Test Conditions Ring Penetration by Devin Knight
- Product Code: B1#185
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- $6.78
- Price in reward points: 299
Magic literature contains a myriad of methods for doing ring on string effects. Many of these involve clever sleights or duplicate rings. The cool thing about this method is that it does not use any gimmicked cord, duplicate rings or any type of sleights. It can even be done with a borrowed ring. The incredible thing about this method is that it is done under test conditions with your wrists tied behind your back!
The performer's wrists are tied behind his back using an examined three-foot piece of string or cord. The ends of the cord are tied to each of the performer's wrists. A spectator takes a black Sharpie pen and marks both knots. This is to prove the knots are not tampered with or untied during the effect. The marks on the knots would no longer be in the same place if the knots were untied or tampered with.
The performer points out that it is impossible to thread a finger ring onto the cord while each end is tied to his wrists. He further says there is no way to tie a real knot around a ring threaded on the cord while the ends are tied to his wrists. This is a true statement. Despite this, the performer says he will attempt to do exactly that under test conditions.
The performer has a borrowed finger ring placed in one of his hands behind his back while his wrists are still tied. When he turns around, a few moments later, the borrowed ring is threaded on the cord, with a REAL knot tied around it. Remember all this has happened in just a few seconds UNDER TEST CONDITIONS. Extremely baffling.
The spectators check the knots and the marks are still there. Obviously, the knots have not been tampered with or untied.
The spectators can examine the ring and rope while it is still tied around the performer's wrists. They will quickly realize the ring is actually threaded on the cord and the knot is real. The performer can invite anyone to try to remove the ring or untie the knot while the ends are still tied around his wrists. Everyone will find it impossible to remove the ring or untie the knot.
The only way to untie the knot is to have someone untied or cut the cord from one of the wrists. The spectator can then untie the knot and to his utter amazement, he will find that the ring is actually threaded on the cord!
No Sleights and extremely easy to do. NO MAGNETS OR PULLS. The string or cord is NOT gimmicked in anyway. Nothing used by the borrowed ring and a piece of string that can also be borrowed. Multiple photos show you all you need to know. Also includes a version for stage using a 3 "wooden ring that is initialed by the spectator to prevent any type of switch. This is one of the most baffling versions of the ring on string ever created. This is a real fooler and remember, it It is done under test conditions, using a borrowed ring.
NOTE:. The method does NOT involve slipping the loop off one of your hands and putting it back on The loops tied around your wrists are too small to allow you to do that.
1st edition 2014, 15 pages.
word count: 3283 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text
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