The Sphinx Volume 31 (Mar 1932 - Feb 1933) by John Mulholland
- Product Code: B3#747
- Reward Points: 5
- Availability: In Stock
- $7.00
- Price in reward points: 99
NO. 1: MARCH 1932 |
Hail and Farewell: Adelaide Herrmann. |
4 |
After Thrity Years. |
5 |
Current Magic. Edited by Baffles: |
7 |
- Card Effect No. 20. By John H. Keller. |
7 |
- A Sucker Card Gag. By Searles the Subtle. |
7 |
- A Suggestion or So and an Effect or Two. By Wilbur T. Kattner. |
7 |
- Card in Candy Box. By Len Bossard. |
8 |
- The Restored Ribbon. By Joseph Rukus. |
8 |
- Target Rising Card. By Joseph Rukus. |
8 |
- A Mirror Glass Silk Routine. By Searles the Subtle. |
8 |
- Cup and Ball Routine. By R. M. Jamison. |
9 |
- Patter and Transposition of Cards. By Isadore the Inscrutable. |
10 |
- Pack Transposition. By F. Bassett Mordecai. |
10 |
- With Pencil and Paper. A Transmission System for Two People. By Bob Fisher. |
11 |
Oursler Speaks. |
13 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. |
13 |
Around the World of Magic: |
14 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
14 |
- Squawks. By William Frazee. |
15 |
- Notes of a Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
15 |
- Around New York. With Max Holden. |
15 |
- Cincinnati Magicians' Club. |
16 |
- Detroit in '32. By John E. Matthews. |
16 |
- Baltimore Briefs. By Zerr, The Mystic Mind. |
16 |
- An Evening With Dr. Harlan Tarbell. By U. F. Grant. |
16 |
Supports Hoover. |
17 |
"Trick for Trick" |
17 |
Some Tricks and Ideas. By U. F. Grant. |
18 |
Bead Divination. By James B. Findlay. |
18 |
Chung Ling Soo. By Vincent Dalban. |
18 |
Laurice Dies. |
18 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman. |
19 |
Portrait: William J. Hilliar. |
24 |
Portrait: Dr. Albert M. Wilson. |
25 |
Who's Who In Magic: Irving Eugene Watson; Fred C. Lackman; A. F. Beier; Robert Blau; George C. Foote; Gunther Dammann; Florencio Lillo Silva; Antonio Gallardo Mendez; Richard Carter Ritson; Zoltan Sajohelyi. |
26 |
Poetic Patter. |
27 |
Van Loon a Magician. |
27 |
A Few Suggestions. By Fred Mintz. |
27 |
Magic in Print: By Milton A. Bridges: A Master of Modern Magic, by Henry Ridgley Evans; "Well, I Never!" by Eric C. Lewis; Periodicals. |
28 |
How My Child Has Grown. By William J. Hilliar. |
29 |
Editorial. Wilsonisms. |
30 |
Mental Radio. |
31 |
Re-elected. |
31 |
New Paper Trick. |
31 |
25 Years Ago. |
31 |
Engineers See Magic. |
31 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1932 |
Photos: Houdini. |
52 |
"The Dewdrop" By Herman L. Weber. |
53 |
Lloyd at the Dutch Treat Club. |
54 |
Magician Aids Law. |
54 |
"The Third Eye" By Richard Armour (Conjurer Dick). |
54 |
On Stage and in Picture. |
54 |
Current Magic. Edited by Baffles: |
55 |
- The Magic Spell. By Roy Walker. |
55 |
- Some Suggestions. By Charles A. Leedy. |
55 |
- Penetrating Card. By Joseph Rukus. |
55 |
- Miscellaneous No. 4. By John H. Keller. |
55 |
- "Trix From the Styx" Impromptu levitation gimick. By Aladdin. |
55 |
- Some Ideas. By Frank Hall. |
56 |
- Pea and Shell Stunt. By R. M. Jamison. |
56 |
- Card Effect No. 19. By John Keller. |
57 |
- The Purloined Poils. By Eddie Clever. |
57 |
- Handkerchief and Egg Trick With Patter. By Peter Roennau. |
57 |
- End Over End Pencil. By Dr. L. E. Duncanson. |
58 |
- Original Card Trick. By C. V. Ford. |
58 |
- Card on Ribbon. By Joseph Rukus. |
58 |
- A Card Memory Test and Some Ideas on False Shuffles. By Bob Fisher. |
58 |
Nicola Sails. |
60 |
Laurant Will Be in Detroit. |
60 |
At Rancho San Pablo. |
60 |
Parties in Club Room. |
60 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. |
60 |
Around the World of Magic: |
61 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
61 |
- Campbell on Chautauqua. |
61 |
- Squawks. By William Frazee. |
62 |
- The Cruise of the U.S.S. Hannibal. By C. C. Slayton. |
62 |
- Youngstown News. |
63 |
- Notes of the Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
63 |
- Around New York. With Max Holden. |
63 |
- Chats by Kolar. |
64 |
- The Knights of Magic. By Paul Cottlow. |
64 |
- Detroit in '32. By John E. Matthews. |
64 |
- Magic in Canada. By Charles A. Colville. |
65 |
Praise From Caesar. |
65 |
Magicians Club Entertains. |
65 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman. |
66 |
Portrait: Charles J. Carter. |
70 |
Portrait: Long Tack Sam. |
71 |
Who's Who In Magic: Harry Boughton (Bouton); Edward Rupp; G. McAthy; William C. McNutt; Edward Lesiowski; Chris Charlton; Willi Keller; Arpad Romek; Alf. L. Gregg; Theodore T. Levy. |
72 |
Magic as a Hobby for Girls. By Roberta. |
73 |
Magic in Print: By Milton A. Bridges: Eggstraorinary Ways of Eggshibiting With Eggs, by Joseph Ovette; "Now, You Do One", by "Doc" Nixon; Houdini's Magic, by Walter B. Gibson; Houdini and Conan Doyle, by B. M. L. Ernst and Hereward Carrington; Quicker Than the Eye, by John Mulholland; Periodicals. |
74 |
Annemann's Test of the Tiber. Patter by Herbert M. Richmond. |
76 |
Frivolous Flag. By Fred Mintz. |
76 |
4% No Trick. |
76 |
A Method for Arranging Cards. By Royal V. Heath. |
77 |
"Trick for Trick" |
77 |
Congratulations. |
77 |
Pond Touring West. |
77 |
Reception for Cardini. |
77 |
Pythons, Magic and Tortoise. |
77 |
Edits Creative Arts. |
77 |
El Barto on Tour. |
77 |
Mussey Gets Paid. |
77 |
Editor's Page. |
78 |
Entertained and Was Entertained. |
79 |
Birch Tour South. |
79 |
Home From Europe. |
79 |
"Magic as an Aid" |
79 |
25 Years Ago. |
79 |
Zellerno Completes Tour. |
79 |
On Washington Commission. |
79 |
Watch for Keating. |
79 |
NO. 3: MAY 1932 |
From Harlan Tarbell's Note Book. As this magician sees some of his friends. |
96 |
Light Wines and Beer. By Nate Leipzig. |
97 |
A New Torn and Restored Newspaper Effect. By William P. Merrill, Jr. |
98 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. |
98 |
Goldston Collection. |
98 |
Boston's Hat in Ring. |
98 |
Current Magic. Edited by Baffles: |
99 |
- New Bottomless Glass. By C. M. Coles. |
99 |
- Novel Penny and Dime. By Roennau. |
99 |
- Just and Idea. By Roennau. |
99 |
- Card Through Slate. By Howard Holden. |
99 |
- Living and Dead Test. By C. M. Coles. |
100 |
- New Card Location. By C. M. Coles. |
100 |
- A Simple Prediction Effect. By C. M. Coles. |
100 |
- Torn Card Effect. By R. M. Jamison. |
100 |
- Catching the Card. By Joseph Rukus. |
101 |
- The Stabbed Cards. By Roy Walker. |
101 |
- Mind-Reading and Remarks. By Clement Fisher, Jr. |
102 |
- Place Shuffling. By Bob Fisher. |
102 |
- Place Shuffling - Continuation. By Bob Fisher. |
103 |
Ernst to Write More. |
104 |
De Lion Gift. |
104 |
Who's Who In Magic: Dr. Ladislaus Rothbart; Conrad Roth; Jesse A. Mueller; William John Armstrong; Peter J. Schuessler; Irving A. Fisch; William D. Alstrand. |
104 |
Visits Fischer. |
104 |
Birch Goes South. |
104 |
Notes of Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
104 |
How it started. By Elmer P. Ransom. |
105 |
Around the World of Magic: |
106 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
106 |
- Aberdeen Three Day Success. By Ralphono. |
106 |
- Squawks. By Will Frazee. |
106 |
- The British Magical Society Report of Annual Seance. By Capt. J. E. Stone. |
107 |
- Baltimore Briefs. Zerr, The Mystic Mind. |
108 |
- Magical Notes from Germany. By P. Scheldon. |
108 |
- Notes and News from Canada. By Stan Hall. |
109 |
- Around New York with Max Holden. |
109 |
- I'm Telling You! By "Doc" Lonergan. |
109 |
- Magic Big Shots. By C. C. Slayton. |
110 |
- Detroit in '32. By John E. Matthews. |
110 |
Lehigh Features Magic. |
110 |
Getting Publicity. By Julien J. Proskauer. |
111 |
Madame Herrmann's Will. |
111 |
Writes More. |
111 |
Active in Youngstown. |
111 |
Speak Louder, Please. By Clement Fisher, Jr. |
112 |
Sartorial Splendor. C. Roltare Eggleston. |
113 |
"Acclimatized Cards" By Roy Walker. |
113 |
Roberta Entertains Charltons. |
113 |
"Them Wuz the Days" By William J. Hilliar. |
114 |
Before Alumni. |
114 |
Photos: W. Golden Mortimer; Compars Herrmann; John Henry Anderson, II. |
115 |
Magic in Print: By Milton A. Bridges: Spook Crooks! by Julien J. Proskauer; The Trade of Trickery. Trees Grown While You Wait; Periodicals. |
116 |
The No-Assistant Vanishing Alarm Clock. By Morris A. Osborn. |
117 |
Demon Dealing. By Dadd. |
117 |
Magician Aids Miners. |
117 |
M.U.M. Edited by Leo Rullman. |
118 |
Another Book Under Way. |
123 |
Oursler's New Play. |
123 |
Higher Interest for Magi. |
123 |
Magician's Club Ladies' Night. |
123 |
Sphinx Mayor Re-elected. |
123 |
Credit Where Due. |
123 |
A Varied Show. |
123 |
Editor's Page. |
124 |
Moves to Canada. |
125 |
Cook to Open in London. |
125 |
25 Years Ago. |
125 |
Dr. Krass Recovering. |
125 |
Great Raymond Also Agent. |
125 |
Features Milk Can. |
126 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1932 |
Cartoon. By Will B. Johnstone. |
144 |
A Miracle for a Dime. By Allen Shaw. |
145 |
Thumb Nails: Dante, Crawford, The Zanzigs, Leedy. By William J. Hilliar. |
146 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. |
146 |
Improved Button Trick. By Joseph Ovette. |
146 |
Current Magic. Edited by Baffles: |
147 |
- Two Seconds - and a Turnover. By Morris Bernstein. |
147 |
- A False Shuffle That Really Shuffles. By Bob Fisher. |
147 |
- Two Coin Sleights. By Felice Manna. |
148 |
- Card Culling. By Tom Osborne. |
148 |
- Burned and Restored Paper. By El Ray. |
148 |
- Loading. By Nene Cardenas. |
149 |
- Water Wizardy. By Edwin L. Burchell and Clayton L. Jacobsen. |
149 |
- Eggs from a Borrowed Hat. By Merlin D. Willis. |
150 |
- The Magazine Rack A Production Apparatus. By Bob Fisher. |
151 |
- Vanishing Cigarettes. By Joseph Rukus. |
152 |
Enjoying Busy Vacation. |
152 |
In London Review. |
152 |
Siss! Boom! Ah! |
152 |
Organize in Hartford. |
152 |
New Idea with Cards. By David Price. |
153 |
Against Tax. |
153 |
Editor Also Ran. |
153 |
Magic Words and Exercise. |
153 |
Old Timers and "Emporiums". By Elmer P. Ransom. |
154 |
More About Billiard Balls. By Charles Waller. |
155 |
Editor Marries. |
156 |
Who's Who In Magic: Al Baker; Dr. Desider Kemeny; Emile V. Verkist; Eugene Laurant; E. Vaughn Klein; F. Stephen de Soboll; George Saric. |
156 |
Magic in Print: By Milton A. Bridges: Hofzinser's Card Conjuring, by Ottokar Fischer; Happy Magic, by Charles Waller; Arthur LeRoy's Futuristic Fantasies, by Signor Ovette; Periodicals. |
157 |
Magic Under Canvas. By Julien J. Proskauer. |
158 |
Mystifies Methodists. |
158 |
Huber R. K. O. ing. |
158 |
Jarrow Also Helps. |
158 |
Around the World of Magic: |
159 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
159 |
- Notes of Nashville Magi. By David Price. |
160 |
- Magic in Canada. By Charles A. Colville. |
160 |
- Squawks. By Will Frazee. |
161 |
- Around New York. By Max Holden. |
162 |
- Baltimore Briefs. By Zerr, The Mystic Mind. |
162 |
- S.O.M.E. Organizes in Brooklyn. By Arthur Punnar. |
162 |
- Magic in Colorado. By Howard Holden. |
163 |
- Festival Huge Success. By Paul Cottlow. |
163 |
- Chats. By Kolar. |
164 |
- Farewell Party for Cox. By Arthur Punnar. |
164 |
- C. D. Irwin Dies. By Francis G. Benedict. |
164 |
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby. |
165 |
Editor's Page. |
170 |
25 Years Ago. |
171 |
Seventeenth Year. |
171 |
Will Sees. |
171 |
With the Editor, to Banquet, Conference, Conclave and Convention. |
172 |
Cardini and Scandals. |
175 |
Mr. Rae Sr. Dies. |
175 |
Correction! |
176 |
Malini and Barton on Coast. |
177 |
Another Magic Shop. |
177 |
Moves Again. |
177 |
Chautauqua Books Campbell. |
177 |
Magicians Club Honors Roberta. |
177 |
NO. 5: JULY 1932 |
Drawing: The boy magician dreams that the masters return to teach him their magic. |
188 |
Pie Plate Mystery. By Grimes the Mystery Man. |
189 |
A Trick With Any Three Cards. By Hugh Mackay. |
190 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. |
190 |
Will Vaudeville Ever Come Back? By Foster Lardner. |
190 |
Current Magic. Edited by Baffles: |
191 |
- Tips and Gags. By Neit's. |
191 |
- New Effect With Die. By The Great Bruce. |
191 |
- Dublin Money. By Morris Bernstein. |
191 |
- An Addition. By El Ray. |
192 |
- Flowers in Hat. By Joseph Rukus. |
192 |
- Miniature Glass Vanish. By Edwin L. Burchell and Clayton L. Jacobsen. |
192 |
- A Spelling Trick to End All Spelling Tricks. By Bob Fisher. |
192 |
- "Trix from the Styx" By Aladdin. |
194 |
Thumb Nails: Servais LeRoy; Vernello; Ziska; Felicien Trewey; Mme Adelaide Herrmann. By William J. Hilliar. |
196 |
Boston Wants Real Magic. |
196 |
Around the World of Magic: |
197 |
- London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. |
197 |
- Squawks. By Will Frazee. |
198 |
- Around New York. With Max Holden. |
198 |
- Australian Magicians' Club. By H. A. Booth. |
198 |
- Order of Robert-Houdin, Hartford, Conn. |
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