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  • Upfront by Kariem Ahmed

Upfront by Kariem Ahmed

  • Product Code: C#8233
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $4.68
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199
Upfront is the first release by the talented Dutch magician, Kariem Ahmed
Have a spectator select a card from a shuffled deck of cards. Grab your Sharpie and let them sign the card. The card is placed back in the center of the deck and, without any cuts or moves, the cards go back into the box. 
The box is now placed in your right back pocket. 

You show your hands empty and show the box is still in your back pocket. You now reach, with your EMPTY hand, into your left FRONT pocket and actually remove the signed, selected playing card! 

Everything is fully examinable! 

Please note: 
The card is signed, no duplicates 
The card really goes into the deck AND into the box 
NO gimmicks, nothing to make, purely a piece of very clever sleight of hand 
Easy to do 

You will learn this great routine in just minutes. Nothing to make, no gimmicks and when you carry a deck of cards, you're all set to perform Kariem's Upfront!

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