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  • Which Hand Method & Philosophy by Timon Krause

Which Hand Method & Philosophy by Timon Krause

  • Product Code: I1248B
  • Reward Points: 15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $12.99
  • $3.99

  • Price in reward points: 399

Limited to Only 500 Copies for Worldwide Sale

Note: The books are now in stock and will be launching at the MIND6 event on the 29th of June.  The accessory packs will be delivered on the 15th of July and all orders for the book and accessory packs will be shipped the same day.

Special credit also goes out to Alex Ward who was the first to use the same methodology within a which hand routine.  Both MindFX and Timon are very grateful to Alex for allowing us to share his thoughts on this technique with all owners of this book.

"You're a f***ing idiot. I'd have kept this a secret forever." - Colin McLeod

"I saw this effect about 5 years ago when travelling through Holland and it fooled the s**t out of me. My only guess was that Timon was guessing, I was wrong, he knew! When I found out the method I smiled without saying a word for about two minutes. I Highly, highly recommend it." - Peter Turner

"The single most convincing method for the which hand effect that you will ever learn!"  - Michael Murray

"A child's minded simplicity that makes this a purely genius method." - Fraser Parker

"You think you're getting just another which hand trick? You don't! What you get is an unbelievable essay about Timon's Which Hand Sequence, with all the psychological details. I promise you there's no other script out there like it. I had the pleasure to see Timon perform this sequence many times! And - you wouldn't believe the method if you knew it. Plus it's a book beautifully produced in collaboration with Michael Murray. So safe your copy!" - Rainer Mees, Paralabs


'Which Hand Method & Philosophy' is without a doubt one of the most highly anticipated book releases within the past few years and MindFX is very excited to announce that pre-orders are now being taken. 

Now is your chance to learn the singular routine that has taken Timon across the globe for the past nine years.  Not only did Timon use this routine to fool Pen and Teller, but it also secured Timon the title of the best European mentalist in 2016 and even helped Timon to reach the finals of 'Holland's Got Talent'.  


Now is your chance to learn the routine that Timon used to fool Penn and Teller on the hit TV show 'Fool Us'.

Inside this book, you will learn two incredible scripts and presentations that Timon uses on an almost daily basis.  This is coupled with all of the variations, subtleties and additional ideas that Timon has finessed over a nine-year period.  ??You will also learn Timon's entire script writing process and his thoughts on the philosophy of magic and mentalism and there is even a bonus Q&A routine that requires nothing more than a single coin!

This is as real as it gets, no gimmicks, no questions, you just know!

The Which Hand method presented within this book is the single most convincing method you can learn to determine in which of the spectator's hands an object is hidden. This method does not rely on gimmicks or electronics of any kind, nor is any verbal process involved, making it incredibly versatile.

In fact, it would be perfectly possible to perform this method with both the performer and the participant being completely silent. Taking it one step further, you could perform this being completely silent and void of any clothing. On top of that, whatever object you decide to use is completely examinable. 

Lastly, you do not need to be particularly close to the participant nor do you need to touch them. All that happens, in terms of a mechanical process, is that the participant hides an object and extends their hands, as is custom in most effects of this nature. Once this is done, using the Which Hand method, we are instantly able to know where the object is hidden.

While some may think that a method fulfilling all the above conditions cannot possibly be sure-fire, we can assure you that it absolutely is. Which Hand will work 100% of the time, provided you follow the exact process laid out here and fulfil the necessary conditions to ensure the method will do its work. Do that, and soon you will feel as confident with this as with any other method you may have used before, with the added benefit of complete liberation, both in terms of not needing any special aid and in terms of creating your own presentations around this devastatingly clean method.


The Accessory Pack:

The accessory pack contains the following three items -

Speed Learning Training Deck - 
This custom printed deck has been specifically designed as a training aid to allow you to build your accuracy, speed and confidence in the routines without any risk of failure and without the requirement of any participant.

Replica Morgan Dollar - 
Although not specifically required for this routine, this is Timon's preferred coin of choice when working for a larger audience.

Prediction Papers -
These custom cut prediction papers are made to the exact specifications for Timons 'Fool Us' routine.

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