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  • The TWIST & SHOUT Ritual by Biagio Fasano - 2024

The TWIST & SHOUT Ritual by Biagio Fasano

  • Product Code: #t88fkk03
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $43.00
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

An amazing Magic Ritual that, performed with the audience, will invariably lead to success!
Actually a selfworking Impromptu card magic effect, which uses four simple cards taken at random from the deck and results in an amazing "Ritual," which can also be performed in close-up or on a stage, or remotely, even over the phone, a which will never fail to amaze the entire audience involved! !

Four very common playing cards are used, taken at random from a deck of cards, and with which the illusionist, at the same time as one as dozens or hundreds of spectators (each supplied with four different playing cards), will perform a special "ritual".
Here's what will be done: after choosing and memorizing one of the cards, it will be shuffled within its deck and each person will be invited to make free choices among various shuffles, cuts and flips of one or more cards, sometimes even the entire deck, which each one may choose from time to time whether or not to flip.

Despite the incredible degree of freedom of choice left to each participant who may have performed completely different shuffles and reversals than the others, at the end of the ritual, inexplicably, both the magician and each spectator will find in their hands only one card facing differently from the other three, and this card will be for everyone precisely the card chosen at the beginning!

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