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  • Vanishing Inc. - Card Magic Download Bundle (Big Friday 2020) - 2024

Vanishing Inc. - Card Magic Download Bundle (Big Friday 2020)

  • Product Code: #q1252
  • Reward Points: 15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $9.99
  • $3.99

  • Price in reward points: 399

Looking for some amazing card magic at an even more amazing price? We’ve got you covered with this Big Friday 2020 download bundle deal. There’s really something for everyone here, with mucks, moves, controls and full routines to get your teeth into.

Here is what you get:

A Triumph and a Talk by Darwin Ortiz
A multi-phase routine based around Triumph that’ completely astounded everyone at The Session

John Carey Collection 1 and 2
John Carey is a master at combining principles, cherry-picking’ the very best subtleties and ideas, and combining them into simple, strong effects. We asked him to choose six of his very FAVORITE routines from amongst EVERYTHING he has created…and we are proud to offer The John Carey Collections 1 & 2

John G Box Set by John G
Two routines that work harmoniously together, or they can be performed individually. Each routine is sequenced to maximize impact, yet these routines can be performed virtually surrounded and in any conditions.

Pop Fly by Bizau Christian
A ridiculously cool-looking sleight cause any card (or two, or a double) to fly from the pack as you dribble the cards gently to the table.

Royal Assembly by Joshua Jay
An elegant “Royal Assembly” in which you, the magician, cause Aces to disappear from your opponent’s hands and appear in your own. You offer to repeat the effect and attain the winning hand…then you instantly cause a Royal Flush to appear.

Swindle Controls by David Regal and Andi Gladwin
Two different, but similar simple, elegant ways of controlling a selection to the top.

Surge by Patrick Kun
A card rise that looks, well, perfect. No telltale signs, a slow and eerie rise, and a handling that would suggest (to us) some kind of clever gaff, but there is no gaff involved.

Father Alex on Handmucking
Here, Father Alex shows THREE different methods—one highly original—that allow you to switch tabled cards. One of them is easy enough to master in one sitting, and in another, you create a double right in front of the audience.

Pure Imagination by Scott Robinson
A signed card disappears between two others, and then appears a moment later.

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