Theory And Practice Of Stage Magic by Svechnikov
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Svechnikov - Theory And Practice Of Stage Magic
This publication - not just a publication. It's a challenge!
Calling all those who care about the art of tricks and who feels the knowledge, experience, intelligence, desire and will, enough to contribute to the strengthening of the theoretical foundation of the illusion of the genre. The author of the monograph? Theory and practice of stage magic? It offers together to expand, update, correct, and perhaps radically change outlined in the theses.
But first things first.
I think the vast majority of domestic magicians known major work VS Svechnikova? Theory and practice of stage magic ?. Personally, I found out about it before the publication in 1998 of whole booklet of the same name. The fact that the individual chapters Vladimir Serafimovich published earlier in his journal? Magic circle ?. Then I was not familiar with the author, and magazines with me kindly shared MV Izotov, now known as an ardent supporter of the Russian association of legitimation magicians, organizer wonderful site? The magic of invention? and author of a book? Focuses Match ?. So far, despite some differences of opinion, I am grateful to Mikhail Vladimirovich for those logs for past meetings and long talks about illusion at his home in the Lake but. But I digress ... The number of logs was limited edition brochure is also not impressed - only a hundred copies so far not had the luck to everyone who wants to become the owner of the paper version of the theory and practice ...? In this regard, it was decided to place this material on your site.
Initially, we Vladimir Serafimovich intended to publish an electronic version of his work at the end of 2010, he even prepared a preface to the publication on However, there was a technical hitch caused by the need to extract images from and edit text files. Work monotonous and dreary. Meanwhile, the search terms I was a series of discoveries, one interesting another. That's why I kept putting off routine activity for the benefit of the creative to justify themselves by saying that cook more relevant and fresh materials, and classics of the genre will not go away ...
Dootkladyvalsya before that completely forgot about the publication. Immensely tactful Vladimir Serafimovich anything about it did not remind. And just recently, accidentally stumbled on the work in progress, I remembered his favor ...
I had to interrupt training photo reports about the jubilee congress of the International Film Festival and the memorial evening RM Tsitalashvili to complete the presentation of the material. Finally on Sunday, along with Easter greetings I told Vladimir Serafimovich a belated fulfillment of the promise a year davnosti1. His answer me inspired. Vladimir Serafimovich expressed his intention to modernize and revise their work. Furthermore, it is proposed to include in the process of their opponents who expressed criticism of his work. This primarily refers to the AS Kartashkin and PE Aidarov. However, the invitation for cooperation is not limited to two persons. Those who are able to make a significant contribution to the common cause so much more! This cropping and Izotov, Vlasov and apple, as well as many other magicians. Well, is not a brilliant idea - to gather in a single intelligent fist best minds domestic illusion? For the crystallization of such an initiative is really worth it to postpone the publication!
If the call Vladimir Serafimovich respond to at least a few enthusiasts, it will be launched in a unique kind of group project aimed at eliminating the backlog of foreign illusions. Let no one in the performing and administrative terms, but at least in the field of theoretical research. It sounds a bit pretentious, and perhaps even utopian, but the prospect is quite realizable. It does not have to build from scratch. There is a basis - the Theory and practice of stage magic ?. Undoubtedly, there will have a lot to recycle and rethink, starting with the structure of the individual and ending the formal classification of the elements. Thin points in the visible to the naked eye. If the first chapter, migrated from journal publications, worked very well, the latter are more likely in a synoptic form. Questionable benefit from those biographies of western artists, controversial replacement of established concepts of illusion (illusionism) on identical foreign-language term? Stage magic? ... However, today in the domestic literature tricks is the most successful attempt to structure and classify the basic elements of the genre. I am sure that in refining and merging with another powerful theoretical calculations, which are presented in their books AS Kartashkin and Y. Cropping, the result could be an elegant, comprehensive and logically complete theory Illusion genre. It will be important not only for Russia, but also on a global scale. It is tempting to be back in front of the entire planet, as in years Castellan-Khariton breakthroughs at world FISMah.
Of course, not an easy task. And first of all coming about organizational difficulties. Having experience in the international structures, including the representative bodies of the UN Security Council, I do not know firsthand about the problems that accompany the development of a consensus on the terms of a single document. The relevant committees of the Security Council often has to languish, waiting for diplomats from other countries agree with the capitals of the seemingly trivial statement. Often superpowers forced to make concessions dwarf countries. But in the end, despite the ambitions and pluralism, compromise achieved and suffered the document is published. An example from the UN practice is intended to show that the consolidation of efforts of domestic theorists illusion - an achievable idea. If we manage to different states to coordinate their positions on complex international issues, the Russian magicians really can not?
Briefly safeguards. The contribution of each participant of the project should be taken into account and always reflected in the final version, with a clear and objective indication of the work done.
n any endeavor, the most difficult thing - to make the first move. He has already done - put forward the initiative. Think of it as a challenge or as an invitation to participate in the project, but please respond. Give a deliberate and balanced Answer2, focusing not on their own ego and solely on the interests of the genre. Please abandon the role of passive bystanders, and connect to business! To paraphrase John F. Kennedy: Ask not what domestic illusion has done for you, ask what you can do for the national illusion !? "
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