The 1982 Lecture by Steve Dushek
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- $5.23
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Private data sharing Magic Steve Dushek - The 1982 Lecture
materials , absolute magician private collection processes to share.
I made this video, just for my magician friends, in 1982. Some of you may remember that, back then, video recorders cost over a thousand dollars as did the big video camera required. And blank video tapes cost $ 25.00 each! I had no intention of selling my homemade magic video. However, a few of my friends showed my video at the local magic club. To my surprise, and in spite of the nonprofessional quality of the video, I was receiving a lot of magic orders from the club members ... and reorders too.
My day job prevented me from accepting most of the lecture bookings I was offered, but at least I could offer to lend magic clubs my video lecture. There was no charge for the video because I received so many orders from the magicians who watched it. The videos were rarely returned right away because some of the magicians wanted to make copies of it. Some were ethical enough to ask for my permission. Over the years the majority of my magic tricks were copied by many people and bought by the magic dealers who I thought were my friends. I decided to stop selling my magic to any magic shops and only make my new effects available to customers that I knew and trusted. At this time, I lent my master video tape to a friend who wanted to make copies and sell them. I never received the promised royalties or had my master video returned. I could no longer make and send my videos to magic clubs or new friends.
When I wanted to convert my old video to a DVD, my friend Alan Molod had a legal copy of my video and sent it to me. Scott R. Sullivan converted it to a DVD. My daughter Renee and her husband Chris completed the project. My friend Tony Baronio was a big help also and had the caricature on the cover made for me. The DVDs were sent to my old friends and my new friends. Once again orders for the magic started coming in. The purpose of my lecture was for magicians to see how the tricks were made so they could make them themselves. Few magicians have the time to do this anymore and my low prices probably make buying the tricks, already made, a wise choice for many magicians.
All of my friends thought I should sell my DVD. I had a small supply duplicated so I could see if anyone was interested in magic tricks from a magician who retired from magic many years ago. It seems there are.
There are 18 magic tricks taught on the DVD and a few more tricks demonstrated. All of the magic tricks were top selling items for me year after year. There is no filler. The DVD is over an hour and forty minutes long. I do not sell my magic to any magic dealers. Since I do not sell wholesale, the savings are passed on to my customers. Being retired, I do not have a magic list or catalog. My DVD will show you some of my creations that are currently available. The Legendary 1982 Lecture DVD includes the following effects:
Waltzing Matilda -... This is one of the most copied dancing, floating silk scarves ever invented Learn the original Dusheck version and discover why it is still the best This self-contained, gimmicked, silk is always under your control It really looks like magic.
Coin / Card -.. Do your favorite coin assembly or use my routine This special gimmick allows the audience to see the fourth half dollar really is under the playing card before it immediately vanishes and reappears with the other three coins It really adds a lot to the climax of any routine.
Surprise - Allows you to produce a jumbo 3 "coin at the end of your coin assembly or even your favorite packet card trick You do not require special clothing or a closeup pad either Do it standing up in short sleeves and amaze everyone every.. time.
Dusheck's Dollar -... Fold a dollar bill in half Place a letter opener between the folded bill and slit it into two separate pieces Slide the two pieces apart and show them on both sides so there is no doubt the bill was cut Just pull on the two sections of the dollar and it instantly, visibly restores.
Coin & Cord - A Chinese coin is seen tied to a loop of cord The coin is magically removed from the cord and then returned to it in a very clean and natural manner No shells are used and the props may be examined at the start.. of the effect and at the end of the routine.
Half a Buck -. A half dollar is freely displayed and removed from a plastic coin case The half a buck is held at your finger tips When transferred to your other hand it instantly changes into half a paper dollar The paper half a buck is.. released and allowed to flutter to the floor. Your hands are completely empty.
Diminishing Cards -... The cards are fanned to show full poker size playing cards When given a squeeze, it becomes half size cards A final squeeze and they change to cards a quarter of the original poker size cards You can then change the cards back to their full size. No palming, the moves are clean and easy.
Dollar Punch -. A dollar bill is freely shown, folded into eighths and placed into a paper punch The punch is given a squeeze and 8 holes are punched into the dollar The dollar is unfolded to show the holes The serial number of the dollar.. It is noted and the punchings are dropped onto the dollar. It is refolded and placed back into the punch. A few shakes cause the punchings to go back into their holes. The dollar bill is opened and seen the be fully restored. Yes, the serial number is the same.
ES Pen - You write your prediction with a red marker on a sheet of paper and fold the paper to cover the prediction Three different spectators are asked to call out any single digit number These numbers are printed above your prediction with a black marker... You prediction matches the numbers of the audience.
C / S Transposition -.. A half dollar is freely shown on both sides An English penny is also shown on both sides The half dollar is placed into a spectator's hand and he is warned not to take his eyes off the English penny at you finger tips. The English penny instantly changes into the half dollar and is immediately shown on both sides. The English penny is in the spectator's hand. Both coins may be examined yet you may instantly repeat the trick. Yes, the secret gimmick is the famous one now copied by all the other machinists who do not like to give me credit for my creations.
Pad-I-Add Triks -.. This utility prop appears to be an ordinary tablet in an ID case It can be used for the classic Add A Number effect but has many other uses A photo or card can appear or vanish from the clear window inside the case. Messages on the tablet can appear or disappear too. It's a great switching case.
Case of Identity -. Your credit card case is shown to have a playing card, face down in the top window An ordinary deck of cards is handed to a spectator who selects cards from the top, middle and bottom When they feel they have enough. cards deal them into 4 piles to mix them even more. One pile is freely selected. The top cards of the other piles are shown to be different. You show the prediction card in you credit card case and then have the spectator turn over the card on his pile. The two cards match.
Great Pretender -. An ordinary penny size coin tube is shown It is filled with 50 pennies Thirty or more pennies are poured from the tube into your hand As if by magic the entire hand full of pennies completely vanish And you can do it... standing up in short sleeves.
By the Handful -.... A handful of pennies is brought from your pocket One is set on the table When touched with your small, magic wand, the penny visibly changes into a dime Immediately repeat the trick with another of the pennies Then wave the wand over your closed hand. When you open your hand, all the pennies have changed to dimes.
Half Back -.. A penny is placed into an ordinary bull dog clip When the clip is squeezed, the penny falls out and visibly changes into a half dollar This is a great climax for any routines that use pennies including the Great Pretender and By the Handful tricks previously described.
Poly-Gripped -.. A borrowed bill or business card vanishes and reappears between two sheets of clear plastic The plastic squares and held tightly together by 4 heavy rubber bands The effect is instantly repeatable and doing it a second time really makes it a miracle.
Confounding Coffer - A quarter is removed from a clear plastic ring box The ring box is covered with a dollar bill The quarter is wrapped inside another dollar The quarter vanishes and reappears inside the clear ring box The effect is immediately repeated with out.... using the dollars for cover. The quarter vanishes and reappears inside the clear ring box that was always in full view.
Funky -. Three keys are displayed on your key ring and set on the table A quarter is shown and placed into your closed fist The keys are picked up but there are only 2 keys on the key ring The quarter is also on the key.. ring. Your hand, that once held the quarter, is opened to reveal the missing key. And no resetting.
Coin Cordial -. A clear plastic cordial glass is displayed A quarter and a penny are seen inside it The coins are dumped out and the spectator is asked to name one of the coins The cordial glass is inverted over the penny and the quarter is.. tapped against the bottom of the glass. The quarter visibly penetrates the glass and falls on top of the penny. All the props are examinable.
Wunderbar - The very first close-up floating trick is demonstrated along with my secret Thunderbar Ringer, the most practical of all finger ring to key ring effects, is also performed The Triple Loaded One Cup Routine is also shown as added as more food.. for thought.
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