The Sphinx Volume 30 (Mar 1931 - Feb 1932) by John Mulholland
- Product Code: B3#746
- Reward Points: 5
- Availability: In Stock
- $7.00
- Price in reward points: 99
NO. 1: MARCH 1931 |
Who's Who In Magic: Charles Armor Leedy; Ellinor Redan; Harry Redan; A. Eldon Duke; Ben R. Badley; Knut Korling; Vincent Dalban; John Elder Blackledge; John Platt; John Booth. |
2 |
Told to the Sphinx. |
2 |
Photos: Howard Thurston; Horace Goldin. |
4 |
The Dragon Lantern Production. By Silent Mora. |
5 |
Little Journeys Into the Lives of Big Magicians. By William J. Hilliar. |
6 |
A House of a Thousand Memories. By Dr. Henry Ridgely Evans. |
7 |
Sketcho the Great. By the Savage Brothers. |
10 |
Pulls Los Angeles Express From the Hat. Duval Featured. Zingone Honorary Member. Al Baker Likes Hartford. |
10 |
One Hundred New Magical Ideas. Part 2. By Page Wright and William Larsen. |
11 |
Nicola in Chicago. |
14 |
Around the World of Magic: |
15 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
15 |
- Brazilian Magical Society. |
15 |
- Chats by Kolar. |
16 |
- Squawks. By William Frazee. |
16 |
- Cincinnati Magicians' Club. |
17 |
- Notes of a Nashville Magi. |
17 |
- News From Providence, R.I. |
17 |
- A Visit to Ohio Magicians. |
18 |
- Hollywood Mystic 27. |
18 |
- Society of Osiris Magicians. |
18 |
- Rouclere's Mother 86. |
19 |
- A New Houdini Book. |
19 |
- Talks Convicts Into Liking Prison. |
19 |
- Oursler Now Detective. |
19 |
- 10,000 Copies Sold. |
19 |
- Ernst Does Other Work. |
19 |
The Patriotic Liquids. By Berg and Hahne. |
19 |
Current Magic: By Baffles: |
20 |
- One From Four. By Charles A. Leedy |
20 |
- An Impromptu Trick. By Martin Gardner. |
20 |
- A New Ball Change. By O. Wayne Meyer. |
20 |
- Conjuring With Hypnotism. By Howard Savage. |
20 |
- Card Effect No. 12. By John Harry Keller. |
21 |
- Still Stealing Money. With Morris Bernstein. |
21 |
- Aig Baig. By C. M. Coles. |
21 |
- Original Cork Ball Sleights. By Braden Hall. |
21 |
- A Treatise on the Spelling Effect. By Eddie Clever. |
21 |
- Coin Through Match Box. By Edwin the Enigma. |
22 |
- Open Sesame, Close Sesame. By Edwin the Enigma. |
22 |
- A New Packing Box Escape. By Edwin the Enigma. |
22 |
- Alice in a Night Club. Henry Haldane. |
23 |
Bridges' Reviews. By Milton A. Bridges: The Linking Ring; Tablets of Osiris Number 16; Tablets of Osiris Number 17; "World's Greatest Cut and Restored Rope Feats", by Burling Hull; The Valconasn Vol. 2 No. 2; Il Vademecum Prestigiatore Vol. 2 Nos. 3-4; Original Slate Secrets, by Burling Hull; Essence, 30 Magical Experiments, by Verrall Wass; A History of Playing Cards and a Bibliography of Cards and Gaming, by Catherine Perry Hargrave; The Magazine of Magic, Vol 1. No. 4; The Linking Ring, February 1931; Die Magie, Vol. 13 No. 2; The American Magazine. |
23 |
Harry Kellar. Rotogravure. |
26 |
Imro Fox. Buatier De Kolta. Servais Le Roy. William E. Robinson (Ching Ling Soo). Rotogravures. |
27 |
Harry Houdini. Rotogravure. |
28 |
Howard Thurston. Rotogravure. |
29 |
Horace Goldin. Rotogravure. |
30 |
Ching Ling Foo. Rotogravure. |
31 |
Carl Hertz. Frederick Eugene Powell. T. Nelson Downs. Harry Rouclere. Rotogravures. |
32 |
What the Amateur Should Know. By Clement de Lion. |
33 |
Dean Powell Is 75. By Oscar S. Teale. |
34 |
Mrs. Dana Walden Dies; Leipzig and Rochne. |
34 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman. |
35 |
Editor's Page.The Thirtieth Year; Introducing Our New Business Manager. |
40 |
25 Years Ago. |
41 |
Stevenson Moves; Gwynne's Clothes Vanish. |
41 |
Fake Carter Jailed. |
42 |
Original Magic. By Judson Brown and Jack McMillen: Typewriter Telepathy; Mental Photography; Sinister Vision. |
42 |
Doing Magic for the Public. By J. B. Mussey. |
43 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1931 |
Who's Who In Magic: Spencer Howell; Ronald McHose Boffenmyer; Herbert M. Richmond; Carleton Lodge Matteson; Frank Frederick Holman; Andrew Lewis Carmier; Cyril P. Clarke; George Saric; Edward Harvey Webber; Charles Joseph Jones. |
58 |
Told to the Sphinx. |
58 |
New Zealand Society of Magicians, First Magical Convention. |
60 |
Ringing the Ribbon. By Chris Charlton. |
61 |
Little Journeys Into the Lives of Big Magicians. By William J. Hilliar. |
62 |
Works for Charity. |
62 |
Some Recent Additions to My Library. By Harry Price. |
63 |
Sketcho the Great. By the Savage Brothers. |
66 |
Cook to Have New Show. |
66 |
Yettmah Loses Show. |
66 |
Bennie Goldenberger in Films. |
66 |
Pages From the Life of a Magician. By Harry Rouclere. |
67 |
Current Magic: By Baffles: |
68 |
- An Idea. By Edward Allan. |
68 |
- Hint for Egg and Handkerchief. By C. M. Coles. |
68 |
- My Head's Hat. By Nene Cardenas. |
68 |
- A Slate Sell. By F. Jackson. |
68 |
- Card Effect No. 13. By John Keller. |
68 |
- Mynd Rede Yng. By Howard Savage. |
69 |
- Just Another One of Those Things. By Dr. E. G. Ervin. |
69 |
- A Few Tricks. By Edwin the Enigma. |
69 |
- Magic Darts. By Edwin the Enigma. |
70 |
- Loading Device. By Charles A. Leedy. |
70 |
- Hull's Modern Television. |
70 |
Around the World of Magic: |
71 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
71 |
- A Convention in New Zealand. By E. Axford. |
71 |
- Keating Back in Vaudeville. |
72 |
- The British Magical Society Annual Night of Magic. By J. Ashdown Sharp. |
72 |
- Scraps From Scotland. |
73 |
- Chats by Kolar. |
73 |
- Squawks. By William Frazee. |
74 |
- Notes of Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
74 |
- Haverhill Magic Club. By John A. Haley. |
75 |
- Hollywood Mystic 27. By Adam Hull Shirk. |
75 |
- Cincinnati Magicians' Club. By E. L. Dodson. |
75 |
- The Atlanta Societ of Magicians. By H. R. Hulse. |
76 |
- Society of Osiris Magicians. By Thos. C. Worthington 3rd. |
76 |
- News From Providence, R. I. By Everett Murphy. |
76 |
- The Milwaukee Society of Magicians. By LeRoy Becker. |
77 |
- Around New York. With Max Holden. |
77 |
- Magic Minded Connecticut. By Walter A. Schwartz. |
78 |
- Philadelphia - A Magic City. By Walter B. Gibson. |
78 |
- News From Here and There. By Edwin Burchell. |
79 |
Pulls Similes From Hat. |
79 |
Jobs Secure. |
79 |
Three More U.F. Grant Tricks. |
80 |
New Twists. By Harlan Tarbell. |
80 |
Performs for President. |
80 |
Bridges' Reviews. By Milton A. Bridges: Le Prestidigitateur, Vol. 13 No. 147; The Valconasn, Vol. 2 No 3; The Magic Circular, Vol. 25 No. 284; Edward Bagshawe's Magical Journal, Vol. 4 No. 4; Liberty, Vol. 8 No. 15; Magikeren, Vol. 4 No. 71; The Magic Wand, Vol. 20 No. 149; Nel Regno Dei Misteri; Tablets of Osiris, No. 18; The Magic Circular, Vol. 25 No. 283; The Linking Ring Vol. 11 No. 1; The Seven Circles, Vol. 1 No. 1. |
81 |
A Novel Card Rising Trick. By Harry Percival. |
82 |
Alexander Herrmann. Rotogravure. |
83 |
Karl Herrmann. Wizard Jacobs. Wyman The Wizard. Macalister. Rotogravures. |
84 |
J. N. Maskelyne. Jonathan Harrington. Robert Heller. Antonio Blitz. Rotogravures. |
85 |
William J. Hilliar. John Mulholland. Dr. A. M. Wilson. Rotogravures. |
86 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman |
87 |
The Powel Testimonial Benefit. By C. A. George Newmann. |
93 |
Dean Powell Pleased. McDonald Birch Marries. Completes Automobile Tour. |
93 |
Editor's Page. |
94 |
25 Years Ago. |
95 |
Scotland Yard - Baffling Mystery; "Give Me Liberty". |
95 |
The Great Nicola. By C. A. George Newmann. |
96 |
Letter From Agosta Meynier. |
96 |
An Anderson Letter. |
96 |
Patter for Grant's Counterfeit Card Miracles. By Herbert M. Richmond. |
97 |
NO. 3: MAY 1931 |
Who's Who In Magic: Lloyd W. Chambers; O. Wayne Meyer; Thomas Herbert Chislett; George Gilmore; Clarence Emil Wellnitz; Thomas Paul Keppler; William Wallace Lee; William George Rakauskas; David Price; Philip F. S. Winski D. Winson. |
114 |
Told to the Sphinx. |
114 |
Photos: The Detroit Assembly, Number 5 of the S.A.M.; S. S. Henry. |
116 |
The Annemann Torn Card Method. By Theo Annemann. |
117 |
The Ball and Vase. By Harlan Tarbell. |
118 |
Another Trick and Letter. By Al Baker. |
118 |
Current Magic: By Baffles. |
119 |
- Nightmare Variation. By F. Jackson. |
119 |
- Card Effect No. 14. By John Harry Keller. |
119 |
- Another Envelope Test. By Roy Walker. |
119 |
- A Sweet Trick. By Henry Haldane. |
119 |
- Egg Bag of Borrowed Material and Pinned Together. By C. Coles. |
120 |
- Walking Through a Sheet of Glass. By Edwin the Enigma. |
120 |
- More Inspirations. By Spencer Howell. |
120 |
- Another Cup and Ball Idea. By Braden Hall. |
121 |
- Try This One. By Charles A. Leedy. |
121 |
- Visions in the Crystal. By Ariel (C. A. Costa Aliaga). |
121 |
- Find the Queen. By Mysto. |
121 |
- Color Telegraphy. By Edward Jochens. |
121 |
- Believe It or Not. |
121 |
- Thirty-six Card Trick. By Clayton W. Rosencrance. |
123 |
- An Impromptu Feat. By Roy Walker. |
123 |
A General Magician. |
123 |
Around the World of Magic: |
124 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
124 |
- Your Magic and Mine. By Cardini. |
125 |
- Native Magicians and Their Doings Around 60 Degrees Latitude North. By Clement de Lion. |
125 |
- Canadian Conjurer's Convention. By John Booth. |
127 |
- Squawks. By William Frazee. |
127 |
- News From Providence, R.I. By Everett Murphy. |
128 |
- Notes of Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
128 |
- Society of Osiris Magicians. |
129 |
- Chats by Kolar. |
129 |
Charles Wicks Describes Three Effects: Prophecy; A Shady Trick; A Silk and Card Symphony. |
130 |
The Hypnotic Rabbit. By Ben R. Badley. |
131 |
Routine and Wrinkle. By David Price. |
131 |
Puts Magic to Work. By Arnold Belais. |
131 |
Poetic Patter. By Barkann Rosinoff. |
132 |
Smith on the Road Again. |
132 |
Kuma Entertained. |
132 |
Leedy Heads Show. |
132 |
Desert Necromancy. By J. Elder Blackledge. |
133 |
The Romance of Magic. By D. Jay Schwarz. |
133 |
If I Were a Magician. By Tibor Toth. |
134 |
Gibson Lecturers. |
134 |
Magician's Club Ladies' Night. |
135 |
Another Houdini Book. |
135 |
A New Phantom Cigarette. By Everett Murphy. |
135 |
The Phantom Voice. By Henry Haldane. |
135 |
Houdini-Doyle Letters. |
135 |
Real Magic Photograph. |
135 |
Bridges' Reviews. By Milton A. Bridges: The Linking Ring, Vol. 11 No 2.; Correspondence Course of Rupert Howard School; Tablets of Osiris; Le Prestidigitateur, Vol. 13 No. 148; Die Magie, Vol. 14 No. 3; The Valconasn, Vol. 2 No. 4; Die Magie, Vol. 14 No. 4; Il Vademecum del Prestigiatore, Vol. 3 No. 1. |
136 |
Robert Houdin. Rotogravure. |
137 |
The Most Famous Tricks of India. Mohammed Bakhsh. |
138 |
These Twenty-Six Hands Fool Millions Every Year. Nate Leipzig. Dorny. Tampa. Chris Charlton. Joseffy. Jane Thurston. Howard Thurston. Max Holden. Harlan Tarbell. Jack Gwynne. Eugene Laurant. Cyril Yettmah. John Mulholland. |
139 |
J. W. Elliott. Okito-Theo. Bamberg. Gus Fowler. Carl Rosini. Rotogravures. |
140 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman. |
141 |
Editor's Page. |
146 |
25 Years Ago. |
147 |
Dr. Benedict Dined. |
147 |
Benefactor Beaumont, a Magician. |
148 |
Hubbard Still Does Magic. |
148 |
Magician Lawyer. |
149 |
The Magic Circular Vol. 25 No. 285. |
149 |
Magikeren. |
149 |
The Book of 1000 Wonders. By Lyle Douglas. |
149 |
Sherman on Broadway. |
149 |
The Miser's Dream. By L. W. Liddle. |
152 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1931 |
Who's Who In Magic: James Allen Bordner; Oscar Otto Himmel; John Harry Keller; Robert E. Clark; Barkann Rosinoff; Walter Gardner; Maurice Eugene Lenser; Walter Blair Cresge; Foster Lardner; Frank Cole. |
166 |
Making New York Magic Minded. |
168 |
Majugglery. By Will Blyth, M.I.M.C. |
169 |
Krass Helps Youngstown. |
170 |
Wilton Moves. |
170 |
New Twists and Old Tricks. By Harlan Tarbell. |
170 |
Current Magic. By Baffles: |
171 |
- 20th Century Flag Variations - and a Comedy Handkerchief Stunt. By O. Meyer. |
171 |
- Card Effect No. 15. By John Harry Keller. |
171 |
- Comedy Cane. By Edwin the Enigma. |
171 |
- Do Tell. By Edwin the Enigma. |
172 |
- A Combination Effect. By Herman E. Krimmel. |
172 |
- The Life Saver Magic Mint. By Peter Roennau. |
172 |
- Tobacco Magic. By Silent Nick. |
172 |
- The Miser's Bills. By The Great Cameron. |
172 |
- The Envelopes Again. By Roy Walker. |
172 |
- Two Bits. By Arthur Mometer. |
173 |
- Supermentalex. By Eddie Clever. |
173 |
- Improved Bowl Vanish. By Edwin Burchell. |
173 |
- Triple Flip. By Charles A. Leedy. |
173 |
- New Rice Bowl Combination. By C. M. Coles. |
173 |
- Trix From Styx. By Aladdin. |
174 |
Transformation. By Charles Wicks. |
175 |
Watch. By Ovette. |
175 |
Mayer Helps Charity Again. |
175 |
Around the World of Magic: |
176 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
176 |
- Magic in the Near East. By Major Stanley Lemin. |
177 |
- British Magical Society. |
177 |
- The Knights of Magic. |
178 |
- A Rhode Island Magical Party. By Aristide Scola. |
178 |
- Squawks. By William Frazee. |
179 |
- News From Here and There. By Edwin Burchell. |
179 |
- Society of Osiris Magicians. |
179 |
- Notes of Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
180 |
- San Francisco Full of Magicians. By James Muir. |
180 |
- Oakland Magic Circle Entertains Raymond the Great. |
180 |
- San Francisco Wins Second Annual Trophy Contest. |
180 |
- Dr. Schwartz Entertains. |
181 |
- On the Spot. By "Dorny". |
181 |
- U. F. Grant Says. |
181 |
For the Second Year. |
182 |
The Movie Cards. By Glenn G. Gravatt. |
182 |
Gadgets From Glasgow. By James B. Findlay. |
182 |
Train Writing New Book. |
182 |
Sketcho the Great. By the Savage Brothers. |
183 |
The Rising Cigarettes. By Glenn G. Gravatt. |
183 |
The Editor Goes to S.A.M. and I.B.M. Meetings. |
184 |
Bridges' Reviews: By Milton A. Bridges: The Magic Circular, Vol. 25 No. 286; Le Prestidigitateur, Vol. 13 No. 149; Edward Bagshawe's Magical Journal, Vol. 4 No. 5; Tablets of Osiris, No. 20; Hypnotising Wild and Domestic Animals, by Gysel; The Seven Circles, Vol. 1 No. 2. |
187 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman. |
188 |
Angelo Lewis - Professor Louis Hoffmann. Rotogravure. |
189 |
John William Sargent. T. Nelson Downs. Mildred & Rouclere. Frederick Eugene Powell. Rotogravures. |
190 |
Horace Goldin. Bessie - the Houdinis - Harry. E. Maro. William E. Robinson. Rotogravures. |
191 |
Ten Itchi Doing the Water Fountains. Max Holden. Al Baker. Rotogravures. |
192 |
Demon's Method of Dyeing Silks. By T. W. Baker. |
199 |
Unique Magic. By Milbourne. |
199 |
Editor's Page. |
200 |
25 Years Ago. |
201 |
Ocean Liners Carry Magicians on Cruises to "Nowhere". |
201 |
Gets Lemons Professionally. |
201 |
Magicians' Club Honors Americans. |
201 |
Addresses College. |
202 |
In Third Little Show. |
202 |
Grand Marshal. |
202 |
Cook in Chicago. |
202 |
Fox Meadow Group Has Varied Program. |
202 |
NO. 5: JULY 1931 |
Who's Who In Magic: Thomas J. Crawford; Albert Edward Anderson; Arthur W. C. Brumfield; Albert Harward; John H. Edmondson; Charles J. Kralle; J. Hanson; A. C. Davis; Joseph Dennis; James B. Williams. |
216 |
Photos: Dr. A. M. Wilson; Jimmy Kater, Jimmy Henshel; Domzalski, George A. Holly, Axel Hellstrom. |
218 |
Coincidence. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
219 |
A Clairvoyant Book Test. By Charles Wicks. |
220 |
A Novel Card Stand. By Leon Maguire. |
220 |
Rising Card. By Harry Percival. |
220 |
Caring for Rabbits in the Winter. By Edwin Burchell. |
220 |
Current Magic. By Baffles: |
221 |
- A New Fan Steal. By Baffles. |
221 |
- The E. C. Candle Tube. By Eddie Clever. |
221 |
- Additional Slate Effect. By Searles, the Subtle. |
221 |
- Billiard Ball Production Patter. By James Ellis. |
221 |
- Vanishing and Reappearing Billiard Balls. By Eris P. Impey. |
222 |
- One Hand Card Change. By Carl A. Gray. |
222 |
- Burchell's Flower Tray. By Edwin Burchell. |
222 |
- A Couple of Production Ideas. By Edwin Burchell. |
222 |
- Paper Tearing Method. By C. M. Coles. |
223 |
- The Elusive Sleigh Bell. By C. M. Coles. |
223 |
- Guesso Card. By Nene Cardenas. |
223 |
- Self-Sharpening Pencil. By Nene Cardenas. |
223 |
- All Kinds of Magic. By Edwin Burchell. |
223 |
- "The Magic Nails" By Aladdin. |
223 |
Ball Them Up. Berg and Hahne. |
224 |
A Drama of Indian Mystery. By Howard Thurston. |
225 |
Three More U. F. Grant Tricks: The Mag |
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