VOICELESS by Ali Foroutan
- Product Code: I1472
- Reward Points: 15
- Availability: In Stock
- $8.99
- Price in reward points: 399
Here is what a few of the pros think about this project!
"When I watched Voiceless demonstrated by Ali I was baffled. When I read the book It opened a whole world of possibilities. This is something you want to keep in your arsenal of knowledge and pull it out when you need. Great for virtual or real in person situation. Was not a always a big fan of of propless mentalism but I am a fan of voiceless."
- Guy Bavli
"A fascinating, practical new technique for deciphering people's thoughts without them even saying a word. I love it! And all mentalists need to learn it"
- Dan Harlan
"What a wonderful entertaining way to perform a horoscope divination. I was captivated by the entire presentation, the principle is wonderful, and I'm looking forward to using it."
- Richard Webster
"Got fooled twice by Ali Foroutan today without me speaking a word! Sweet voiceless principle."
- Anthony Jacquin
"A routine that could become addicting to perform, achieved with an ingenious method"
- Christopher Taylor
"I really liked the thinking and approach in this system. Personally I'm not a big fan of prop-less mentalism but this book made me try and even love to perform it. Highly recommend!
- Haim Goldenberg
"From Iran, there is Ali Foroutan, who is both an engaging performer as well as the creator of his amazing displays."
- Alain Nu
"What a great method and baffling method, its fooled me too! Very versatile. Love it. So much potential"
- Nicholas Einhorn
"Solid propless mentalism that fools. I love the versatility of this. Ali showed me a star sign revelation, a playing card reveal and a drawing duplication and nailed it every time."
- Mark Chandaue
"I wasn't expecting something so direct and propless. I can't even remember when was the last time an effect hit me so hard! Congratulations!"
- Mariano Goni
"I've seen a lot of work on this type of effect and what Ali has done here is truly special. My hat is off to you my friend! Very well done!!!"
- Adam Wilber
"Voiceless is a superb piece of direct propless Mentalism. A tool that can be tailored by the performer for any situation. Especially where nothing more is required than ones ability to speak and see the spectator. Awesome work! Thoroughly recommend"
- Ben Cardall
"Ali helps us continue to evolve one more tool in our belt in literally reading people. I think his addition also gives the mind reader plenty of room to make one's own presentation and make it his own."
- RedDevil
"Very clever and good thinking! I like it, it's fooling - and creative."
- Jan Forster
"I was very surprised when Ali got my card three times in a row without me saying a word! It feels real and I would definitely use it."
- Nico Heinrich
"Ali's 'Voiceless' is one of the most fooling propless effects Ive seen in a long time. So often propless routines are either transparent or not reliable and it seems Ali has been able to make an idea that is neither."
- Robert Watkins
"Ali's Voiceless is a fooling, elegant, and clever solution to an age old problem! I was speechless, top notch thinking and I'm very excited to see what comes next!"
- Jacob Smith
"it was so much fun to spend 5 min with his new approach to mentalism is very refreshing, fooled me while entertaining me."
- Rocco Silano
"Voiceless by Ali Foroutan is a prop-less wonder! Perfect for virtual shows or face-to-face walkaround. Mentalism at its cleanest and best!"
- Steve Gore
"A seemingly impossible way to determine the thoughts of another."
- Paul Brook
"Great mix of originality and classic propless methods, Direct, fooling and surefire propless mentalism. What else could you ask for?!"
- Adrien Lochon
"No propless method had fooled me for over a year. This one did, and it feels amazing! So quick, so direct, yet so fooling. This is a tool you will use!"
- Ori Ascher
As a magician or mentalist, we should always be ready to astound our audiences, even if we have nothing prepared.
With the 'VOICELESS' principle, you will be able to reveal thoughts with 100% accuracy, completely impromptu.
Divine playing cards, drawings, star signs, words, without your spectator ever having to say a word. They will remain completely silent, and you will be able to tell them their thoughts in seconds.
There is even a section on anagrams. Imagine doing any anagram that you already do, but without the spectator ever having to respond to you. They simply just imagine the answers, and with 100% accuracy, you nail their thought.
This principle is so easy, yet so deceptive. When you discover the method, you will laugh at how simple it is. It has fooled every single magician and mentalist that has seen it!
This is perfect for virtual shows, over the phone, close up, and stage!
Also as a BONUS, you will learn how to do an impromptu 'Mind Power' deck effect with a completely normal deck of cards.
This will look identical to the original 'Mind Power' deck effect but with no gimmicks.
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