NO. 1: MARCH 1919
1 |
Henry Ridgely Evans Bio |
3 |
Literature |
3 |
The World Of Magic |
4 |
- S.A.M. Ladies Night |
4 |
- San Francisco Plan To Honor Kellar H. Syril Dusenbery |
4 |
- Bluejacket Entertainers |
5 |
- Magic News From Wheeling, W. Va. Paul R. Semple |
5 |
- R.I. Society Of Magicians N.C.A . C.F. Fenner |
5 |
- Chicago Conjurers' Club Homer H. Woulffe |
6 |
- Notes From Syracuse, N.Y. |
6 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
6 |
- The Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleemann |
7 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicans T.H. Lowry |
7 |
- Los Angeles Society Of Magicians T.W. McGrath |
7 |
- Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
8 |
- Conjurers' Club Of Boston A.J. Battle |
8 |
Patter To Be Used While Producing A Bushel Of Spring Flowers By Eedo |
9 |
Chicken And Eggs From A Hat By H.A. Brooks |
9 |
A New Wrinkle In The Burned Ribbon Or Tape By H.A. Brooks |
9 |
Editor's Page |
10 |
Folks Would Pester Me |
11 |
Purchasers Of Latest Magic Make Following Corrections |
11 |
Hello By George Schulte |
11 |
Working Of Trick And Patter Of Snake Can By Prof. Robt. Gifford |
12 |
Comedy Write-Ups By A. Rube Augustus Rapp |
12 |
Billy Russell Cartoon |
12 |
Here And There Among Magicians B.S.S. Henry |
12 |
Up-To-Date Tricks By Walter B. Gibson |
13 |
- The Deceptive Dice |
13 |
The Mysterious Kings |
13 |
The Three Turned Cards |
16 |
The Top Steal Color Change |
16 |
The Egg Bag |
16 |
Impressions By George Schulte |
17 |
An Easy Card Discovery |
17 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
18 |
My Five Years In America And Magical Enthusiasts I Have Met By Will Bland |
19 |
Lessons In Hypnotism By Magnus Seacombe |
20 |
My Forty Weeks With Howard Thurston And The Interesting People I Have Met By Theodore Bamberg |
20 |
Russell's Jar Of Flowers |
20 |
Magical Novelties By H. Syril Dusenbery |
21 |
- The Transposed Cards |
21 |
Pierre's Novel Bowl Production Jack Gwynne |
21 |
Jottings By David J. Lustig (La Vellma) |
22 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1919
29 |
R.D. Lewis Bio |
31 |
Stultus, Nisi Quod Ipse Facit, Nil Rectum Putat(Ditty) |
31 |
For Handkerchief Workers By Ladson Butler |
31 |
The World Of Magic |
32 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
32 |
- Golden Gate S.A.M. H. Syril Duenbery |
32 |
- Conjurers' Club Of Boston Rene Righter |
33 |
- Thurston Route |
33 |
- Will Bland Route |
33 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicans T.H. Lowry |
33 |
- Notes From Syracuse, N.Y. C. Roswell Glover |
33 |
- Doings Of The Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleemann |
34 |
- N.C.A. |
34 |
- N.C.A. Schutt |
35 |
- The Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
35 |
- Henry & Co |
35 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
35 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard |
36 |
- Canadian Conjuring Club Robt. G. Cook |
36 |
- Glasgow Society Of Magicians De Beca |
36 |
- From Here And There - OverThere Paul Fuchs |
36 |
Literature |
37 |
Secrets From The Glasgow Society Of Magicians Compiled By De Vega |
38 |
- Introduction |
38 |
- Peterson's 30-Card Trick |
38 |
How I Work The Torn Corner Chas. A. Gallon |
38 |
The Card Target By Andrew H. Berding |
39 |
My Five Years In America And Magical Enthsiasts I Have Met By Will Bland |
39 |
Editor's Page |
40 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
41 |
- Adventures Continued |
42 |
The Watch In The Wine Bottle, Without An Assistant By Russell |
43 |
My Forty Weeks With Howard Thurston And The Interesting People I Have Met By Theodore Bamberg |
43 |
The Whist Trick |
44 |
NO. 3: MAY 1919
53 |
Magic-Grins By George Schulte |
55 |
Literature |
55 |
The World Of Magic |
56 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
56 |
- Golden Gate S.A.M. |
56 |
- Kellar Banquest Canceled |
56 |
- Old Timers Night At The Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleemann |
57 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians T.H. Lowry |
57 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
57 |
- R.I. Society Of Magicians N.C.A. C. Foster Fenner |
58 |
- Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
58 |
- Cincinnati Magician's Club Geo. W. Stock |
59 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard |
59 |
- Chicago Conjurers' Club Homar H. Woulffe |
59 |
- Conjurers' Club Of Boston Reve Righter |
59 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
60 |
- Adventures Continued |
61 |
- Adventures Continued |
62 |
Magical Novelties By H. Syril Dusenbery |
63 |
- A Practical Fire Bowl |
63 |
My Forty Weeks With Howard Thruston And The Interesting People I Have Met By Theodore Bamberg |
63 |
Comedy Write-Ups By A. Rube Augustus Rapp |
63 |
Editorial Page |
66 |
The Crystal Cube By Charles R. Brush |
67 |
A Prearranged Deck That Can Be Shuffled |
67 |
Improved Latest Rising Cards |
68 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1919
77 |
G.A. Murdock Bio |
79 |
Bobby's Babble By robert H. Heger |
79 |
Magic And Music By George Schulte |
79 |
The World Of Magic |
80 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
80 |
- S.A.M. Banquet Francis J. Werner |
80 |
- Golden Gate S.A.M. H. Syril Dusenbery |
81 |
- Demon's Club Of Baltimore Notes |
81 |
- S.S. Henry & Co Route |
82 |
- My Forty Weeks With Howard Thurston And The Interesting People I Have Met By Theo. Bamberg |
82 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
82 |
- Houdini In Los Angeles |
82 |
- R.I. Society Of Magicians N.C.A. C. Foster Fenner |
83 |
- Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
84 |
- Wizards' Club Of New York City Maurice Bliss |
84 |
- Mystic Circle Of Philadelphia Oscar E. Meyer |
84 |
- The Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians |
84 |
- Notes From London Max Holden |
84 |
- Rising Card Night At Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleemann |
85 |
- Wilson Night At The Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleemann |
85 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
86 |
- Adventures Continued |
87 |
Flowers Galore By Morris A. Osborn |
88 |
Originality By Mr. E. |
89 |
A Chat With Powell By George Schulte |
89 |
Editorial Page |
92 |
All He Had Left |
93 |
Shades Of Ypres Salient By Stanley Collins |
93 |
The Hypnotized Audience Paul R. Rockwood |
93 |
My Five Years In America And Magical Enthusiasts I Have Met By Will Bland |
94 |
Magical Novelties By H. Syril Dusenbery |
94 |
- Impromptu Illusions |
94 |
The Four Heaps |
95 |
Vanishing Stick |
95 |
Clippings |
95 |
Knee Palm Rosencrance |
96 |
A Good Hank Vanish By Edwardo |
96 |
Letters Of A Successful Magician To His Son By Mr. E |
99 |
A Wrinkle Or Two By Edwardo |
99 |
NO. 5: JULY 1919
106 |
Arthur Chester Bio |
107 |
To Find A Chosen Card |
107 |
Heads Or Tails |
107 |
The World Of Magic |
108 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
108 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicans T.H. Lowry |
108 |
- The Wizards' Club Of New York City Maurice Bliss |
108 |
- Magic News From Wheeling Paul R. Semple |
109 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard |
109 |
- N.C.A. F.O.B. |
110 |
- English Notes Max Holden |
110 |
- Glasgow Society Of Magicians De Vega |
110 |
Literature |
111 |
A Magic Week-End Party |
111 |
The Improved Telephone Mystery By Paul R. Rockwood |
112 |
The Universal Cry Poem |
112 |
The Balanced Card By Chas. R. Brush |
113 |
Cards And Confetti By Chas. R. Brush |
113 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
114 |
- Adventures Continued |
115 |
Editorial Page |
116 |
The Back Palm Color Change By Walter B. Gibson |
117 |
Comedy Write-Ups By A. Rube Augustus Rapp |
117 |
Secrets From The Glasgow Society Of Magicians Compiled By De Vega |
118 |
- Anderson's Spade To Rosebush |
118 |
- De Vega's Egg in Glass |
118 |
Up-To-Date Tricks By Walter B. Gibson |
118 |
- The Open Hand Vanish |
118 |
A Novel Card Flourish |
119 |
The Rising Cards |
119 |
The Balancing Hat |
119 |
Magical Novelties By H. Syril Dusenbery |
119 |
- The Turn Over Sleight |
119 |
The Latest Force |
120 |
Letters Of A Successful Magician To His Son By Mr. E. |
120 |
Turn-Over Card Trick Will N. Joy |
121 |
A Talk On Patter By George Schulte |
121 |
NO. 6: AUGUST 1919
129 |
Madame Zancig Bio |
131 |
Securing The Pull By Neil C. Doren |
131 |
My Favorite Conjuring Tricks By Schulte |
131 |
The World Of Magic |
132 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
132 |
- Golden Gate S.A.M. |
132 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
132 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard |
133 |
- English Notes Max Holden |
133 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians T.H. Lowry |
133 |
- Mystic Circle Of Philadelphia Howard F. Kenna |
133 |
- Indiana Magica Fraternity Raumond F. Amuso |
134 |
- Chicago Notes Homar H. Woulffe |
134 |
A Twentieth Century Combination By Herman L. Weber |
134 |
Literature |
135 |
An Interesting Letter From China |
135 |
What A Chinaman Thinks Of Magic By Wu Ting Fang |
135 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
136 |
The Ghost Pack By North |
137 |
Patter For Flower Production, Rose Color Change, And Candle To Bouquet By Neil C. Doren |
137 |
A Novelty By Chas. R. Brush |
138 |
It Floats, Or 99 44-100 Magic By Chas. R. Brush |
138 |
Stunts With Chalk By Sailor Artist Christman |
139 |
Can You Use This Move? By Robert H. Heger |
139 |
Premeditation By North |
139 |
Editorial Page |
140 |
Consolidating The Magic Societies By H. Syril Duesenbery |
141 |
More Information Wanted |
141 |
New Thoughts In Magic By Rogers D.Rusk |
142 |
A Voice From The Discard |
142 |
An Evening With The Floyds By H.C. Kleemann |
142 |
Comedy Write-Ups By A. Rube Augustus Rapp |
142 |
Rosencrance Color Change |
143 |
Bobby's Babble By Robert H. Heger |
144 |
153 |
Handkerchief And Thimble By Andrew H. Berding |
155 |
Items Of Interest By George Schulte |
155 |
The Scotsman, The Waiter And The Disappearing Coin |
155 |
The World Of Magic |
156 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
156 |
- Mystic Circle Of Philadelphia Walter B. Gibson |
156 |
- Notes From Allentown, Pa. |
156 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
157 |
- Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
158 |
- Magic News From Wheeling, W. Va. Paul R. Semple |
158 |
- The Los Angeles Society Of Magicians T.W. McGrath |
158 |
- Chicago Conjurors' Club To Hold Jubilee Wm. P. Taylor |
158 |
- N.C.A. F.O.B. |
159 |
- London News Max Holden |
159 |
- New York News Maurice Bliss |
159 |
- Dorny's Column W. Dornfeld |
159 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
160 |
To Have Chosen Card Turn Over In Pack Geo. De Lawrence |
161 |
Will Bland's Triangle Cabinette Illusion |
161 |
Braid For Blackart Table-Tops Russell |
161 |
Houdini Film Endorsed by S.A.M. |
162 |
- Three Photo Stills |
161 |
Literature |
163 |
Rheiner's Marvelous Coin And Card Mind Reading Mystery |
163 |
Editorial Page |
164 |
The Mysterious Magazine |
165 |
Twelve Solid Billiard Ball Manipulation By L. Cohen |
165 |
Combination Card And Coin Stand W.T. Cooger |
166 |
Billard Balls From Hat By Charles B. Brush |
166 |
NO. 8: OCTOBER 1919
177 |
Not With The Act |
179 |
Stage Stories By George Schulte |
179 |
The Cure |
179 |
The World Of Magic |
180 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
180 |
- Magic News From New York Fairfax Burger |
181 |
- The Mystic Circle Of Boston Attends The Mystic Hanson Show H.C. Kleemann |
181 |
- Doings Of The Demons Club Of Baltimore Magicians Robeert W.Test |
181 |
- Laurant Route |
181 |
- Indiana Magical Fraternity |
181 |
- Chicago Conjurors Club Viz The Great American Dill Pickle Perry Taylor |
182 |
- Magic Notes From The Windy City W. Dornfeld |
182 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians |
183 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
183 |
- New York Notes Maurice Bliss |
183 |
- Newslets From Indiana Evans Brown |
184 |
- R.I. Society Of Magicians N.C.A. |
184 |
- Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. H. Syril Dusenbery |
185 |
- Mystic Circle Of Boston Mourns Its Loss |
185 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard |
185 |
- N.C.A. |
186 |
- Glasgow Society Of Magicians De Vega |
186 |
Secrets From The Glasgow Society Of Magicians Compiled By De Vega |
187 |
- Handkerchief And Coin Combination By Leslie Maxwell |
187 |
Die Redyed Rosencrance |
187 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
188 |
Handkerchief Leech Rosencrance |
189 |
Editorial Page |
190 |
Consolidating The Magic Societies By H. Syril Dusenbery |
191 |
Literature |
191 |
The Penetrative Matches By Walter B. Gibson |
192 |
Bobby's Babble Bt Robert H. Heger |
192 |
NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1919
205 |
Henry Austin Brooks (Amico) Bio |
207 |
Letter Of A Successful Magician To His Son By Mr. E. |
207 |
Passing Paragraphs By George Schulte |
207 |
The World Of Magic |
208 |
- S.A.M. Francis J. Werner |
208 |
- Golden Gate Assembly S.A.M. H. Syril Dusenbery |
208 |
- Golden Gate Banquet |
209 |
- Chicago Local S.A.M. W. Dornfeld |
209 |
- Toledo Magicians' Club V.D. Barbour |
209 |
- In My Waste Basket |
209 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
210 |
- N.C.A. |
210 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. Clarence T. Hubbard |
210 |
- The Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleemann |
211 |
- The Dill Pickle And The Mystic Balls Perry Taylor |
211 |
- A Challenge |
211 |
- Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians |
211 |
- Philadelphia Magicians' Meeting Walter B. Gibson |
212 |
- The Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
212 |
- Canadian Conjurers' Club |
212 |
- Chicago Conjurors' Club Notes W. Dornfeld |
212 |
- English Notes Max Holden |
213 |
- Madame Ellis Route |
213 |
- Consolidation Of The Magic Societies H. Syril Dusenbery |
213 |
Programs For Magicians By De Vega |
214 |
- Watch Mystery |
214 |
The Penetrative Matches (Continued) By Walter B. Gibson |
215 |
A Thimble Vanish By Walter B. Gibson |
215 |
Betwixt And Between By R. Shrimplin |
215 |
Adventures In Magic By Henry R. Evans |
216 |
How To Memorize The Sequence Of A Pack Of Cards |
217 |
A New Production Of Flowers By Harry C. Schreck |
218 |
Literature |
219 |
Editorial Page |
222 |
Will You Kindly Pardon Just A Few Wlsonisms? |
222 |
The Surprising Shaving Stick By Walter B. Gibson |
223 |
Russell - A Night In Wonderland Elmer Eckam |
223 |
Magical Novelties By H. Syril Dusenbery |
224 |
Aquarium Thomas A. Silleman |
224 |
Do You Know That |
224 |
NO. 10: DECEMBER 1919
237 |
Harry Haywood Bio |
239 |
Joyous Non-Producer |
239 |
A Second Deal By Walter B. Gibson |
239 |
Comedy Write-Ups By A. Rube Augustus Rapp |
239 |
The World Of Magic |
240 |
- Golden Gate S.A.M. |
240 |
- Chicago Assembly S.A.M. W. Dornfeld |
240 |
- A Few Liney, Rhimey Limericks Percy Taylor |
240 |
- Thurston's Route |
241 |
- Massachusetts Notes |
241 |
- Society Of Detroit Magicians W.H. Domzalski |
241 |
- The Mystic Circle Of Boston H.C. Kleeman |
241 |
- Wizards' Club Of N.Y. Annual Smoker Maurice Bliss |
242 |
- New York Notes Maurice Bliss |
242 |
- Demons Club Of Baltimore Robert W. Test |
243 |
- R.I. Society Of Magicians N.C.A C. Foster fenner |
243 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. C;arence T. Hubbard |
243 |
- Doings Of The Pennsylvania Dutch Herman L. Weber |
244 |
- The Indiana Magical Fraternity Raymond F. Amuso |
244 |
-The Pittsburgh Association Of Magicians Harry A. Weitzel |
245 |
- Minneapolis Mystic Circle |
245 |
- Canadian Conjurors Club |
245 |
- Glasgow Society Of Magicians De Vega |
245 |
- London Notes Max Holden |
246 |
The No-Assistant Boxes By Herman L. Weber |
246 |
The Rainbow Balls By Andrew H. Berding |
247 |
Somersaulting Coin Rosencrance |
247 |
The Wishing Ring-A Magical Fairy Tale By De Vega |
248 |
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