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  • Whispers by Jon Racherbaumer

Whispers by Jon Racherbaumer

  • Product Code: B3#5846
  • Reward Points: 10
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $14.00
  • $2.99

  • Price in reward points: 299

This treatise is a detailed exploration of a glorified location-divination, framed by a whimsical conceit - namely that an inanimate object - a playing card - is the supposed agency that makes the entire trick work. In this regard it was an effort to upgrade an essentially puerile divination effect.

Here is the basic approach or plot: The way the performer learns the identity of a freely selected card is apparently due to enlisting the assistance of another playing card (usually a Queen), which whispers the name of the selection to the magician. The magician then acts as the Queen's proxy and audibly names the selection.

  • Introduction
  • Ladson Butler
  • The Joker Tells (Ladson Butler)
  • After The Initial Seed Was Sown
  • The Whispering Queen (Harry "Louine")
  • The Wise Queen (Thurston)
  • Whispering Queen (Harry Kellar)
  • Whispering Queen (Joseph Leeming)
  • The Wise Queen (Joseph Leeming)
  • The Whispering Queen (Edward Victor)
  • Card Voice (Ted Annemann)
  • The Whispering Queen (Edward Marlo)
  • The Snappy Whispering Queen (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Stage Shout (Roy Walton)
  • Cries And Whispers (John Bannon)
  • Scries And Whispers II (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • The Queen Whispers And Whisks Away (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • The Whispering Joker (Paul Curry)
  • The Joker Reads Minds (Edward Marlo)

1st edition 2019, 50 pages.
word count: 12581 which is equivalent to 50 standard pages of text

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