Stack Of Quarters And Copper/Silver Coin by Wgm
- Product Code: C#5697
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- $4.99
- Price in reward points: 199
WGM - Stack Of Quarters And Copper/Silver Coin
Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.
Imagine no more...
The very best routines with two of coin magic's most ingenious gimmicks.
their handlings and routines for some of magic's classics. Linking rings, sponge balls, metal bending, cups and balls, thumb tips, Zombie, color-changing knives, and many, many more topics are all gathered in this one terrific DVD reference set. Each volume covers a specific subject and features new, old, and sometimes rare footage by some of the top video producers in magic.
You'll find the Cap and Pence and Copper/Silver coins in some of the earliest books in magic's literature, including The Discoverie of Witchcraft and Hocus Pocus Jr. That they've been prominently represented in the repertoires of magicians ever since is a testament to how potentially strong the magic created with them can be.
On this volume, three modern masters demonstrate and teach varying and powerful uses for the Stack of Quarters and Copper/Silver gimmicks. David Roth dispenses with the leather cone for the classic Cap and Pence presentation, using a rolled-up dollar bill to produce a miracle using a spectator's hand and some borrowed quarters. Johnny Thompson takes the same effect and adds some of Nate Leipzig's touches to increase its impact. David Roth demonstrates and teaches the classic Copper/Silver transposition and then he and Johnny Thompson each take on Presto Chango, where two coins repeatedly turn from copper to silver at the magician's will. Finally, Michael Close rounds out the set with his version of the Copper/Silver Transposition with some fine touches that will make your spectator believe that coins really are passing right through their hand.
If you've never used a Stack of Quarters or a Copper/Silver coin, you're missing out on magic that has stood the test of time. However, now, with the help of these three world-class performers, you, too, can perform these remarkable miracles of coin magic.
David Roth - Stack of Quarters
Johnny Thompson - Cap and Pence
David Roth - Copper/Silver
David Roth - Presto Chango
Michael Close - Chicken Teriyaki
Running Time Approximately 54min
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