling Hull

Volta's Giant ESP Thought Projection by Burling Hull Description Four different spectators each ..

$1.99 $4.99

Royally Flushed by Steve Valentine

Royally Flushed by Steve Valentine

This is Steve's go-to 'Why I Can Never Play Poker' routines. Royally Flushed is a full on un-gim..

$1.99 $4.99

Impossible Card Locations by Steve Valentine

Impossible Card Locations by Steve Valentine

There's a saying in my world, 'you can never have enough impossible card locations'... ok, I made th..

$1.99 $4.99

Confessions Of A Story Teller Vol. 2 by Barry Mitchell

Confessions Of A Story Teller Vol. 2 by Barry Mitchell

You will love this fun DVD!  Very funny stories and audience interaction.  You'll fin..

$3.99 $17.00

Confessions Of A Story Teller Vol. 1 by Barry Mitchell

Confessions Of A Story Teller Vol. 1 by Barry Mitchell

Live Lecture DVD. Confessions of a Storyteller Volume 1: The art of taking a good story and mak..

$5.99 $22.00

The Charlatan's Handbook by Sid Fleischman

The Charlatan's Handbook by Sid Fleischman

Here are unique feats of magical entertainment with story lines created by a whimsical novelist and ..

$9.99 $12.99

Fusillade by Paul Cummins And Doc Eason

Fusillade by Paul Cummins And Doc Eason

The long awaited work on the Multiple Selection Card Routine has finally arrived!! Doc Eason and Pau..

$5.99 $8.99

An Impossible Card Sculpture by Tensegrity

An Impossible Card Sculpture by Tensegrity

Build your own Impossible Leviating object. Step by step Explanation with many Photos...

$2.99 $5.99

Red And Black by Paco Rodas

Red And Black by Paco Rodas

A new work by Paco Rodas. Some of his last routines, published in a single book, in double format: P..

$4.99 $7.99

Key Card by Geni

Key Card by Geni

If you are finding a special card trick, with an amazing react. Let's learn KEY CARDThe full perform..

$1.99 $4.99

Dual Transpo by Sansminds

Dual Transpo by Sansminds

Coin teleportation in your own hands. Image two different coins in two different hands instantly ..

$0.99 $3.99

Confessions Of A Medium (2015 Ebook Version)

Confessions Of A Medium (2015 Ebook Version)

Confessions of a Medium (2015 Ebook version)..

$2.99 $5.99

Al Baker's Exclusive Twenty Five Dollar Manuscript by Al Baker

Al Baker's Exclusive Twenty Five Dollar Manuscript by Al Baker

Al Baker's Exclusive Twenty Five Dollar Manuscript Al Baker presents several great pieces of ment..

$2.99 $5.99

Cardini Peek by Tom Phoenix

Cardini Peek by Tom Phoenix

Tom Phoenix - Cardini Peek..

$0.99 $3.99

From The Red Notebook (Second Edition) by Tom Rose

From The Red Notebook (Second Edition) by Tom Rose

I originally published these notes in August 2018. Since publishing them a lot of the ideas have bee..

$8.99 $11.99

David Will'Iamson Masterclass Live (4Th Octob'Er 2020)

David Will'Iamson Masterclass Live (4Th Octob'Er 2020)

Week One '(4th October 2020)Dave’s Gambling Scams DemoFalse ShufflesCull & Palming/ Replacements..

$3.99 $6.99

The Magic Balls by George Bradley

The Magic Balls by George Bradley

These Magic Balls are especially designed for sleight of hand gripping.The only thing George Bradley..

$0.99 $3.99

Dont Bet On It ! by Leslie Thyagarajan

Dont Bet On It ! by Leslie Thyagarajan

I invented this trick to fool other Magicians!very simple and easy to perform. Ends with a triple su..

$1.99 $4.99

Signs by Think Nguyen

Signs by Think Nguyen

SIGNS by Think NguyenYou will always be able to control how many red Cards and black Cards the spect..

$3.99 $6.99

Matrix, Double Snaps, Coin Snap Change by Smagic Productions

Matrix, Double Snaps, Coin Snap Change by Smagic Productions

SM Productionz - Matrix, Double Snaps, Coin Snap Change . A total of three magic effect , a four..

$1.99 $4.99

Corner Multi Effects by Smagic Productions

Corner Multi Effects by Smagic Productions

SM Productionz - Corner Multi Effects Magic teaching improvisation , a total of four effects, i..

$0.99 $3.98

Nycan 1991 Convention Highlights Video

Nycan 1991 Convention Highlights Video

NYCAN '91 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTSNYCAN 1991 Convention Highlights:Rochester, New York October 31-Novem..

$2.99 $5.52

Magic Heart Team - Baster By Mag

Magic Heart Team - Baster By Mag

Baster by MAG - Magic Heart teama playing card visually turns into a billvery easy to do when you ha..

$1.99 $4.27

Misteri Dead Easy Location And Previsione Fuori Controllo by Gianfranco Preverino

Misteri Dead Easy Location And Previsione Fuori Controllo by Gianfranco Preverino

Gianfranco Preverino - Misteri Dead Easy Location and Previsione Fuori Controllo..

$2.99 $4.99

The Flying Sandwich Tornado Kick by Tom Phoenix

The Flying Sandwich Tornado Kick by Tom Phoenix

Tom Phoenix - The Flying Sandwich Tornado KickJoin the 300+ other magicians performing this!You show..

$0.99 $3.76

Turnacedo by Maxmagie

Turnacedo by Maxmagie

Turnacedo by Maxmagie (Instant Download)Fast visual and simple card trickimpromptu and ungimmick fla..

$1.99 $5.99

What Pocket by Mark Mason

What Pocket by Mark Mason

What Pocket by Mark MasonAny signed card magically jumps into your inside jacket..

$1.99 $4.99

4For4 by Chris Kenner

4For4 by Chris Kenner

4for4 by Chris Kennercard magic trick download video..

$0.99 $3.99

Art And Artifice, And Other Essays Of Illusion by Jim Steinmeyer

Art And Artifice, And Other Essays Of Illusion by Jim Steinmeyer

From the author of Hiding the Elephant and The Glorious Deception comes a collection of five essays ..

$0.99 $3.99

Knowing The Egg Bag by Will Ayling

Knowing The Egg Bag by Will Ayling

The egg bag is one of those classic routines such as cups and balls or the linking rings. Will Aylin..

$0.99 $3.99

Scrapbook Issue 1 by Alexander De Cova

Scrapbook Issue 1 by Alexander De Cova

AL KORAN FINESSE - An additional idea for the well-known Al Koran 5-star forcing deck which enables ..

$0.99 $3.99

Scots Magic by Tom Sellers

Scots Magic by Tom Sellers

The Spirit GuideA Paddle RoutineThe Impromptu Rising CardThe Elongated CigaretteNew Rising CardsFlip..

$0.99 $3.99

Pentagon (Pdf) by Ritaprova Sen

Pentagon (Pdf) by Ritaprova Sen

Packed with field tested material - this book presents you with 5 effects and card handlings that'll..

$0.99 $3.99

All Four Two (Ebook) by Boyet Vargas

All Four Two (Ebook) by Boyet Vargas

The Spectator plays a “Charades” like game with the Mentalist. And in every round of the game, the M..

$2.99 $5.99

Cartomagie Impromptue by Aldo Colombini

Cartomagie Impromptue by Aldo Colombini

In 8 broché en bon état 287 pages, 2004 (une petite marque de pliure sur le coin inférieur de la pre..

$3.99 $6.99

The Boys Own Conjuring Book (1860) by Unknown Author

The Boys Own Conjuring Book (1860) by Unknown Author

No Edition Remarks. 384 pages. No dust jacket. Blue cloth with a black and white illustrated frontis..

$2.99 $5.99

Magic Notes by Fabian

Magic Notes by Fabian

You know him best as Aldo Colombini, but his previous moniker was Fabian. Now you have the chance to..

$2.99 $5.99

The Perfect Response by Jason Messina

The Perfect Response by Jason Messina

The Perfect Response by Jason Messina eBook DOWNLOADOrder now and get instant access!Learn how to ma..

$0.99 $3.99

Six-Trix For 1944 by Bob Hummer

Six-Trix For 1944 by Bob Hummer

ASIN:B00P8E50QWPublisher:Frank Werner; 1st Edition (January 1, 1944)..

$0.99 $3.99

The Lectureby Lance Pierce

The Lectureby Lance Pierce

Elements: The Lecture. The Book. by Lance PiercePDF..

$3.99 $5.99

Confidence For Magicians (Pdf) by Dominic Reyes

Confidence For Magicians (Pdf) by Dominic Reyes

Magicians approach people with confidence... Right? They are in 'show business', they are entertaine..

$2.99 $5.99

Maher Ventriloquist Radio Full Series (46 Episodes, by Tom Maher

Maher Ventriloquist Radio Full Series (46 Episodes, by Tom Maher

The Maher Course Of Ventriloquism - Detweiler VersionThe original Maher Course of Ventriloquism was ..

$7.99 $10.99

Erdnase Change by Les French Twins (Tony And Jordan)

Erdnase Change by Les French Twins (Tony And Jordan)

Les French Twins (Tony and Jordan) - Erdnase Change..

$0.99 $3.99

The World'S Fastest Card Trick by Ken De Courcy

The World'S Fastest Card Trick by Ken De Courcy

This book captures Ken de Courcy at his very best. Contained within the pages of this book, you will..

$0.99 $3.99

Girl Power by Satish B

Girl Power by Satish B

This is a woman empowered card trick. The spectator (preferably a woman) randomly selects a group of..

$0.99 $3.99

Commercial Gems 1 by Mel Mellers

Commercial Gems 1 by Mel Mellers

3 professional performance pieces direct from Mel's repertoire.1: Spin a yarn a commercial presentat..

$2.99 $5.99

In Your Pocket by Ken Muller

In Your Pocket by Ken Muller

An incredible impromptu mentalism effect where a spectator reads your mind. You think of an object a..

$1.99 $4.99

Trix Fixes by Jon Racherbaumer

Trix Fixes by Jon Racherbaumer

LEITMOTIFSCopycat CardsRashomonian Universal CardCounting a ConclaveLOCUS POCUSMine Finds YoursA Nar..

$1.99 $4.99

Baxter'S Ambitious Card by Ian Baxter

Baxter'S Ambitious Card by Ian Baxter

A treasured classic in anyone's language, "The Ambitious Card" absolutely runs rings around most oth..

$1.99 $4.99

Magie Des Des - Thimble Magic by Gerard Majax

Magie Des Des - Thimble Magic by Gerard Majax

How do you take the ego out of performing magic? For sixteen years, Gerald Deutsch has been contribu..

$5.99 $8.99

Pip Art by Dan Harlan

Pip Art by Dan Harlan

EffectA spectator's chosen card is lost in the deck. Instead of finding the card (any magician could..

$0.99 $3.99

Volta Table Sealed Question Reading Method by Burling Hull

Volta Table Sealed Question Reading Method by Burling Hull

This masterful, close-up sealed message reading technique was originally reserved for Hull's $150 me..

$1.99 $4.99

Mutanz by Bob Farmer

Mutanz by Bob Farmer

Inexplicable unexplainable enigmatic and just plain weird!Strange and supernatural forces twist and ..

$0.99 $3.99

Unholey by The Alchemy Tree

Unholey by The Alchemy Tree

The perfect balance of magicality and practicality, Unholey is one of those rare effects which...-Is..

$4.99 $7.99

The Anywhere Index by Tony Miller

The Anywhere Index by Tony Miller

Imagine a device that allows you to produce a freely chosen card, a denomintion of currency, a photo..

$2.99 $5.99

Runt Of The Litter by Jack Tighe

Runt Of The Litter by Jack Tighe

You offer to play a simple gambling game with your favourite spectators - whoever touches the back o..

$0.99 $3.99

Egotistical Opinions - Microphone Technique by Ian Kendall

Egotistical Opinions - Microphone Technique by Ian Kendall

This is the second video from Egotistical Opinions. The 32 minute video covers microphone techn..

$1.99 $4.99

Legacy by Eric Mason

Legacy by Eric Mason

The passing of a freely chosen suit of cards in numerical sequence up the sleeve, using a borrowed p..

$4.99 $7.99

The Bandalorian by Forest Moon

The Bandalorian by Forest Moon

In the style of Joe Rindfleisch and TC Churchill's "Rubber Delusion" and Tom Gagnon's "Wristy" comes..

$0.99 $3.99

Baseball In Bottle by Mark R. Gladue

Baseball In Bottle by Mark R. Gladue

With this video you will learn, how to Make a Baseball in Bottle.Nothing more needs to be said about..

$6.99 $9.99

Champion Building System by Zivi Kivi

Champion Building System by Zivi Kivi

SynopsisIn this e-book Zivi Kivi reveals two of his Reputation-Maker marketing tactics and how they ..

$5.99 $8.99

Minds In Close-Up by Jack Yates

Minds In Close-Up by Jack Yates

A collection of mental mysteries using small accessories.ForewordClip LineMatch MiracleDevil's DiePe..

$1.99 $4.99

Proteus (Bonus Only) by Michael Murray

Proteus (Bonus Only) by Michael Murray

ABOUT THE BONUS:This bonus contains a detailed description on how to present this propless demonstra..

$14.99 $17.99

Pristine by Wesley James

Pristine by Wesley James

Limited to 350 copies.....Numbered and Signed by the author.Softcover, 41 pages......these units sho..

$6.99 $9.99

Como Hacerse Prestidigitador by Adams Lutter

Como Hacerse Prestidigitador by Adams Lutter

Adams Lutter - Como Hacerse Prestidigitador(Spanish)..

$0.99 $3.99

Routines With Rhythm by Rafael Benatar

Routines With Rhythm by Rafael Benatar

Venezuela's Rafael Benatar is one of the smoothest, most elegant practitioners of card magic. At Van..

$1.99 $4.99

Continental Close Up by Thomas Fraps

Continental Close Up by Thomas Fraps

Wrappers comb bound. Illustrated, 21 pages. Mild water damage to covers, else very good...

$5.99 $8.99

Turning Point by Bill Goodwin

Turning Point by Bill Goodwin

This surprising feat of dexterity demonstrates not only the performer's ability to manipulate the ca..

$0.99 $3.01

Invisible Thread Magic by Paul Brown

Invisible Thread Magic by Paul Brown

The basic hookupHummer Card (2 methods)Floating Note (2 methods)Haunted DeckAnimated PenFloating Rin..

$3.99 $6.99

The Empress by Brother Shadow

The Empress by Brother Shadow

9 pages. Signed by the author, Dell O'Dell, and inscribed to fellow magician Jerry Blount. The front..

$9.99 $12.99

Nine Black Cats by Neemdog And Lorenzo

Nine Black Cats by Neemdog And Lorenzo

From author Neemdog:The card tricks that Lorenzo Cobo and I created together are some of my favorite..

$6.99 $9.99

Challenges by Al Mann

Challenges by Al Mann

Details a true story of Himber challenging Dunninger. Al takes this as inspiration to think about ch..

$14.99 $37.00

Mth Ep by Matthew Beaudouin

Mth Ep by Matthew Beaudouin

Meet Matthew Baudouin, a fellow French cardist. After seeing him at Cardistry-Con 2016, we couldn’t ..

$2.99 $5.99

You'Ll Always Have A Dollar by Val Andrews

You'Ll Always Have A Dollar by Val Andrews

This is Val's own life story. Val is one of magic's most prolific writers and he draws from his vast..

$2.99 $14.00

At Ease (1966 - 1975) by Harvey Turner

At Ease (1966 - 1975) by Harvey Turner

Who would have thought the US Armed Forces had a magicians association? The association was started ..


Swamp by Agustin

Swamp by Agustin

Borrow a bill from your spectator and place it behind the folding card. In a seconds the bill penetr..

$1.99 $4.99

Stimulated by Nubzmagic

Stimulated by Nubzmagic

STIMULATED by NubzMagicOne random playing card is placed in between two kings and another card is pl..

$0.99 $3.99

Guilty As Sin Aces by David Devlin

Guilty As Sin Aces by David Devlin

This is a great opener for any routine or act, which uses the four aces. The inspiration for this ca..

$0.99 $6.00

The Incredible Dr Stanley Jaks by Al Mann

The Incredible Dr Stanley Jaks by Al Mann

product description: PDF Written by Al and Jaks's close friend, Gene Grant, Phantini the mentalist..

$1.99 $4.99

The Return Of Tipsy Aces by Paul Gordon

The Return Of Tipsy Aces by Paul Gordon

The Return Of Tipsy Aces is very powerful and very visual. Good to routine with Twisting The Ac..

$1.99 $4.99

Trick That Cannot Be Explained by Dai Vernon

Trick That Cannot Be Explained by Dai Vernon

Dai Vernon - Trick that Cannot be ExplainedPDF..

$1.99 $4.99

Magic As Entertainment by Harold Taylor

Magic As Entertainment by Harold Taylor

Think of this book as your very own, private consultant to improve your shows! Magic as Entertainmen..

$13.99 $41.95

Introducing Bill'S Magic by William G. Stickland

Introducing Bill'S Magic by William G. Stickland

Introducing Bill's Magic is a fantastic book, loaded with great magic for parlor and stage. The mate..

$12.99 $37.00

Open Sesame by Eric C. Lewis And Wilfred Tyler

Open Sesame by Eric C. Lewis And Wilfred Tyler

Open Sesame has been considered one of the most important references on the subject of children's ma..

$8.99 $27.00

Television Puppet Magic by Ian Adair

Television Puppet Magic by Ian Adair

Television Puppet Magic, by Ian Adair, is considered by some to be the bible of hand puppetry work. ..

$4.99 $16.95

Rag Picture Shows by Eric Hawkesworth

Rag Picture Shows by Eric Hawkesworth

⭐High Quality Scanning!⭐Rag pictures are "cut-out" geometric shapes composed mainly from felt, plast..

$2.99 $16.95

Magic In Rhyme by Bill Rauscher

Magic In Rhyme by Bill Rauscher

⭐High Quality Scanning!⭐Bill Rauscher has compiled a volume with hundreds of verses written by more ..

$9.99 $31.95

Oriental Conjuring And Magic by Will Ayling

Oriental Conjuring And Magic by Will Ayling

Oriental Conjuring and Magic is a comprehensive guide to exciting and unique Magic stemming from mag..

$7.99 $41.95

Wandcraft by Judge Gary Brown & Lawrence Hass

Wandcraft by Judge Gary Brown & Lawrence Hass

Wandcraft by Judge Gary Brown & Lawrence Hass..

$12.99 $32.00

Perfume by Am

Perfume by Am

Based on the 2006 movie, Perfume: The story of a murderer.This is s PRESENTATION that allows you to ..

$0.99 $9.00

The Theatrical Illusion Show by Duane Laflin

The Theatrical Illusion Show by Duane Laflin

8 1/2" by 11" size, 118 pages, perfect bound...

$11.99 $36.95

The Event Magician (Volume 2) by Jc Sum

The Event Magician (Volume 2) by Jc Sum

: 74 - 8.5" x 11 - Perfectbound..

$5.99 $20.00

The Event Magician (Volume 1) by Jc Sum

The Event Magician (Volume 1) by Jc Sum

: 84 - 8.5" x 11 - Perfectbound..

$5.99 $20.00

Phantom Deck by Wonder Makers

Phantom Deck by Wonder Makers

Фокус, вошедший в ТОП самых неожиданных иллюзий!Исчезающая колода карт станет идеальным завершение л..

$0.99 $3.99

Invisibility Rays by Chris Wasshuber

Invisibility Rays by Chris Wasshuber

This is the story of an Austrian inventor, his patent, and his appliance to make objects and people ..

$3.99 $21.50

Who Was Dracula? Bram Stoker'S Trail Of Blood by Jim Steinmeyer

Who Was Dracula? Bram Stoker'S Trail Of Blood by Jim Steinmeyer

ABOUT WHO WAS DRACULA?The acclaimed author of The Last Greatest Magician in the World sleuths out li..

$0.99 $3.99

The Haunted Hat by Professor Hoffmann

The Haunted Hat by Professor Hoffmann

22 pages. A story of Herr Blitzen a fictional Magician, based on the real life Magician Joseph Micha..

$2.99 $5.99

Blackstone, A Magician'S Life by Daniel Waldron

Blackstone, A Magician'S Life by Daniel Waldron

This is the story of the world and magic shows of Harry Blackstone (1885-1965), who entertained thea..

$3.99 $6.99

Refining Vernon'S 1-2-3 by Ian Baxter

Refining Vernon'S 1-2-3 by Ian Baxter

"It's not easy to improve on a trick by Dai Vernon, but Ian Baxter has managed to do just that!"A ti..

$1.99 $6.00

Isildur by Aj Stouse

Isildur by Aj Stouse

Isildur is a collection of tricks and moves that not only look like real magic, but are easy to lear..

$2.99 $17.00

Vanish Magazine #92

Vanish Magazine #92

Vanish Magic Magazine #92Pages 82EditorialThe Adventures of PokkusTribute to Johnathan SzelesFeature..

$0.99 $4.99

Undercover Officers by Viper Magic

Undercover Officers by Viper Magic

The four aces act as undercover detectives and find the chosen card. Easy to do and with a regular d..

$0.99 $8.00

123 - Hello (Korean)

123 - Hello (Korean)

In KoreaRunning Time:01:11:34123분님의 첫 렉쳐, Hello 가 드디어 나왔습니다! 헬로는 총 여섯가지의 카드 마술 가오자가 담긴 DVD 입니다! (연출 ..

$1.88 $19.95

13 Souls - Fork'd 2.0

13 Souls - Fork'd 2.0

This is an exclusive download, produced by the 13 Souls, that has never been shared before. This dow..

$2.88 $3.99

2011 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)

2011 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)

Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)Magic show pieceMagician to the stars, Dynamo, travels the globe a..

$2.88 $4.35

2012 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)

2012 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)

2012 new magic show Dynamo - Magician Impossible ( second quarter / 1-4 )Magic show pieceThe award-w..

$2.88 $4.35

2013 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)

2013 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)

2013 new magic show Dynamo - Magician Impossible ( third quarter / 1-4 ) Performance pieces..

$2.88 $4.35

7 Magic - Amazing Carton

7 Magic - Amazing Carton

A box close to the audience, and you can fold it for easy transportThe magician shows a carton box a..

$0.89 $30.00

7 Magic - Candy Tube v2

7 Magic - Candy Tube v2

Candy tube V2 - this is actually a version of the magic tube, a repertoire that belongs to everyone ..

$0.89 $25.00

Transparency by Alexis Touchard

Transparency by Alexis Touchard

is the association of two magicians and creators, Alexis Touchard and Axel Vergnaud, you will learn ..

$1.99 $4.99

TIES: The Invisible Elastic System

TIES: The Invisible Elastic System

TIES: The Invisible Elastic System Levitate objects with confidence, this is the secret weapon pros ..

$1.99 $3.99

Easy Aces by Martin Braessas

Easy Aces by Martin Braessas

Easy Aces by Martin Braessas After a spectator GENUINELY shuffles, you find the 4 aces in a DAZZLING..

$1.99 $4.99

The Hoff by Josh Burch

The Hoff by Josh Burch

The Hoff by Josh Burch A spectator FREELY cuts the deck, and the card they cut to teleports to your ..

$1.99 $4.99

Slip by Doosung Hwang & Starheart

Slip by Doosung Hwang & Starheart

From now on, the gravity is yours!Introducing practical tools to use psychokinesis anytime, anywhere..

$2.99 $10.99

Complete Work On Linking Rings by Quoc Tien Tran

Complete Work On Linking Rings by Quoc Tien Tran

In this DVD, Quoc Tien Tran invites you to a comprehensive overview of the Chinese Linking Rings.Eve..

$2.99 $30.00

Bob Wagner's Master Notebook of Magic by Bob Wagner

Bob Wagner's Master Notebook of Magic by Bob Wagner

This book was published in 1992. The tricks and ideas cover gambling, parlour, stage, card index, ca..

$3.99 $32.00

The Zombie Book by Twister Magic

The Zombie Book by Twister Magic

From the Creative Twister Team comes an innovative Children's Magic Routine! Luis Zavaleta, Professo..

$2.99 $5.99

Pop Solution V2 by Kelvin Chad

Pop Solution V2 by Kelvin Chad

Pop Solution is back with a completely different & improved gimmick!- Activate with one-touch sy..

$2.99 $47.00

Plug It by Gustavo Raley

Plug It by Gustavo Raley

A modern effect in time of social networks.Showing some cards with several social networks icons you..

$1.99 $41.95

Picture Consequences by Joel Dickinson

Picture Consequences by Joel Dickinson

Picture Consequences is fun, colorful and engaging.Finally, a routine that is perfect for all age gr..

$1.99 $4.99

A Glass of Water Production by Steve Valentine

A Glass of Water Production by Steve Valentine

I’m a big fan of the Glass of water production from a bag, be it made of paper or cloth, it’s always..

$2.99 $5.99

Utility Coin Sleights By Craig Petty

Utility Coin Sleights By Craig Petty

This Sleight School contains multiple moves that can used in a variety of situations. Some coin move..

$0.99 $4.95

Scarne on Cards by John Scarne

Scarne on Cards by John Scarne

This product is also part of:Scarne CompilationHow to win at Poker, Gin, Pinochle, Blackjack and man..

$2.99 $12.00

Scarne on Dice by John Scarne

Scarne on Dice by John Scarne

This product is also part of:Scarne CompilationThis is probably the most important work John Scarne ..

$2.99 $32.00

Magia Estudio - Travellers - Las cartas viajeras al bolsillo

Magia Estudio - Travellers - Las cartas viajeras al bolsillo

Un curso de los importantes. Dedicado a uno de mis efectos favoritos publicado en el Estrellas de la..

$1.99 $21.00

Unnamed Magician - The Exception: The Trick That Fooled the Best Cardmen in the World

Unnamed Magician - The Exception: The Trick That Fooled the Best Cardmen in the World

The trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world."'The Exception' totally fooled me. The method i..

$2.99 $15.00

Celebrations of Curious Characters by Ricky Jay

Celebrations of Curious Characters by Ricky Jay

Celebrations of Curious Characters cracks open the personal vaults of Ricky Jay raconteur, hist..

$3.99 $11.00

Fingerprint By Giacomo Bigliardi
Agustin - Quotes

Agustin - Quotes

A simple gimmick that allows you to visually transform a drawing into real object.Easy to do and onl..

$1.99 $9.99

Rogelio Diaz Mechilina Jr. - G PALM

Rogelio Diaz Mechilina Jr. - G PALM

Rogelio Diaz Mechilina Jr. - G PALM ..

$0.99 $8.99

Wingfield by Benjamin Earl

Wingfield by Benjamin Earl

Wingfield by Benjamin Earl..

$1.99 $3.99


Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture By Mike Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..

$2.99 $35.00

Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo

Mike Gallo Volume 1 By Mike Gallo

 Mike Gallo Volume 1 - $25 (video) In this video Michael covers some of his incredible pro..

$2.99 $25.00

Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo

Mike Gallo Volume 2 By Mike Gallo

 Mike Gallo Volume 2 - $25 (video) Even more of the professional material that has made Mi..

$2.99 $25.00

Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo

Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo By Mike Gallo

 Remembering the Magic of Lou Gallo - $25 (video) Michael's father Lou Gallo was an absolu..

$2.99 $25.00

The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo

The Ball & Vase By Mike Gallo

 The Ball & Vase - $25 (video) Complete video instructions on Mike's classic handling ..

$2.99 $25.00

No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo

No Cards...No Coins By Mike Gallo

 No Cards...No Coins - $25 (PDF) Eight creatively designed routines using items other..

$2.99 $25.00

The Card Notes By Mike Gallo

The Card Notes By Mike Gallo

 The Card Notes - $25 (PDF) A literal treasure trove of card mastery! Twelve sleights, han..

$2.99 $25.00

Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo

Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture By Mike Gallo

 Coin Magic for Pizza, Soda, and Smokes, Michael Gallo 2022 Coin Lecture - $25 (PDF) Mike'..

$2.99 $25.00

The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo

The CC Michael Gallo Lecture Package By Michael Gallo

Michael Gallo's Magic Castle Lecture - $35 (video) This brand-new lecture is making its worldwi..

$19.99 $210.00

Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty

Parlour (1-2) By Craig Petty

If you have ever wanted to earn more money from close-up magic, creating a Parlour Show is a VIP exp..

$3.99 $49.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live Q&A (Videos & PDF)

Week Three - February 19, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Daniel will welcome magicians into a live Q&A ..

$2.99 $3.50

Face up By Zoen

Face up By Zoen

The magician drops a deck of cards on the table and mysteriously the spectator's card will pop out o..

$0.99 $5.00

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Daniel Prado Masterclass Live (1-3)

Week One - February 5, 2023 (4pm ET / NYC Time)Performances (The Law of Inevitability and I Put a Sp..

$7.99 $75.00

Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose

Chop Bell By Ghost of Rose

This is one of the classic props in the psychic magic. It can create an atmosphere of horror and ali..

$0.99 $4.95

The Instant Memory System By David Malek

The Instant Memory System By David Malek

Starting from the latest brain research and the latest insights of how our mind functions, combining..

$1.99 $9.95

Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright

Rescue Mission (Video+PDF) By Matthew Wright

Are you looking to connect with your audience on a deeper more emotional level?Are you looking for a..

$2.99 $49.95

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