The Chapters Of Marc Spelmann by Marc Spelmann
- Product Code: I0197
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- $5.99
- Price in reward points: 199
Marc Spelmann - The Chapters of Marc Spelmann (1-4)
The Unknown, The Stranger, The Acquaintance, The Initiated
These discs have been unavailable for the last six months and since their original release over four years ago have earned Marc a reputation in the Magic world as a creative and original thinker and performer.
Alakazam Magic are proud to re-release this unique four DVD set in a beautifully presented collector's edition box set.
Marc has been invited to perform for the worlds elite A-list, from Eric Clapton, Lennox Lewis, George Michael, Jack Nicholson, Hugh Grant, Davina McCall, Gerry Halliwell, Johnny Vaughn and HRH Prince Andrew.
His client list is truly extensive with corporate giants such as Sony, Vodafone, Columbia Pictures, Jaguar, BMW, Dyson, The BBC, Carlton Television, Channel 4, Channel 5, Madam Tussauds, Rail Track, Credit Lyonnaise and Amtrak as a mere few of Marcs regular clients.
"I managed to finally get Marc to release some of his treasured routines for the magic community and I have to say that as a magic dealer I cannot remember a book or DVD set with so many real world routines. Marc has delivered material that knocked everyone out at the filming. I am confident that anyone of any level who purchases these DVDs will use Marc's killer routines and principles.
In my opinion Marcs fantastic chair routine One In Thousands, Staple Roulette and his diabolical approach to the bank night theme The Prize Draw are all individually worth the price of the entire set of DVDs to a working professional and could be sold for hundreds of pounds each.
On the day of filming a shattering 31 routines I could not decide which routines I wanted to ad to my repertoire, I was spoilt for choice, a rarity for any set of DVDs. The privileged audience who saw the filming firmly believe that every effect was a true performance piece.
Marc thinks outside of the box and creates workable real world effects that play huge. I can honestly say that it is an absolute pleasure to be releasing this unbelievable set and the two and a half year process of finally pinning Marc down has been worth every second. All of this from someone who is not really known in magic circles and at a young age for his wisdom, knowledge and maturity with the impossible. Our art will benefit I'm sure."
-Peter Nardi
The effects on this remarkable four chapter set include:
A drawing duplication that is real time, no impressions, no pre show, no stooges. You send an image to a random volunteer in the hope that they will receive your thought. You repeat the process a number of times matching image after image to an astonished audience and a baffled volunteer.
A Card in 52. A Word in Thousands
A direct card divination combined with a triple book test, the books are cheap paper backs, a spectator choses a random page that they do not tell you, next another spectator chooses one of three books yet you clearly divine the words and them of the line they are concentrating on and you don't even know what page or book they are looking at.
Sweet Sensation
A packet of wine gums is used to manipulate one of the most unexploited senses, that of taste. Five volunteers are to imagine a sour taste, however one will imagine a sweet taste you divine exactly which spectator is imagining the sweet sensation.
£1,000,000 Serial Killer
A volunteer is asked to take part in a challenge guessing game of which hand holds the prize, they win every time, as a finale not only do you divine the serial number on their £20 note but reveal an incredible coincidence never seen before.
Staple Gun Roulette
Four ungimmicked industrial staple guns, one genuinely loaded are used in a psychological killer routine where the audience gamble with their choices. Three staple guns are fired over their hands whilst the forth is fired into a block of wood to conclude a seriously tense piece of mental theatre.
1 in Thousands
Hailed as one of the most incredible chair routines and already in the repertoires of some of the worlds leading mentalists. Marc has held this back for years and still closes with it to this day. Four participants, four chairs, four envelopes and a killer surprise in a routine that literally has a thousand outcomes.
The Orifices
Marcs variation on an old classic from John Ramsey, taken to a whole new level. Beans are snorted and regurgitated, the final bean travelling from your ear, under your facial skin through to your eye socket. Not for the faint hearted.
Free Call
An absolute killer routine that has fried some of the most distinguished performers. 20 or so objects are placed into a box, a volunteer is handed a single prediction before choosing one of the objects as an example the 10p coin is chosen. They open the prediction that has been in their possession since the beginning to reveal your office phone number, the number is dialed and the message heard which says "Hi sorry I'm not here to take your call, please leave a message, if however that is my helpful volunteer you should be holding a 10p coin."
No forces of any kind, no switch of the prediction, the object is freely selected and clearly predicted.
Just 15 seconds
A real time word memorisation and divination. 40 to 50 Spectators write long and short words on a pad, you take the pad and ask someone to time you for just 15 seconds. You however do not simply call off the words on the pad but instead take it to another level by divining two randomly selected thought of words.
Do You Believe?
Coins, keys and pieces of examined cutlery are placed into a glass as you demonstrate mass psychokinesis, first by slowly moving each piece of cutlery, then moving all of the cutlery. Finally you get the audience to imagine the glass toppling over at which point it moves eerily before toppling to the floor. A fork is twisted like string, a coin bent almost in half and a key bent at right angles.
Marc Spelmanns unique premise to creating unbelievable psychokinesis with practically any small object. Marcs hands are examined before and after the demonstration and yet he still moves objects apparently with only the power of his mind. Move a fork, pen, lighter, business card etc etc etc. This revolutionary technique has already been adopted by some very knowledgeable performers as the most practical way to mysteriously move objects. Remember both hands are very freely moved around, quick set up and invisible clean up.
Thief In The dark
Four Drawings unseen by the performer, each placed sight unseen into envelopes, yet you locate the owner of each drawing and finalize by duplicating the finale drawing that remains sealed inside of it's envelope. Inspired by Larry Becker's Sneak Thief by using a totally different principle. A killer packs small effect that plays big.
The Last Man Standing
Marcs approach to the single card in envelope premise, a random volunteer is asked to do the impossible as you tell them that you placed a single card inside of the envelope you are holding. What colour is it? High or Low? Odd or Even? What suit? Believe it or not they get it absolutely right every time. No palming, no complex system just an easy-to-do effect that fools the best.
What, Where, When?
Three volunteers are asked to join you for a demonstration of remote viewing. One is to visualise a simple design, the other a location somewhere in the world and the last a time of year. You divine everything in a very clever routine that you can carry in your pocket yet amaze an entire theatre. Multiple possibilities and different outcomes are possible. The effect can be adapted to any theme once the premise is understood.
From Beyond the Grave
You introduce a small wallet which holds a single envelope as you tell a participant that this is for them, the envelope is marked with their initials as they are asked to regress to another time, place and even body. Every choice is completely free and comes from the participants own imagination. You open the wallet and remove the initialed envelope which is opened to reveal a letter that predicts every choice with pure accuracy. No palming, forcing or impression devices. No pre show or instant stooging.
Mind To Mind Location
A group of index cards are written on by the entire audience, they are gathered and one randomly chosen by a spectator. The name of a person comes through, after some thought you announce that it is the father, another name comes through which proves to be the mother, both names are divined clearly even though you have not seen the index card, you next get the exact date written on the index card. Obviously one person in the room realises you have divined their thoughts at which point you go into the audience and locate that very person.
The Prize Draw
"This is going straight into my act." Marcs handling of the famous Bank Night routine is taken to a whole new dimension. Everyone wins but not quite as much as you do. A fantastic routine that uses a principle lost in time but is sure to be used again and again once this masterpiece is seen. This has been one of Marcs most talked about routines by magicians, mentalists and of course the paying public for the last five years. In my opinion the best bank night routine ever.
In The Shadow Of Geller
Marc Spelmann's unbelievable one handed coin bend that has fooled everyone who sees it, incredibly clean and best of all the coin slowly bends at the finger tips. Not just a reveal of a bent coin but the audience actually see it bend at which point it is fairly handed to the owner.
Just A Thought
A shuffled deck of cards is openly spread for a spectator to just think of one, no forces of any kind. The thought of card is slowly divined and placed on the table for the dramatic revelation.
Out Of Sight Just In Your Mind
Marc Spelmann's variation of the renowned classic by Dai Vernon, streamlined handling, minimal sleight of hand in probably the most direct mind reading card effect. Marc has made Dai Vernon's classic effect easier and more accessible for all to do. No table required, no breaks held, just pure mind reading.
Business Confidential
A stack of regular business cards are used to demonstrate psychometry and clairvoyance. A volunteer draws a simple image on any business card; it is then mixed and lost into the stack, the performer talks of the old mediums and how they could divine information from an object that is personalized. The business cards are slowly dealt until the performer thinks they have it at which point it is placed sight unseen under the spectator's hand. Now the impossible happens as the performer duplicates the drawing down to the finest detail.
In The Shadow Of Banachek
Marc pays homage to a modern master and inspiration with a direct easy to do visual coin bend that is ready to go in an instant, a reputation maker that creates a souvenir that will be kept for years. The audience sees you with empty hand take a coin from a spectator. The coin is held in one hand only and the audience help create an energy at which point your hand is opened and the coin eerily bends at the finger tips, again it is cleanly handed back to the spectator.
Clearly Predictable
A chosen hour is thought of, a card freely selected and an ESP symbol chosen. Three outcomes from hundreds of possible combinations all of which are clearly predicted in a single photograph in your wallet which has been in view from the start. Direct, strong and impossible for a lay audience to back track. "Another effect going straight into my intimate act."
Alls Fair
A shuffled deck is randomly cut by a spectator who memorizes the cut to card. The card is replaced and shuffled back into it's half of the deck. You ask one question and one question only as you spread the upper half of the deck "Is the mate of your card in this half?" At which point you name the memorised card. Remember, the deck is shuffled by a spectator at the beginning. They cut anywhere, even changing their mind if they choose yet you hit every time.
A card is cut to and secretly remembered. Four other cards are introduced as red herrings, all five are placed on the table as you ask the volunteer to place his shadow over each card, after which you capture his shadow. You then run your hand over the cards and stop on his thought of card. A dramatic piece of simple yet astonishing mentalism.
This alone is worth the price of the DVD, it fooled me badly. Marc Spelmann's killer application with a regular Bicycle deck that he has held back for sometime, fooling all those who have seen him use it. The most invisible of its kind. Very easy to create and even easier to use. Best of all it costs you nothing to put together.
Mental Approximation
A deck of cards is shuffled and a card thought of, the cards are instantly squared, left in their random order and pocketed. The spectator is to visualize the colour of the card, then the suit, then imagine the card in it¹s numerical position in an imaginary spread. Not only do you divine the card but mention that the card was approximately 23 cards down in the deck at which point you reach sight unseen into your pocket and instantly remove the card, no force of any kind, Marc generates huge impact from something that is easy to do. Perfect for situations when there is no table or spectators hands to use.
What Others Had to Say:
"Marc Spelmann is one of those unusual characters that come along once in a generation who knows how to create an idea in such a way as to create a stunning performance piece of mentalism, He also knows that presentation is everything."
"The material is first class, easy to understand and most important of all, highly entertaining. I like your style. Friendly, courteous and very disarming. The material is delightfully commercial. If the viewer doesn't come away with some of the most workable and entertaining effects I¹ve seen in some time, they should try stamp collecting."
-Larry Becker
"The effects I saw are very clever and seem to have no explanation. Marc handles his audience well and leaves them with a very good feeling about his "powers!"
-Richard Osterlind
"Marc Spelmann has an inspired Alchemical knack at combining ideas and principles in proper measure to create new life. His reworking of classic ideas and effects will leave you breathless. The Spelmann touch is close to a knock over the head with a club. It hits you where it counts and leaves you dazed, blurry-eyed, and excited. Do yourself a favor and study Marcs work, I think you too will find yourself highly rewarded for your effort."
-Kenton Knepper
Disc One Running Time Approximately 4hr 28min
Disc Two Running Time Approximately 3hr 30min
Disc Three Running Time Approximately 3hr 37min
Disc Four Running Time Approximately 2hr 44min
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Mental Assassin is a mind reading effect that fits inside your wallet that can be performed anytime,..
$0.99 $5.98
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 2 by Dave Arch
In Part One of this series, you received a proven routine that a blind person could perform for a si..
$3.99 $6.99
Perfect Switch by Alex Soza
Perfect Switch It is a currency exchange that will allow you to make color changes or change one cur..
$2.99 $5.99
Fries 'N' R by Raphael Macho
The power of Fries' N' r is in the tearing, it's very clean and natural.I wanted to create a differe..
$2.99 $5.99
P. S. Personal Secrets by Harry Lorayne
Harry Lorayne’s Personal Secrets features fun, practical card magic that fits any skill level. The c..
$2.99 $5.99
Love Story by Nico Guaman
Two signed blue cards are lost separately in a red deck repeatedly, and they are always come back to..
$0.99 $3.99
Rob Chapman - By The Beast Inspired
Five essays inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley designed to inspire and change the way you ..
$3.99 $6.99
Art And Artifice, And Other Essays Of Illusion by Jim Steinmeyer
From the author of Hiding the Elephant and The Glorious Deception comes a collection of five essays ..
$0.99 $3.99
The Card Into The Egg by Alan
Imagine that the spectator merely names any card from a deck of 52 cards -- a totally free selection..
$1.99 $4.99
The Ultimate You Do As I Do Card Trick by Regardt Laubscher
Two decks are shuffled by a spectator. His/Her choice who gets which deck. You each choose any card,..
$1.99 $4.99
Infinity Card Test by Banachek
In this fantastic routine, Banachek will teach you his hands on version of a tossed out deck without..
$1.99 $4.99
All Four Two (Ebook) by Boyet Vargas
The Spectator plays a “Charades” like game with the Mentalist. And in every round of the game, the M..
$2.99 $5.99
Dipnosis by Chris Ramsay
A Pickpocketing effect where you steal a spectator's watch while putting them under a hypnotic induc..
$2.99 $5.99
World'S Greatest Fortuneteller by Bob Mason
A Sensational Mental Effect for parties and similar gatherings. Guests volunteer to have their fortu..
$0.99 $3.99
7 Schlussel Von Kalanag (German) by Val Andrews
1987 Author pub pb. Very good condition. 70 pages. 30/200 COPUES. Signed by the author by way of ded..
$1.99 $4.99
Digital Perception by Vincent Wilson
For years Vince has been perfecting facial and muscle reading techniques and has pioneered new ways ..
$5.99 $8.99
The Final Destintion by Boyet Vargas
The Spectator hides an imaginary object and the Mentalist is able to determine its location.- Does n..
$2.99 $5.99
Ash Switch by Thomas Reid
"Simple and glorious."The thing is.. As a bonus you also get my favorite color change in this tutori..
$0.99 $3.99
Gerald Deutsch'S Perverse Magic - The First Six by Gerald Deutsch
How do you take the ego out of performing magic? For sixteen years, Gerald Deutsch has been contribu..
$7.99 $52.00
Staggered by Eddie Joseph
11 page pdf, here is what Eddie Joseph says about Staggered.The generous reception meted out to my p..
$0.99 $3.99
The Delphian Oracle by Al Mann
A volunteer consults The Delphian Oracle, and secretly writes a question of his or her choice. The p..
$6.99 $17.00
Schattenjaeger - Shadow Hunter by Bob Cassidy
He looks beyond the appearances and facades that disguise reality and finds the truth. He is The Sch..
$2.99 $27.00
The Impromptu Mystifier by Ken Dyne
Have you ever been caught out when someone says "show me something"? Ken has put all of his ideas th..
$12.99 $32.00
The Kolophon by Al Mann
From the Forward by Al Mann: In January of 1979, Bobby Hughes of Columbus Ohio, showed me his amazin..
$10.99 $27.00
Do You Remember When by Andrew Frost
Do you remember when... is a way to force a number. It is a series of actions which allows you to co..
$1.99 $4.99
Mind Game by Dave Arch
Honed in 100's of performances, this routine brings together the excitement and suspense of a Game S..
$0.99 $6.00
Bluff by Gerard Zitta
This is a fantastic principle to know. You need nothing. Just your brain and some easy acting skills..
$3.99 $22.00
Time Lord by Anthony Black
A Celebration of Time Travel and 50 Years of Doctor WhoIn celebration of 50 years of The Doctor, I'm..
$2.99 $5.99
The Shadow Game by Anthony Black
This is the home of my stories, the tales that haunt me.Some of them, you will able to create a rout..
$2.99 $5.99
Encyclopedia Of Egg Magic by Donato Colucci
The Magic Egg-Fascinating, Mysterious, Perfect in Form and Innately Funny How can one simple object ..
$11.99 $62.00
The Vault - Pilot by Jiho
Five blue decks of cards are stacked together. They instantly change to red!The gimmick is easy to m..
$2.99 $16.95
Master Of Deception by John Ivan Palmer
Palmer's depiction of his upbringing is a brilliant and atmospheric evocation of a disappeared Ameri..
$8.99 $28.00
Sense8 by Am
In 2015, Netflix released a series named Sense8. The show is about 8 strangers around the globe who ..
$0.99 $8.00
Classic Correspondence 1 by Mike Caveney
: 288 - 6" x 9" - Hardcover - fully indexed, with beautiful full-color endsheets..
$22.99 $67.00
Exceptions In Gravity by Avner The Eccentric
Avner Eisenberg is a master of the art of physical comedy, an internationally-known American vaudevi..
$1.99 $4.99
Locking The Deck by Christian Grace
A surprising effect whereby a deck that's been handled by the spectator becomes completely blank. A ..
$0.99 $3.99
Zodiacal by Tony Jackson
Imagine going up to anyone, anywhere, anytime and instantly telling them their sign. Now you can!The..
$0.99 $2.99
Nicely Stabbed! by Ian Baxter
Ian Baxter here, introducing something new from me in the 'Card Stabbing' arena. Nicely Stabbed! off..
$0.99 $6.00
True Magic Via Objectivity by Justin Higham
Four main aspects of magic are: inventing, selecting, practising and performing. Since magic is a fo..
$1.99 $4.99
All For Fun And Fun For All by Harvey Raft
The All For Fun Fun For All book is written with the purpose of assisting family performers to expan..
$12.99 $37.00
Target: Midnight by Abbott's Magic
Target: Midnight performers (which include spook shows, séances, mediums, etc.) have been around sin..
$2.99 $29.32
Banana Change by Zee J. Yan
A super visual one-handed coin color change that can be used in your wild coin routine or in your sp..
$0.99 $3.99
Happy Bird Paddle by Dar Magic
You find a nest in a tree and a little bird lays an egg, since the parents do not return, you decide..
$2.99 $5.99
2014 Dynamo - Magician Impossible (1-4)
Dynamo - Magician Impossible ( fourth quarter / 1-4)..
$2.88 $4.35
Amos Levkovitch Lecture (Presented By Jeff Hobson)
Amos Levkovitch Lecture (Presented By Jeff Hobson)..
$1.88 $4.99
Losander Lecture 2 (Presented By Jeff Hobson)
Losander Lecture 2 (Presented By Jeff Hobson)..
$1.99 $4.99
Steal by Jamie Daws
magine if, unbeknown to your audience, you were able to magically conjure a huge window in the back ..
$2.99 $26.00
Connected by Kassim Beydoun
A very direct way to predict a drawing, word, country, name, etc. One of my closly guarded secrets...
$2.99 $5.99
Stagecraft 7 Pillows Of Wisdom by Danny Schlesinger
This is an exclusive lecture from KEA (Kids Entertainers Academy)Learn the art of stagecraft with Da..
$5.99 $33.00
Jokerz by Peter Nardi
Jokerz, the brainchild of Peter Nardi, puts an exciting spin on the legendary Wild Card routine by P..
$1.99 $33.00
The Grifter by Peter Nardi
Get ready for The Grifter, Peter Nardi's thrilling take on Theo Deland's Pickitout, famously popular..
$2.99 $21.00
Blockhead by Marc Spelmann
HumanBlockhead by the late Melvin Burkhart (1907-2001) is arguably one of the most astounding demons..
$1.99 $12.00
Squared by The Daily Magician
With 13 Variations on a Packet Trick Including; Any Card at Any Number, Oil and Water andEVEN a..
$2.99 $14.00
The Reaper by Peter Nardi
The Reaper by Peter Nardi ( Instant Download )The Reaper, created by Peter Nardi, is a captivating e..
$2.99 $19.00
Francisco Mousinho - HOMAGE - LECTURE NOTES 2019
A set of digital lecture notes from a Portugal and Spain set of lectures, about the classics of card..
$2.99 $32.00
Shade By Lewis Le Val
Step into your participant’s memories, and describe them in startling detail.“Shade” is a meticulous..
$0.99 $13.00
Stab In The Dark by Alex Latorre
Stab in the Dark is a shocking, visual effect, accomplished by a clever, fooling method. It’s totall..
$3.99 $14.00
Adam Trotman - ACT Impossibilities
MiscellaneousCharles Peek(Not So) Double LiftForce 26Prime Number PrincipalOne Handed Color changeUn..
$2.99 $21.00
Ed Marlo Thirty-Five Years Later Lecture By Edward Marlo
An important historical video, the only live lecture video of the Cardician himself, Edward Marlo, e..
$3.99 $29.95
GUNS by Harry Nardi
One of the first trick’s Harry learnt, ‘GUN’S’ is his version of Peter Kane’s ‘Single Shot’ which wa..
$0.99 $4.99
David Penn and Marc Spelmann - The Covenant Deck
FORCE - DIVINE - VANISHIntroducing The Covenant Deck, a meticulously crafted and uniquely ..
$2.99 $35.00
Conjuror Community Club - Magic Masters Confidential: Home For The Holidays Part 2 - Aaron Fisher
Conjuror Community Club - Magic Masters Confidential: Home For The Holidays Part 2 - Aaron FisherAar..
$2.99 $15.00
Patricia Bunnell - Twisted Critters Vol 3 (ISO)
Classic is defined as: serving as a standard of excellence. These three volumes by Patricia Bunnell ..
$5.99 $30.00
Patricia Bunnell - Twisted Critters Vol 2 (ISO)
Classic is defined as: serving as a standard of excellence. These three volumes by Patricia Bunnell ..
$5.99 $30.00
Deck Dropper by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy - Deck Dropper Moment from the sleeves of a card. Video Demo: http://www.penguinmag..
$1.69 $4.48
Connecting People With Magic by Trevor Duffy
Trevor Duffy - Connecting People with Magic Let your magic become favorable aids communication wi..
$1.69 $4.23
Phoney (Telephone Directory Test) by Trevor Dawson
Effect:A local Telephone Directory is shown to a spectator, who freely selects and notes a subscribe..
$2.99 $7.28
Trancenden: Peace Love Beats...
Penguins background classical music Trancenden: Peace Love Beats... network , you can to Perform ..
$1.99 $4.99
Sanada Gimmick Routines by Toyosane Sanada
magic palm Toyosane Sanada - Sanada Gimmick Routines It requires specific props. SANADA GIMMICK i..
$1.69 $3.98
Presentation Secrets by Topas
ENGLISH!Lecture notes sold when Topas did his lecture in 2000 ... includes tidbits of the sunglasses..
$9.99 $19.68
Q! by Toon Genius
Kid looking for a license Mobile Toon Genius - Q! includes allow you to install on the phone lookin..
$1.99 $4.99
Slydini On The Dick Cavett Show by Tony Slydini
Tony Slydini - Slydini on The Dick Cavett Show Master close-range, small stage magic show . Includi..
$1.99 $5.48
As I Recall by Tony Slydini
Tony Slydini - As I Recall Tony Slydini students to commemorate him , a classic tribute issue to ..
$1.99 $4.99
The Perfect Vanish by Tony Polli
Tony Polli - The Perfect Vanish Super clean coin disappear magic , can disappear , swap , you can ..
$1.99 $4.99
Complete Peek Wallet by Tony Miller
Tony Miller - Complete Peek Wallet Demonstration effect : http://www.murphysmagicsuppl..
$1.99 $4.99
Performing Magic by Tony Middleton
Tony Middleton - Performing Magic PDF £31 Performing..
$3.99 $7.99
Mental Magic by Tony Hassini
Getting Magic by Tony Hassini Presentation:
$1.69 $3.89
Aprende Trucos De Magia by Tony Hassini
Tony Hassini - Aprende trucos De Magia This piece tony hassini Presented by the world's greatest ..
$2.99 $4.99
The Ultimate Work by Tony Giorgio
A visual treatise on handmucking, or the arcane art of the hold-out man, photographed with state ..
$2.99 $5.48