The Sphinx Volume 22 (Mar 1923 - Feb 1924) by Albert M. Wilson
- Product Code: B3#738
- Reward Points: 5
- Availability: In Stock
- $7.00
- Price in reward points: 99
NO. 1: MARCH 1923 |
Two Conjurjokers. |
3 |
The Hills of Tomorrow. By Edgar A. Guest. |
3 |
An Ode To Magic. By David Adler. |
3 |
The World of Magic. |
4 |
- The Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). By Richard Van Dien. |
4 |
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery. |
4 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Kolar. |
5 |
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley. |
5 |
- Twelve Weeks' Route of Hanson and Burton Sisters. |
5 |
- Doings of the Demons of Baltimore. By Robert W. Test. |
6 |
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White. |
6 |
- Indianagraphs. By E. E. Wood Nichols. |
6 |
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest. |
7 |
- New Orleans Magicians' Club. By Geo. E. Pearce. |
7 |
- Brooklyn News. |
7 |
- Magical News From Everywhere. By Gene Gordon. |
7 |
- Prof. Edward Bamberg's Act. |
7 |
- Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling. |
8 |
- Nashville Society Magique. By T. J. Crawford. |
8 |
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum. |
8 |
- Puzzling Pierson's Paragraph. New Magical Society Formed in New Haven. By Guy H. Pierson. |
9 |
- Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter. |
9 |
- Route of McDonald Birch, Care Ellison-White Lyceum. |
9 |
- News from Springfield, Mass. By Paul A. Noffke. |
9 |
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight. |
9 |
- Watague Wizards' Association Notes. By "Claudio". |
9 |
- At the Broadway, New York City. |
9 |
- Cincinnati Notes. By Geo. Stock. |
10 |
- Magigrams. By Dorny. "Magic A La Carte". |
10 |
- Route of W. Dornfield (Dorny). |
10 |
- The National Conjurers' Association 314th Meeting. By Clinton Burgess. |
11 |
- The National Conjurers' Association 315th Meeting. By Louis Goodman |
11 |
- The National Conjurers' Association 316th Meeting. By Bro. Charles K. Hill. |
11 |
- Miscellaneous Magical Mention. By Clinton Burgess. |
12 |
- Chicago Chatter. By Kolar. |
14 |
- English Notes. By C. H. Tickell. |
14 |
Index to Volume 21. By H. F. Hamilton. |
15 |
Editorial. |
16 |
Three Novel Methods of Revealing a Chosen Card. By W. A. Flaig. |
18 |
The Penny and Dime Trick. By Miss Flora McKnight, the girl with the radio eyes. |
18 |
Elites Find Delights in Rosencrances Sleights Rosencrance Unreasonable Card Parade. By C. W. Rosencrance. |
18 |
Responsive Alphabetic Letters (Paperology). By C. W. Rosencrance. |
18 |
The Glasgow Society of Magicians. By Will Dale. |
19 |
The Mysterious Deck of Cards - A Hofzinser Problem. |
19 |
Hocus Pocus. By Claudio. The Sucher Dice Box. |
20 |
Thought Projecting. |
20 |
The Multiplying Bill Trick. By Alex. Cuniglio. |
20 |
Lack of Uniformity in Prepared Cards. By Harold P. White. |
20 |
Rare Bits of Magic. By Frederick DeMuth: How to Conceal the Twist in the Afghan Bands; A Mysterious Mixup; The Egg and Confetti Change. |
21 |
Other Ways of Doing It. By H. F. Hamilton. The Floating Ball; The Hindoo Clock Dial; The Phantom Die; Ching Lee Blocks; |
21 |
The Spectator Choice. By Charles E. Behymer. |
22 |
Envelope Switch for Mindreading. By "Piffels" Bob Rettew. |
22 |
Try This One. By Hammel. |
22 |
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans. |
23 |
Literature. |
24 |
Partners Again. By Waldmann and Feigenbaum. |
24 |
How the "Sphinx" Helps. By Kolar. |
24 |
The Girl Conjurer. By C. H. Tickell: The Tricky Thimble; A Coin Trick; A Card Vanish. |
26 |
Novel Production of Bust and Stand. By Bert Douglas. |
26 |
Lightning Addition. By C. H. Tickell. |
28 |
Figure Magic. By C. H. Tickell. |
28 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1923 |
Ernest A. Carter. |
35 |
The Sharpness of Lowbrows. |
35 |
The World of Magic. |
36 |
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery. |
36 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Kolar. |
36 |
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley. |
37 |
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest. |
37 |
- The National Conjurers' Association 317th Meeting. By Louis Goodman. |
37 |
- The National Conjurers' Association 318th Meeting. By Louis Goodman. |
38 |
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum. |
38 |
- Cincinnati Notes. By George Stock. |
38 |
- Route of Edwin Brush. |
39 |
- Miscellaneous Magical Mention. By Clinton Burgess. |
39 |
- New Orleans Magicians' Club. By Geo. E. Pearce. |
40 |
- San Francisco Notes. By H. Syril Dusenbery. |
40 |
- Nashville Society Magique. By T. J. Crawford. |
41 |
- News From Pittsfield. By U. F. Grant. |
41 |
- Magicgrams. By Dorny. |
41 |
- The Society of Osiris. |
41 |
- Rubber City Magic Club Meeting No. 1. By W. T. Easton. |
42 |
- Notes From Newark. By James McKnight. |
42 |
- Wizard's Wanderings from Wheeling, W. Va. By Paul R. Semple. |
42 |
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White. |
42 |
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard. |
43 |
- Haverhill Society of Wand Wielders. By Charles C. Eastman. |
43 |
- The International Brotherhood of Magicians. By Gene Gordon. |
43 |
- Reported by Elmer Johnson. |
43 |
- Robert Houdin Club Notes. By Dr. E. G. Ervin. |
43 |
- Dr. Wilson and the St. Louis S.A.M. By Ben R. Bradley. |
44 |
- Letter. By Houdini. |
44 |
- Letter. By Julian Zancig. |
44 |
Confessions. By I. X. L. |
44 |
Thurston Writes to His Friend Dr. R. Evans. |
45 |
Letter. By Howard Thurston. |
45 |
Everywhere and Nowhere. By Hofzinser. |
46 |
Editorial. |
48 |
Literature. |
49 |
The Parable of the Spoofed Magi. By Ervin. |
49 |
Adventures in Magic. By Henry Evans. |
49 |
Rare Bits of Magic. By Frederick DeMuth: Live News. |
50 |
An Effective Change. By Len J. Sewell. |
51 |
Decanter and Appearing Handkerchief. By Magnus. |
51 |
Curious Psycho-Physical Experiments. By Newmann the Hypnotist. |
52 |
Appearing Cabinet. By Arthur W. Fey. |
53 |
Otherwise. By Clayton W. Rosencrance. |
53 |
Permanent Hand Shadows. By Baffles Brush. |
53 |
"Easy" Sun and Moon Handkerchief Effect. By Dr. G. E. Parshall. |
54 |
The Aerial Egg. |
54 |
The Chinese Coin Mystery. By Dr. G. E. Parshall. |
54 |
Patter for a Handkerchief Act. |
54 |
Clever Match Box Trick. |
55 |
Paradox Pack. By Clayton W. Rosencrance. |
55 |
Patter for "Topsy-Turvey Match". By Grady S. Nicholson. |
55 |
NO. 3: MAY 1923 |
Ben R. Badley. |
67 |
Ain't It The Truth? By Kolar. |
67 |
Literature. |
67 |
The World of Magic. |
68 |
- The Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). By Richard Van Dien. |
68 |
- "A Carnival of Magic" Given by the Society of American Magicians. By Clinton Burgess. |
68 |
- Golden Gate Assembly. By H. Syril Dusenbery. |
70 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Kolar. |
70 |
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley. |
71 |
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest. |
71 |
- The Second "Legerdemaniac Night" of the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess. |
71 |
- Demons Club of Baltimore. By Robert W. Test. |
73 |
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum. |
73 |
- The Society of Osiris. |
73 |
- Trooping Around in Magic. By Max Holden. |
74 |
- Magigrams. By Dorny. |
74 |
- British Magical Society - Magical Seance. By J. C. Frisby. |
75 |
- British Magical Society. By J. C. Frisby. |
75 |
- Australian Society of Magicians - Melbourne Branch. By Will Bishop. |
76 |
- A Fool There Was. By John Dean. |
76 |
- Our Long Suit. By Timothy Barry. |
76 |
- News of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter. |
76 |
The Multiplying Billiard Balls. By Willard S. Smith. |
77 |
Ball and Card Effect. By Robert Hale. |
77 |
"Elites Find Delight in Rosencrance Sleights". 4-Ace Mechanical Card. By Clayton W. Rosencrance. |
77 |
Magical Programs. By Baffles Brush. |
78 |
Programs of Magicians. By C. H. Tickell. |
78 |
Magical Programs. By Dr. E. G. Ervin. |
78 |
The Mystic Card. By H. J. Burlingame. |
79 |
The Mental Touch Card Trick. By Carl H. Guder (Gu Dere). |
79 |
The Color Changing Handkerchief. By W. Warren Filkin Jr. |
79 |
A Novel Use for the Burning Globe. By D. F. Allison. |
79 |
Comedy Writeups by a Rube. By Augustus Rapp. |
79 |
Robert Houdin Club Notes. By Dr. E. G. Ervin. |
80 |
Route List Laurant, Redpath Chautauquas. |
80 |
Route of McDonald Birch. |
80 |
New York City News. By J. S. Fuigle. |
80 |
The National Conjurers' Association 320th Meeting. By Clinton Burgess. |
81 |
Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White. |
81 |
Mississippi Mysticisms. By Alphrose. |
81 |
Indianagraphs. By E. E. Wood Nichols. |
81 |
Watague Wizards' Association Notes. By "Claudio". |
81 |
Haverhill Society of Wand Wielders. By Charles C. Eastman. |
82 |
Rubber City Magic Club, Akron, Ohio. By W. T. Easton. |
82 |
Notes from Newark. By Jimmie McKnight. |
82 |
San Francisco Notes. By H. Syril Dusenbery. |
82 |
News From Springfield, Mass. By Paul A. Noffke. |
82 |
What Has Become of- By Baffles Brush. |
82 |
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans: Some Books on Conjuring. |
83 |
Everywhere and Nowhere. By Hofzinser. |
84 |
Synonymous Thoughts. |
84 |
Letter. By Howard Thurston. |
85 |
The Mystic Lemon and Handkerchief. By Carl H. Guder (Gu Dere). |
85 |
Thimble Passes. By Baffles Brush. |
85 |
Editorial. |
86 |
How is this for an American Book? |
87 |
A Variation of the Afghan Bands. By E. G. Ervin. |
87 |
Magnus, The Table Lifter. By Magnus. |
87 |
Original Wrinkle. By Baffles Brush. |
87 |
Candy Box Magic. By Baffles Brush. |
87 |
Stringing the "Wise Guy". By Charles S. Scribner. |
88 |
Claudio's Opening Effect. |
88 |
Specialization in Magic. By Baffles Brush. |
88 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1923 |
Frank Ducrot. |
99 |
Literature. |
99 |
The World of Magic. |
100 |
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien. |
100 |
- Nineteenth Annual Banquet-Entertainment of the Society of American Magicians. By Clinton Burgess. |
102 |
- Second "Wilson Night" At the Headquarters of the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess |
105 |
- Wilson Night -The Knights of Magic. By Otto Waldmann. |
107 |
- "Wilson Night" at the Demons Club. By Robert W. Test. |
108 |
- The Society of Osiris. By Shilling. |
109 |
- Dr. Wilson Arrives in Pittsburgh. By Baffles Brush. |
109 |
- Wilson Night at the R. I. Society of Magicians Local No. 2, National Conjurers' Association. By C. Foster Fenner. |
110 |
- Queen City Mystics, Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest. |
110 |
- Indianagraphs. |
111 |
- Notes from Philadelphia. By O. M. Thomson. |
111 |
- "You'se Guys," or "Something to Think About". By George Schulte. |
111 |
- News Notes. By Mr. B. A. Daniel. |
111 |
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans. |
112 |
Silken Light. By William Larsen, Jr. |
112 |
"Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights". Uncanny Undercut. By Clayton W. Rosencrance. |
113 |
Torn Card. By W. K. Myers. |
113 |
Chats. By Kolar. |
114 |
Solid Through Solid Tips. By David F. Allison. |
114 |
Impromptu Card Frame. By John J. Gillis. |
114 |
Magical Programs. By Baffles Brush. |
114 |
Vanishing Penny. By Lloyd Jones. |
115 |
323rd Meeting of the National Conjurers' Association. By Louis Goodman. |
115 |
321st Meeting the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess. |
116 |
Eleventh Annual Banquet of the R.I. Society of Magicians, Local No. 2, National Conjurers' Association. By C. Foster Fenner. |
116 |
Jay Ess Eff's New York Notes. |
117 |
The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum. |
117 |
Route of Laurant. |
117 |
Editorial. |
118 |
Doctor Wilson's Diary (New York Visit). |
119 |
The Insoluble Impromptu. A problem by Hofzinser. |
120 |
Dime and Penny and Card. By Alphrose. |
120 |
Hindoo Clock. By "Claudio". |
121 |
Mental Photo of George Schulte. |
121 |
The Vanishing Wand. |
121 |
The Spirit Ring on Wand. By Magnus. |
122 |
An Impromptu Mystery. By William Larsen, Jr. |
122 |
An Impromptu Tambourine Trick. By T. Page Wright. |
122 |
NO. 5: JULY 1923 |
H. S. Paine and the Spirits. |
131 |
The Silk Egg - Improvement. By William Larsen, Jr. |
131 |
A Card Act. By "Claudio". |
131 |
The World of Magic. |
132 |
- The Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). By Richard Van Dien. |
132 |
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery. |
132 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homar H. Woulffe. |
133 |
- ST. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley. |
133 |
- News of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter. |
134 |
- Annual Picnic of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter. |
134 |
- News from Springfield, Mass. By Paul A. Noffke. |
134 |
- The Portland Magical Society. By Ervin J. Ludeman.. |
135 |
- Wizards' Wanderings from Wheeling, W. Va. By Paul R. Semple. |
135 |
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight. |
135 |
- Spot Lights from Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard. |
135 |
- World of Magic Notes. |
136 |
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White. |
136 |
- Route Sheet of Ramona The Magician. |
136 |
- Magical Items. By Dr. E. G. Ervin. |
136 |
- Scratches. By Edward Reguera. |
&a |
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