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  • Tarbell 3 Sleight Of Hand With Coins by Dan Harlan

Tarbell 3 Sleight Of Hand With Coins by Dan Harlan

  • Product Code: I0454
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $4.23
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

Tarbell 3: Sleight of Hand with Coins

Demonstration effect : http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4653

An action-packed hour. Learn how to secretly control and manipulate small items without detection.

The field of sleight of hand is a vast one and a thorough knowledge of it will add immensely to your magical education.

Whether you are a full-time pro or avid amateur; a close-up magician, an illusionist, or a mentalist you should know how to secretly control and manipulate small items without detection.

In this lesson, Dan will teach you many principles of sleight of hand, with coins and similar objects, to give you a firm foundation in our art.

When you have mastered the manipulations in this lesson, your reward will be a variety of methods that will allow you to vanish, produce, or exchange virtually any small objects you desire.

This will give you the ability to be a magician anytime, anywhere!

Bonus : Tarbell 1 + 2: Introduction and Interview with Shawn Farquhar

Demonstration effect : http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4652

The best magic-course in history JUST GOT BETTER. If you're new to magic, you've got great timing.

If you're new to magic, you've got great timing!

Ask any group of professional magicians how they got started in magic, the most common answer you'll get is one word: TARBELL.

And TODAY, with master magician Dan Harlan we're embarking on a monumental project: Teaching "every trick in the book" through live performances and in-depth video tutorials with updated handlings, presentations and bonus material.

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